DECEMBER 31, 2012

Contents: Messages to Humanity for 2013 *2012 Portal and the New Beginning
AA Michael through Celia Fenn

Posted: 30 Dec 2012 10:11 PM PST

*Click square icon below right of video viewer for large screen*

Posted: 30 Dec 2012 10:08 PM PST

As channeled by Ute


Under the blessings of your New Sun, in Me all prophecies for the year 2013, and all possible unfolding events during this time are contained.

They all are the result of humanity’s highest aspirations in unity with the Will of the Creator. While old paradigms are falling apart, after they have risen their already dying heads to their last height with very much effort and their last power, a new world is slowly dawning! 

What you have dreamed about will show their first blossoming signs, in the beginning not so noticeable, but increasingly manifesting before your eyes. 

And you will notice, if you observe with an awareness that is already participating in higher dimensional vibration and realities, that by now something very new is being birthed into manifestation, something that has not existed on your earth before.

The new reality that will appear and make its way into your world and experience, needs to be given vision and energy so that it can manifest by the power of your desire and recognition of it. Otherwise it would slip the conscious awareness of most of you.

Having descended from the heavens, by now it is merely still existing unmanifested in your world. But it is seeking to find its form by being drawn down from the etherical body of Earth into Her biological sphere. Then it will become obvious to more and more human beings, until it is an undeniable reality of new manifestation to all, as you, the forerunners have been helping to create it.

If this happens, it also rises the level of consciousness of humankind altogether and contributes thereby to the great process of ascension for every soul on your world.

It will be noticed in due course that your life will start to manifest on a completely new level. Many things will seem to be similar or even the same like they are now, but they are not, as they will begin to vibrate much higher, a Quality instilled with new Divine Clarity and In-Spiration of Great Beauty. And with this, the information of all things changes, which in turn also changes your level of consciousness. One triggers the other, but in truth there is no difference between them.

As your body-mind and world  will vibrate on an increasingly higher level, you will perceive reality differently, and although your new world will still be a world of manifestation, as it is now, your old reality will be shifted slowly to something new and fully arisen in the Divine, not manipulated by the intention of lower minds, but rising pure and unstained, sublimely expanded and sacred.

This comes with a profound change of paradigms. The Beauty of inseparable unity of all things and beings will become more and more obvious, and ever more people will suddenly realize that what is outside is somehow also inside.

However if a mind is still looking into the direction of the old world, it will not notice the arrival of the great change and claim that indeed nothing has changed at all! It is all a matter of not letting go of old habit and familiarity.Therefore it is necessary to educate and inspire the mind and heart of those who tend to persist in the old ways of perception, so that also they can begin to open their mind and heart to receive the vision of the new reality.

This can be done, if more and more servants of the light are living the unconditional love that is already present on Earth. This enables them to become transparent to the new consciousness that is waiting to be manifested, so that they are able to utilize it for creation. If the still unconscious majority of humanity is experiencing Love’s Light of non-separation, their mind and heart will wake up rapidly, willing to open for the new dawning truth.

Therefore, because of much resistance of the many in the beginning, the willing servants of light and unconditional love, are called to open their mind and heart first to begin seriously to notice what occurs. They are called to take active steps in this process and grant support with their good will, by serving their own growth first, and then humanity and the planet.

Those who desire to serve the Light must understand that much is indeed already happening, and that the path has been paved for a new world, although not yet noticeable for all. To recognize this, some more work of purification might be necessary, by releasing denser energies, mostly emotions, but also limiting beliefs from  their system. As soon as they are cleared, they will be in resonance with the dawning of the new world, able to participate in it and support it.

The more are aware of this big change and hold it consciously in their heart and mind, the stronger and sooner will your new reality shine and become a tangible experience for everybody. With this a great weight will be lifted from humanity and a new freedom in lightness and happiness will fill all hearts, relieved from the shadows of the past.

