Saturday, December 17, 2016


WINTER SOLSTICE marks the time of change; the end of our present cycle of 2016. It is the time of the longest night and shortest day.  With the rising of the New Sun on Dec. 22, we celebrate the Victory of Light over darkness and begin a new cycle and longer days of light in the northern hemisphere.. 
Pathway of Peace Community celebrates this event around the Fire, lighting the World Peace Flame and extending the Peace around the Globe forming one Large Circle of our Human Family.
"Our Dream is for the World Peace Flame to burn in every major city in the World."  If you would like to receive a taper from this flame, please email me at for instructions. 
This year we celebrate this yearly event at the Dunedin Dharma Center. 
May the Yule flame burn for all and brighten the eternal flame that glows within each one of you this year.
Wishing you Peace and Love, Rev. Caroline Dawley

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Human Rights Day - Prayer and Drumming Circle




SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2016, at 4:00 -5:30pm EST

Join the Global Community as we Pray and Drum for Human Rights around the Globe

and continued prayer and vigilance for Standing Rock and all Indigenous People.

Facilitated by Rev. Caroline Dawley
gratitude offering appreciated.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Sunday Global Call to Prayer for Standing Rock


SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2016 AT 11:00 am EST

DUNEDIN CAUSEWAY BEACH (Next to Kayak Rentals)

1\2 Hour of prayer by Elder, Chief Arvol Looking Horse

1/2 Hour of Intentional Drumming to raise the vibration and consciousness at Standing Rock
and to end the Pipeline.

Bring your drum.  Let the Drums be heard around the world.

Rev. Caroline Dawley


Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Iroquois Thanksgiving Address

The Iroquois Thanksgiving Address is believed to sustain the Earth.  By giving thanks, Life continues to grow and Thrive. But when we fail to show respect and gratitude, then the Earth will end as we know it.  Lets remember to stand in Gratitude every day; on the first awakening and before sleep. 
As spoken at the United Nations; "Cry of the Earth Summit", Nov. 22, 1993.  


These greetings affirm the linkage of we humans to one another and our relationship to the environment and the universe.  From time immemorable,  humans knew and felt relationship to all life, but that sacred hoop is broken, that relationship of wholeness must be regained.

By Chief Jake Swamp, Mohawk

"Ohenton Kariwahtekwen"



Today we have gathered and we see that the cycles of life continue. We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. So now, we bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as people. Now our minds are one.


We are all thankful to our Mother, the Earth, for she gives us all that we need for life. She supports our feet as we walk about upon her. It gives us joy that she continues to care for us as she has from the beginning of time. To our mother, we send greetings and thanks. Now our minds are one.


We give thanks to all the waters of the world for quenching our thirst and providing us with strength. Water is life. We know its power in many forms-waterfalls and rain, mists and streams, rivers and oceans. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to the spirit of Water. Now our minds are one.

      THE FISH

We turn our minds to the all the Fish life in the water. They were instructed to cleanse and purify the water. They also give themselves to us as food. We are grateful that we can still find pure water. So, we turn now to the Fish and send our greetings and thanks. Now our minds are one.


Now we turn toward the vast fields of Plant life. As far as the eye can see, the Plants grow, working many wonders. They sustain many life forms. With our minds gathered together, we give thanks and look forward to seeing Plant life for many generations to come. Now our minds are one.


With one mind, we turn to honor and thank all the Food Plants we harvest from the garden. Since the beginning of time, the grains, vegetables, beans and berries have helped the people survive. Many other living things draw strength from them too. We gather all the Plant Foods together as one and send them a greeting of thanks. Now our minds are one.


Now we turn to all the Medicine herbs of the world. From the beginning they were instructed to take away sickness. They are always waiting and ready to heal us. We are happy there are still among us those special few who remember how tose these plants for healing. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to the Medicines and to the keepers of the Medicines. Now our minds are one.