In that moment, light can fully enter your domain. And so, by receiving the Divine Gifts, humanity has liberated itself, by their willingness to rise their consciousness and SEE what already has been given by the Divine Heart to all.

Those who can grasp already now my words and what they convey  to you with their open heart and mind, are already helping with the manifestation of this new reality in your world so that soon all can participate in it.

I thank you all for your dedicated work and your love! It is up to humanity now to receive all the already given gifts more and more and to integrate them into their heart and mind.

Servants of the Light are now given a great and joyous responsibility, to open for and cooperate with this new consciousness, so it can show its signs and manifest.

May all who wish to serve, be inspired with the desire to support this growing new consciousness on earth. May they understand, that there is no end in their own evolutionary process and that all are creators of their own state of mind and heart, and that all things are possible.

May all grow beyond self-inflicted limitations and understand that every Divine Power resides already in themselves!

I AM the Angel of 2013!

Message conveyed by

THE 2012 PORTAL AND THE NEW BEGINNING The Energies for November/December 2012
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Beloved Family of Light....what a Joyful moment as we approach the final moments of the Earth's Transition and Transformation into a Multi-Dimensional Environment for the Children of Light! The Earth Keeper Council and the Council of Elders stand ready to begin their work with the Solar Council and the Galactic Council as the 2012 Stargate opens.....
Beloved Ones, this is a time of Great Celebration and Achievement. All that you have worked for is about to manifest before your eyes! We know how hard you have worked in this period of Transition, and how you have held the Energies of Peace and Balance within your own lives, so that these might also manifest on the Earth. You have created the Crystal Temple of the Divine Flame within your own Hearts, and this Sacred Space that you hold within is now ready to begin to manifest in the material world as well. We would say again to you that it is so important that you hold this energy of Balance in your own Heart, and that you be the center point for Heaven and Earth and Divine Masculine and Feminine energies. As you hold these energies in your Hearts, you become the transmitters for the Light Codes for the New Multi-Dimensional Earth!
At this time, the Energies will be intense, and you can imagine it as though the Earth were a space ship and as she passes through this Stargate there is great turbulence in the hyperspace continuum. You will feel this turbulence as energetic disturbances in your life, but if you hold that center of Light and Balance in your Heart, you will align with Divine Love and Compassion, and you will become that Still Point at the center of all. Others will appreciate the Calm and Serenity that you are able to bring to their lives at this time.
As you prepare for this Moment of Culmination and Graduation, we ask you to be aware of your Feelings and Thoughts and Actions. Hold within yourselves always the Highest Frequencies of Light and Peace, and know that you are helping to hold a Field of Divine Love, Peace and Compassion for the Earth as she passes through the 2012 Portal to take her destined place within the new Golden Rose Galaxy and on the Galactic and Solar Councils of Light!

The 11/11 Stargate and the Initiation of the Light Codes of Athena Solara and Apollo Solaris

Beloved Family of Light, it was also our Joy and Privilege to work with you at the time of the 11/11 Portal on the 11th of November and the Solar Eclipse on the 13th of November. At this time, the Earth made her final alignments for the transit of the 2012 Portal, and also your Light Bodies made new connections that would assist them to work with the energies of the 2012 Portal. At this time, the Energies of Athena and Apollo were intiated into their New Era roles as the Guardians and Custodians of the Earth/Solar portals that connect the Earth with her Twin Flame Star, the Sun or Solaris. They were given the names Athena Solara and Apollo Solaris. Together they embody the Solar Energies of the New Sun, Solaris.
Athena was previously the Archetypal Feminine energy of Wisdom and Strength, and also the Goddess of War. Now, as the New Earth rises, she is reborn as the Solar Divine Feminine Goddess of Light, embodying Wisodom, Strength, Compassion, Power and Peace. In the New Earth there will be no more war, and where the presence of Athena Solara is found, there she will shower the Golden Energy of Divine Compassion and Wisdom. After she was activated into the Earth's Harmonic Field at the Solar Eclipse on the 13th of November, she immediately went to work to assist in bringing Peace through the Solar Light Codes of Compassion and Power to those areas where it was most needed. You may call on her presence and energy wherever you would like to bring Peace and Compassion, and the deep gentleness and power of the Light Consciousness of Athena Solara.
Likewise, her partner Apollo Solaris, embodies the Light Codes of the Solar Divine Masculine. Apollo was always a Solar ar chetype, but in his new Archetypal role he becomes the embodiment of Light and Power, of Creativity and Manifestion and Joy. Where Athena brings Peace and Balance, Apollo enables the Creativity and Manifestion that will create the Structures of Peace that will form the New Earth.
Beloved Ones, you may choose to work with these New Energies in different ways, but they will support you in the expression of your desire to being Peace and to Create a New Earth Society after you have passed through the 2012 Stargate.

The 2012 Portal and the Star Grid Energies and the Multi-Dimensional Light Cities

So, Dearest Family of Light, we would also speak with you about the work that we have engaged with together with Family of Light in 2012. We have worked to create a Grid system of Geometrical "Stars" or Merkabas, that Encode and Transmit the Higher Frequencies and the Intentions of Peace. These Stars were designed as Co-Creations with Family of Light, and their purpose is to strengthen the Field of Peace as the Earth transitions through the 2012 Portal and into the Multi-Dimensional New Earth. The first star was created together with Family of Light in April of 2012 in Riga in Latvia, in the presence of the Devas and Elementals of the Forest World. Family of Light there had gathered together to share in a number of Ceremonies to activate and connect with the Elemental Energies of the Sixth Dimension and the Forest World, and to connect with the Rainbow Bridge to the Higher Dimensions that had been activated in Lapland in Northern Norway and Finland in 2011 and 2012. The Bridge had been reconnected and the Energies were flowing freely, and so the Star of Riga was co-created in a powerful Ceremony and celebrated with Song and Dance. This was followed by the Creation of the Star of Moscow in July, where Family of Light came together, including some of those who had co-created in Riga, to work together to create the Star of Moscow. Then in August, Family of Light in Turkey came together to co-create with Us the Stars of Istanbul, Izmir and Damascus. This was followed in October by the Creation of the Star of Berlin, in northern Germany, and the Star of the Bodensee in southern Germany and on the border with Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
Each of these stars is a Sacred Geomterical Icosa-dodecahedron Crystal of Light, spinning at high frequency and transmitting the intention of their Creators, to bring Peace and Love to the New Earth and to the Cities where they are located. They work with Free Will and Choice, making the Light Codes available to those who would open their hearts and receive. The Stars are also linked together in a Star Grid that will asisst the Ascension of the Earth at the 2012 Portal.
The last of these Stars for the 2012 Star Grid, will be Co-created in New York City in December 2012. We shall be present there to work with Family of Light once again, and to co-create the Star of New York that will carry the Intention of Love and Peace for the City. At this moment the stars in the East will link with the Stars in the West, to create a bridge between the USA, Europe and the Middle East as an Activation Point for the Ascended Earth energies.
But, we will also work to initiate the first Multi-Dimensional Golden City of Light in New York City!
Beloved Ones, know that as the New Earth is born, the Paradise Codes that were activated in 2005 will move into Higher Activation and will begin to work also with the Great Cities of the Planet. It is in the Cities that Transformation is most needed, and the Golden Multi-Dimensional Citie will be focal points for the seeding of the New Energies and for New Ways of Living in Harmony with the Earth and all her Beings.
At the 2012 Portal, the Star Grid will assist in activating the New Earth Light Codes for each of the Citie where the Stars were created, and in transmitting these Codes to those Cities who choose to make the shift into Multi-Dimensional Golden Cities of Light!
We do invite you, wherever you may be, to join with us in holding the energies for the Multi-Dimensional Golden Cities of Light of the Future New Earth.
Beloved is indeed a most Wonderful and Exciting Time for All on Planet Earth!