We gather our minds together to send greetings and thanks to all the Animal life in the world. They have many things to teach us as people. We are honored by them when they give up their lives so we may use their bodies as food for our people. We see them near our homes and in the deep forests. We are glad they are still here and we hope that it will always be so. Now our minds are one


We now turn our thoughts to the Trees. The Earth has many families of Trees who have their own instructions and uses. Some provide us with shelter and shade, others with fruit, beauty and other useful things. Many people of the world use a Tree as a symbol of peace and strength. With one mind, we greet and thank the Tree life.Now our minds are one.


We put our minds together as one and thank all the Birds who move and fly about over our heads. The Creator gave them beautiful songs. Each day they remind us to enjoy and appreciate life. The Eagle was chosen to be their leader. To all the Birds-from the smallest to the largest-we send our joyful greetings and thanks.Now our minds are one.


We are all thankful to the powers we know as the Four Winds. We hear their voices in the moving air as they refresh us and purify the air we breathe. They help us to bring the change of seasons. From the four directions they come, bringing us messages and giving us strength. With one mind, we send our greetings and thanks to the Four Winds.

Now our minds are one.


Now we turn to the west where our grandfathers, the Thunder Beings, live. With lightning and thundering voices, they bring with them the water that renews life. We are thankful that they keep those evil things made by Okwiseres underground. We bring our minds together as one to send greetings and thanks to our Grandfathers, the Thunderers. Now our minds are one.


We now send greetings and thanks to our eldest Brother, the Sun. Each day without fail he travels the sky from east to west, bringing the light of a new day. He is the source of all the fires of life. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to our Brother, the Sun.

Now our minds are one.


We put our minds together to give thanks to our oldest Grandmother, the Moon, who lights the night-time sky. She is the leader of woman all over the world, and she governs the movement of the ocean tides. By her changing face we measure time, and it is the Moon who watches over the arrival of children here on Earth. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to our Grandmother, the Moon. Now our minds are one.


We give thanks to the Stars who are spread across the sky like jewelry. We see them in the night, helping the Moon to light the darkness and bringing dew to the gardens and growing things. When we travel at night, they guide us home. With our minds gathered together as one, we send greetings and thanks to the Stars. Now our minds are one.


We gather our minds to greet and thank the enlightened Teachers who have come to help throughout the ages. When we forget how to live in harmony, they remind us of the way we were instructed to live as people. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to these caring teachers. Now our minds are one.


Now we turn our thoughts to the creator, or Great Spirit, and send greetings and thanks for all the gifts of Creation. Everything we need to live a good life is here on this Mother Earth. For all the love that is still around us, we gather our minds together as one and send our choicest words of greetings and thanks to the Creator. Now our minds are one.


We have now arrived at the place where we end our words. Of all the things we have named, it was not our intention to leave anything out. If something was forgotten, we leave it to each individual to send such greetings and thanks in their own way.

Now our minds are one.


Saturday, November 12, 2016


Inline image
PATHWAY OF PEACE : JOURNEY TO THE NEW EARTH, by Rev. Caroline Dawley is available on Amazon and
Spring Equinox Circle on the Beach 2016
Excerpt, Full Moon Teachings. "Cycle of Truth Lesson: Walk the Truth: The Eleventh Moon Cycle of Truth teaches you how to focus your energies."
MOON: FREEZE UP MOON – Cycle of Truth Lesson: Walk the Truth

October 24 to November 21

Animal: snake, Mineral: Malachite, copper, Color: Orange, Plant: thistle, Clan: frog, Element: water

Copper teaches people experiencing the Freeze Up Moon about how to focus their energies and malachite teaches them to be more sensitive to all energies. The thistle demonstrates healing abilities and versatility. The snake teaches adaptability and the capacity to silently travel to places others might fear to go. This is the position to learn how to travel between the different realms of creation and how to become a messenger for the spiritual aspects of life. The snake position will teach you about the extent of your own energy, your ability to create change, your inquisitiveness, your desire for truth, and your keen sight. When working with the Freeze Up Moon you must be careful to keep yourself grounded and not to become too suspicious of people.