What You Can Expect at the 2012 Portal

Beloved Family of Light, contrary to what many others have said, we have always old you that the 2012 process would be carried through with the Intention of Peace and Grace, and without Disaster and Catastrophe on a Global Scale. And so indeed it Is! You, as Awakened Family of Light, came here to serve this very Purpose of holding the Sacred Space of Peace and Love so that the Earth could enter into the New Dream of the New Earth without having to go trough the upheavals and traumas of destruction.
But we aks you to be aware, that there are many prophecies and "dreams" that suggest choas and fear, and it is necessary that you do not allow these to create an energy of anxiety and stress at this time. We ask you to turn away from fear and any who seek to create fear, and rather celebrate what has been achieved on your Earth and in the Galaxy!
You will pass through the 2012 Portal with the minimum of disturbance and with Joy!
Those who are "seasoned" Lightworkers and who are on the Ascension 2012 Teams, may indeed feel very tired, even to the point of exhaustion. You are holding the energy for the great change in your Light Body and in your Body. You are transmitting the New Light Codes day and night, so yes, you may feel very tired, but it will pass as you emerge on the "other side" of the Portal. Imagine that you are holding the spaceship steady as she transits the stargate, and that it is hard work, but yes indeed, Beloveds, it is worth it!
You may experience chaos in some way...chaotic dreams the Collective Consciousness tries to deal with the Shift into Multi-Dimensional functioning. You may experience sleeplessness and anxiety and even a little depression and sadness as you deal with these energies, but focus on being within the Crystal Temple of the Heart, which is your own Sacred Space, and all will be Well! is the End! The End of the Old Earth of lower frequency, which is slowly disintegrating like an old and worn out dream. And it is the New Beginning of the New Earth...the New Dream of Peace, Love and Abundance!
So, until we meet again on the "other side"...We wih you a Joyous Celebration of the 2012 Portal and Welcome in the Multi-Dimensional New Earth!


'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' Owen Waters
Rev. Caroline Dawley,  Publisher, New Earth Rising - Global Messenger
Visit my  blogs:
Peace is the Pathway of Peace

Sacred Alignment -Sacred Cross - Meditation -Jesua Message

Contents:Short Film Sacred Cross and Call to World Servers
***Meditation - For Ascension 2013 and Sacred Cross Alignment
***Jesua Message- You are the Center of the Sun...
the Meditation below may be used to continue to bring forward the birth of the New Paradigm of Peace on Earth and is itself shaped like the sacred cross and the infinity symbol for Eternity...Let us join our minds together as one and give thanks for our Earth Walk; For all the lessons learned, for all the bring us to this point of Transformation and Ascension of the Human Being. GRATITUDE IS THE KEY TO FUTURE ABUNDANCE...AND CREATES ROOM FOR THE NEW BEGINNING...  Rev. Caroline Dawley

Click on the link:

2012 - World Servers Festival Week - YouTube
Jul 6, 2012 - Uploaded by xavier8699 
Each day at 5:00 PM, wherever you are, use the following mantram: May the ...


"As you become more proficient as cocreators on the earthly plane, you must constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You must strive for sustained harmony and refined godly expression. You must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire within, which has lain dormant for many thousands of years. You must learn to direct and focus your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change. By establishing and constantly upgrading your Twelve Ray Creator Wheel of Life, you are planting the seeds of focused change; and you are supplying the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have envisioned. When you can do this proficiently, your personal world will become a wonderland, and you will become a beacon of Light for all to see." unknown author

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 10:01 PM PST

As channeled through Pamela Kribbe 

Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I represent the Christ energy, which is now born on Earth in and through you. I ask you to imagine my energy as a sun. Just think of the actual Sun, that radiant image of life and strength. You also can see the sun as a metaphor, as an image of yourself, of your own being and soul. Focus your consciousness for a few moments on the center of the Sun, and enter into it with your imagination - do it very calmly and quietly.