Cycle of Truth Lesson: Walk the Truth: The Eleventh Moon Cycle of Truth teaches you how to focus your energies to travel between dimensions.  You are a seeker of truth and your desire for truth and intuitive ability gives you strength to stand up for what you honor and the what you believe to be Truth.  You have stamina and strength to venture into new territory and to Walk with others who support manifesting the highest good for creation and the Planet.  You will learn  how to use your Authority and Will to aid the Planet in bringing forth Peace and Healing for the Planet.
Walk in Peace, Caroline

Saturday, October 29, 2016


Book Release and Inspired Message for our Time.  PATHWAY OF PEACE : JOURNEY TO THE NEW EARTH, by Rev. Caroline Dawley  on Amazon and Createspace. Book Review. Excerpt.
Chapter 4; Tribute to Chief Leon Shenandoah, Tadodaho 

 I give thanks to Creator for the life and work of the late Chief Leon Shenandoah.  I give thanks that he was faithful to do his duty working for Creator extending the Peace from nation to nation.  A Holy man sent from Creator he passed through the fire and lived. Destined to carry on the work of the Ancestors and the Peacemakers before him in the plan for Peace on Earth, he came bearing the marks in his hands.  His purpose was to give Thanks and to help Mother Earth, and share the message of the Great Peace among all nations. A humble man he went about planting the seed of peace in the hearts of all who met him.
 A profit of Handsome Lake, he was a visionary who saw the future Purification, the time of the Great Change on Earth. He held the ancient prophecy for the world to hear and in November 1993, before the United Nations “Cry of the Earth Summit”, he spoke the ancient prophecy in the Thanksgiving address.
Chief Shenandoah held ancient wisdom and ancient prophecy of the Earth, he was given these words by a Wise Woman who lived in the Mountains.  I listened to the tape of her words, “I saw you coming from a great distance, I saw Lights all around you. Indeed, I am deeply honored by your presence… you are truly a Holy One sent by Creator to carry the Message of Peace to the World. You have come through the fire and lived, you were chosen by Creator and sent here for an important Mission on Earth.  Your People are the only ones who hold that Message for the World.”
Chief Shenandoah went on his long journey on July 22, 1996.  Ten days after death, as is custom among the Haudenosaunee a feast was held in his honor to give him strength for his journey.  On hearing the Rolling Thunder in the great Sky Nation, I knew the Grandfathers, the Great Thunder Beings, were summoning the whole Earth that a Great Holy Man was leaving this world.  People were gathered at his feast, to honor him.
While driving home I noticed soft lights in the Sky and heard the sound of distant thunder.  Sitting outside I watched the Sky Nation and sent a final prayer that my friend would have a “Good Journey Home”.  I saw a Grand Procession in the Sky Nation; the Great Chiefs of Old, the Grandfathers, the Ancestors, all moving slowly across the Sky.  Moving between the distant Rolls of Thunder, the soft Lights sent Beams of Love and Peace to Mother Earth and all Creation.  I noticed the whole Earth grew still, even the trees were silent.  Blinking softly in the night sky, Eel, Conductor of Love, was sending his message to Mother Earth, accompanied by the Grand Procession, they moved farther and farther away until they were gone.
I give abundant thanks to Creator for Chief Leon Shenandoah, I am honored to have known him on Earth, and for the guidance he continues to give from the other side; extending the Peace in the message of this book and its teachings.  Walking in Peace, Caroline Dawley

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


My vision and intention is to bring the ancient wisdom teachings of Peace to the world. With enthusiasm I bring together the Great Law of Peace of the Iroquois, and The Law of One of the Essenes, from the Dead Sea Scrolls.  The teachings hold the pattern for life and show how to sustain life on the earth by utilizing Universal Laws and the Universal Life Force energy.  I refer to the Aura or electro-magnetic field surrounding the body of all living things, and how we can infuse our Energy body with Light and higher vibration, bringing balance and wellbeing to the world..   I teach from personal experience, having Vision and experience on my own Mythical Journey; I am a visionary, teacher, and seeker of truth.  I’ve been traveling on this journey all my life and am now urged by my spiritual guidance to share this Message, teaching  Universal Laws and how to affect evolution and sustainability of our beloved Planet Earth.
 As we open our hearts and minds to receive life's lessons we come to the knowledge that we are all one family in the Divine plan as we seek divine truth, we learn to acknowledge and respect all sacred points of view.  It is through this wisdom that we understand Creator's Law of ONE; the interconnection of all parts, in ONE evolving whole.
 We live in crucial times, prophecy points to the time of the Great Purification, the Great Change on earth.  As human beings we have lost our vision of the whole, becoming fragmented and separated from our true family that makes up the whole of Creation.  We have come full circle as the end of the age draws near, the Ancestors also draw near.  Listening to the voice of Ancient Wisdom,(that I call, Thundering Voices), we hear the call to wholeness. It is crucial that to regain the balance of Earth, we must take our place in the sacred circle of life and listen to the voice of Wisdom, these teachings are ancient wisdom, seeds of truth planted in the planetary memory since the beginning of time. It is time to awaken, to embrace the teachings of the Essenes and the Tree of Life, the Great law of Peace and the Tree of Peace, and the Evolving Theories of the Earth’s electro-magnetic field, sometimes called the Torus, referred to in the Movie; Thrive.   May we come to the true knowledge that we are one family of nations and we have a sacred duty to the Earth and all living beings to bring rebirth and planetary transformation;  healing  and right relationship, to Earth, our Creator, and all the Circle of Life.  When we become whole, we remember the Divine truth of our highest reality. “As we heal ourselves, we heal the family. As we heal the family we heal the community, as we heal the community we heal the nation, as we heal the nation we heal the world.” Algonquin Prayer. 

The story is filled with symbolism that leads to Ancient Wisdom and a New Pathway into the Heart of Planetary Memory.  Our Indigenous Elders hold keys to Ancient Wisdom to heal Mother Earth and bring Wholeness and Balance to Creation.
The journey follows a Pathway through the Heart, depicted in the forest scene, entering the root of consciousness; an inward journey calling us to set aside our limited worldview, and by faith and trust, awaken the Dream and vision for Oneness and Peace. Many refer to as the Whirling Rainbow Dream.
Vistas open as our spirit guides lead us on the pathway. We have entered a new sphere of under-standing where the forest comes alive; animals are messengers and the Trees stand as witness to Natural Law. In this sphere, all life is equal and love and peace stand tall.  Creation is interconnected and works for the highest good, all are One; heaven and earth, spirit and matter, working to sustain and balance the earth bringing healing and wholeness. There is no division, all work together in an interwoven pattern manifesting a new tapestry for Peace.
Eagle raises our awareness to a higher mind and expanded view, where all beings equally share stewardship of the Great Mother, who supports all life.  Gratitude and love are the higher frequencies that vibrate into Earth’s field and sustain life.
Deer appears as Monarch of this Forest World and with a Pure Heart, the Great One leads us through the dark entrance to the Void, the Great Mystery.   In this passage, we gain a new life; transformed, flowing with Life and Light, in One Heart, One Spirit, One Family.  With the gift of a Pure White Heart all beings embrace true brotherhood and sisterhood as honored traditions, giving birth to peace and trust among nations.  The Great Peace was planted long ago in the Heart of Mother Earth and has grown up into the New Human being.
The Great White Pine, symbolizing the Law of Peace; an axis between heaven and earth, is a reflection to humankind of our inner constitution with roots planted deep in the heart and soil (soul) of the Mother, branches reaching to the Sky. The ancient ones stand tall, witnesses of her-story and creation’s journey from darkness into Light. 
The Sun sends frequencies of Light, radiating the Earth with higher vibrations of love. The Vibrant Golden Liquid Light when breathed in revitalizes life with new energies and colors of the 12 Rays of vibrating frequencies.  Awareness opens to new realities on the horizon of a frontier of expanded consciousness and the Tree of Life blossoms with new growth. The Garden, once abandoned as wilderness is made green again as the New Earth is seeded, and the Tree of Life blossoms, ascending ever upward into heaven.
Soaring through the Eagle’s Eye, becoming one, we journey through the inner Passageway of the Great Cosmic Sun, planting seeds in the New Earth and building a bridge to the new Golden Age of Peace.  Welcome to the Journey.
PATHWAY OF PEACE : JOURNEY TO THE NEW EARTH, may be purchased at or at   Please share your comments below.
Walking in Peace, Caroline Dawley