Feel the immeasurable power of the energy field that is the Sun and feel yourself in the center of that huge volcano of energy. Feel the silence and tranquillity there, and the spontaneous nature of this radiance that happens by itself: the Sun radiates its light outward effortlessly. Rest, surrounded by light, in the center of the Sun and feel how right and natural it is that you are carried by this source of power.

This light is there for you, because you are, in your essence, yourself a sun. Allow yourself to relax and sink into this light. Let this light envelop you in a gentle and loving way: very flowing, warming, but never burning. Allow this light to flow through you completely and to remind you of who you are: a soul, a sun, a star in all the cells of your body. Allow every cell in your body to be imbued with this healing light of your soul-sun.

You can find the center of this sun, your central core, whenever in your daily life you return to the Now by bringing your attention completely into the present. If you are busy with the past or the future, you go out of your center and you lose connection with your light source - that which carries you. But what is the Now really? You are asked to be in the Now, in the moment, in the present, but what is that Now in reality?

Once you talk about it, it is already over. The Now is not a minute, not a second; it cannot be actually named as a unit of time. The Now evades you when you want to determine what it is. There are no limiting boundaries to the time that is the Now. The Now defies ordinary ways of thinking. In the earthly sense, you can calculate time and count it - there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 7 days in a week, etc.

That way of viewing time is not natural to the human spirit. The Now is free from time - what unit of time can describe it? The human mind cannot contain or understand the Now, because it is not subject to the logic of thought, although it is quite understandable to your feelings.

You know what it is like to completely lose yourself in the moment; for example, in an instant of enjoyment. There may have been times when you experienced something beautiful and at the same time you realized how special that moment was. You were aware and completely open to the experience that resonated and flowed through your body, soul, and feelings.

When that happens, you are one with the experience and one with the Now - you are the Now! When you are in the Now, you are also then in the center of your sun, your soul, and all change takes place from that central core within you. We talked today about fear and how you feel anxious when you are outside your core and away from your center. Fear is also linked to thinking in calculable time, the past and the future: “What will happen?

What will go wrong?” Anticipating the future from fear is very human, but it can happen only if you have moved from your center, moved from the Now. Being in the Now means that all your inner strengths come together and become integrated, and you do this by being completely present in your body, soul, and feelings. I want to say a little more about the concept of time, and how it can intimidate and frighten you.

During the last few decades, there have been many predictions about certain dates that lie in the future. Time is seen then as a sort of line that runs from the present toward the future and on that basis certain events become fixed. By accepting that vision of time, you could then be able to prepare for the coming events, and you can do that from either fear or trust. But is this a true image?

Is the future really a straight line on which things are fixed in place? Is the future the sum total of all those hours, days, and months that lie ahead of you? Or is this a wholly restrictive way of looking at time and the future? You who are here and who hear this, know that there is more to life than what is just visible in the world. You see the form of things - someone's body, the trees or animals, or even the plants and stones - but you intuit that there is something within all those things that is not visible to the eyes and to the physical senses.

You feel something mysterious is there, an inner life, which creates a unique individual or thing. You know you need to look more deeply than just at the surface of things, and you know also what it is to experience joy when you penetrate into their inner world, which is also within you.

That is real life; that is the reality of all things. The exterior is only a manifestation of that inner world. What about time then? If you look at time as a line of quantifiable units or spaces - days, weeks, months, years - than you look at time from only the outside; from the perspective of that which you can measure with a clock or a ruler.

But time as seen from the inside, as an experience, is something quite different. That inner perspective becomes evident when you consider the concept of the Now. The concept of the Now can not be based on the clock or on the calendar; it is based on your conscious presence, on your awareness.

According to your inner sense of time, time can go very fast or very slow, independently of how the clock ticks. “Inner time” can stand still when you experience bliss and stretch out endlessly when you are bored; inner time flows according to the way you experience things What about the future and the past?

What is their reality when seen from the inside and not from the outside? Imagine again, for a moment, that you are in the core of the sun of your soul, where in its motionless center there is no time - there is only eternity. Although there is movement in the form of rays radiating out, there is a primordial essence that is always just there. You can call it God consciousness, if you wish, but it is Eternal Life, and it is there inside you, too, deep in your center.

A sun emits rays, and imagine that you are present in those rays that effortlessly radiate from your sun. By way of those rays, you can manifest yourself in many lives and be anywhere in the universe. Every ray is a life in time and space, you might say, in which you have taken on a specific form: a body. You have experiences in that body; it has a beginning and an end; it is born and it dies; it is mortal.

To live in such a body, focused in time, you become biologically aware and under the influence of the concept of time. You begin to see things in terms of the finite, but your true center is in the center of your sun and you, as this sun, emit countless rays that are possible manifestations of you in the future - potential lives and expressions of yourself. The future is not fixed; although every timeline is a very real possibility in the Now, you choose to activate one and make it real in your world.

See the past also in this way for a moment. You think there is only one timeline that runs from the past to the Now, but seen from the center point of your sun, that is not so. Behind you lies a whole range of timelines, some of which have become activated by you and your choices, and many others which lie dormant, so to speak, but which might still be activated at some time in your future.

The past is not fixed and “over”: you can recreate the past by reinterpreting the experiences you had, by interacting with them from the present. This is possible because the past is not something outside of you, it is not a dot on a line. I will give an example to clarify this matter. Let us assume you felt afflicted by your past relationship with your mother or your father; that you felt you were not recognized for who you were and experienced fear and a lack of security in that relationship.

You believe your life has been determined by that past and you feel a sense of victimhood because of it. You feel you were made into who you are now due partly to your parents, as a product of your upbringing. But suppose that you, in the course of your life, are going to delve into your consciousness through the process of inner growth. You make the connection with your soul and you go into who you are at your core, the sun within you.

Through this process you now form a much broader perspective of your life. You now see your parents in the context of their past, for example, and you now see their powerlessness and their images of fear and negative convictions. You have forgiveness in your heart. This broader perspective helps you to gradually feel less the victim of your parents. Moreover, you start to see that there is a part of you that has never been really touched by what happened to you, a part that has remained whole and unscathed.

You increasingly feel your own autonomy and independence. And the more you connect during your life with the center point of the sun within you, the easier will it be for you to let go of the past, such as your relationship with your parents. The way you experienced that relationship was only one ray, one possible timeline, and by changing your awareness of who you really are, you can shift to another experience of the past, and to another timeline.

You are now able to look at the relationship with your mother and father from the perspective of the soul, of which as a child you were not aware. Since you are now more in your center core, you are able to perceive your parents in a different light, in a more gentle, forgiving way. You can explain to the child within you how certain painful experiences helped you grow and how your parents were unaware of the pain they inflicted.

Your present consciousness recreates the past by liberating the energy within you that got imprisoned by it. You are literally creating a new timeline in the past, which will affect your current relationship with your parents. They will sense a difference in you and if they are open to it, your relationship will change for the better.

You have opened up the past through your new perception, and thus created a new timeline in which more understanding and love exists. This is a real possibility. With your consciousness you can break open time. Time is not fixed and closed behind you; the past is not really over.

Whatever you have experienced, even when there were traumatizing events in your past which profoundly influenced you, there are openings available from the present to bring comfort, love, and encouragement to yourself in that past. The past is like so many solar rays that come from your core, to which you can still make a connection if you go to the center of the Sun. You can recreate your own past - enlighten and lighten it - by looking with more understanding at who you were and at the people who were around you.

If you do this, you simultaneously recreate the past as well as create a new future, because shedding light on the past and altering the energy you carry from the past will activate a new and brighter future for you. Neither past nor future are fixed; you can influence both of them from the Now moment and you can do so most powerfully when you are in your center, which means you are connected to your soul.

Where you stand in the Now is an experience - a living, creative moment - and not a dash on a ruler, nor a dash on a timeline. From the well of the Now, all timelines spring. The Now is where you are in the present moment - where you are with your full attention is the Now. As soon as you are attentive to this most enlightened and present part of you - your core, your soul, your consciousness - then you radiate from this sun-center toward both your past and your future, and it all comes together.

Time is not a straight line; you can imagine it better as an intricate 3D spider web, fanning out in all directions both past and future. And what can you do with this knowledge in the present, in your everyday life? You can become aware of your own strength and potential. Everything is within the range of your power, both past and future.

There is no power outside you; no power that determines your future or says what your past must be - nothing is determined. You are the creator, always, and in every moment. In that sense, you are master over your own past and your own future. If you remain in your core, you can hold on to this consciousness, this source of light.

In the continual realization of this source lies your confidence, safety, and surrender. If you are in the center of this sun, you know you can surrender to it - it is apparent and natural for you to do so. However, once you leave the center and start thinking: "How do I escape my terrible past? How do I create a future in this world that is so full of fear and threat?", you are already out of your core.

The art of this transformative process is to go back into your core, your center, and to not want to solve problems through thinking, but to seek solutions from within the core, the center of your sun, the Now - where there is no time! This is the Home where you are who you are, and where there is nothing outside you that can determine or keep you from your destiny. I ask you to imagine again that you are in the center of this radiant sun that you are.

You feel one with the light and strength that is there, and it is effortless for you to do so, because this sun exists within you already. And now imagine that somewhere in that web of rays emitting from your inner sun is a timeline from the past that needs to come more into the light.

You do not have to feel or see something concrete, simply imagine that the light from your sun easily fills that dark alleyway from the past. It may be that you do not quite manage to fully rekindle the light there, but the light has made an initial connection with that timeline from the past, so you can come to it again whenever you want to do so. Say to these past events now surrounded by your sun-light: “Everything that needs to receive Light, receives that Light from me.

Old pain and trauma that want to be resolved and released can now come forth into my Light.” Let go of all clinging to these past occurrences, they do not define who you are; you are not the darkness you perceive there - you are the Light! You - operating from the center of your Sun - are the liberator and healer of the past and thereby the creator of the future. Now go to the future.

The future lies around you as a huge 3D spider web with many threads, and you are at its center. The future is not something that comes to you from the outside. The threads of the web spring from your heart; they are spun effortlessly by the continual thoughts and feelings you have.

The inner states you fluctuate between create countless possible timelines. You do not have to do anything special to make that happen - it simply happens because you are a sun who cannot help but radiate outwardly. It is in your nature to be a Creator. Now, ask the future, ask that web of timelines to show you what is the brightest thread for you at the moment. Ask: "What do I need to focus on now?

What direction should I follow now so that I can walk into a beautiful and radiant future? What do I need to be aware of now, in this moment?" There will come an urging from the center of this sun that you are, so just be open to it. Your soul wants to reassure you and to encourage you to connect with a powerful, beautiful future that is already lying dormant within your being.

Be aware of how effortlessly that future will come to you; you do not have to strive or work for it. Stay in the Now. Feel in your heart how the energy of this beautiful, bright future is already a part of you. In this way, you will draw it to yourself with more ease.

Feel that beautiful future in your heart and awaken it by simply rejoicing in it. Be open to its lovely vibration. Invite it into your heart and into your hands, and through your open hands, let it flow out into the Earth. Let it happen - it will take root naturally. Have confidence in your future and feel your sun power deeply within. Feel it in your heart, feel it in your belly, feel it in your legs.

Allow that sun power to be grounded through your feet

Copyright © Pamela Kribbe - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely
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'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' Owen Waters
Rev. Caroline Dawley,  Publisher, New Earth Rising - Global Messenger
Visit my  blogs:
Peace is the Pathway of Peace