Friday, October 14, 2016



By Rev. Caroline Dawley

Book Review; Excerpt:  Ch. 9 "Medicine Wheel Teachings"


WEST DIRECTION ON THE WHEEL - Strength and Introspection

Moon: Ducks Flying Moon -  Cycle of Truth Lesson: Work for the Truth

Animal: raven, Mineral: jasper, Color: brown, Plant: mullein, Clan: butterfly, Element: air

From the jasper, people experiencing this energy can learn how to draw both the earth and sun energy into their being and how to understand the messages of the heart. From the mullein they can learn about their abilities both to soothe and to irritate. From the raven they will gain understanding of their relationships with groups, and their ability to soar and dive. This is the position in which you can learn what balance truly is, even if you need to experience discomfort in order to do so. People experiencing the Ducks Fly Moon can rapidly go from one idea, concept, or mood to its opposite. This position can teach how to show physical affection and how to be comfortable both in earth and sky. People experiencing the raven energy must be careful not to be totally indecisive, and so changeable they confuse even themselves.

Cycle of Truth Lesson: Work for the Truth:

The Tenth Moon Cycle of Truth teaches the Lesson, Work for the Truth.  When you work for the Truth, you create substance of Dreams and bring them to the Earth to assist in bringing Peace on Earth for all the Circle of Life and the Planet.  You have the ability to soar to heights where you gain understanding of the whole point of view, and you also have the ability of going within to find the answers.  Working for the Truth, you assist bringing wholeness and healing to the Planet.

The Medicine Wheel is a Model for Change for the World
As we align with the energies of the Creator and Mother Earth, we are given gifts to share with Creation.  I was honored with the gift of ceremony and ritual as a form bringing forth Truth and Life. When we walk through the seven cycles of the Moon, we receive 5 more, thus the 12.  As we stand on each spoke of the Wisdom Wheel of Life and complete the 12, we then become our Vision, the 13th Tribe or One Family, manifesting the New Beginning of Heaven on Earth, and the fifth world of Peace and Illumination.  The 7 colors of the chakras correspond with the seven colors of the Rainbow, the Octave relating to Planet Earth referred to as the Rainbow Planet of love.   As we ascend in consciousness, we receive the five more colors and begin integrating to the next Octave corresponding to the New Earth we are creating.
The Medicine People are keepers of the sacred knowledge of life. They learned how to enter the rhythms and forces of nature and communicate in all worlds within worlds. The Medicine wheel represents the universe and all our relations that share sacred space in the visible and invisible worlds. We understand that we are multi-dimensional beings of light who enter the rhythms of all dimensions and wheels within wheels when we enter the Sacred Space of Zero Point.
 We begin with ourselves to understand the patterns and rhythms of nature by creating sacred space. We are energy beings who have come to this earth to learn how to be real human beings. Our environment is out of balance and we are constantly bombarded with energy, creating sacred space allows us to begin to walk in balance as we learn to live in a harmonious way. The ceremony is a way to connect with our Creator and all our relatives as we learn to walk in a way that honors all life who share Mother Earth.
 My initiation into Ceremony and ritual resulted in a dedication to offering Full Moon and Solstice/Equinox Ceremony on the Medicine Wheel as a way of imparting the Wisdom of the 13 Original Clan Mothers, and sharing the Gift of the Energetic Cycles of Truth. As we pass through the Seven Gates or Seven Initiations on the Wheel, we pass through the veils of illusion in the world of duality, and see clearly from a whole perspective. Ceremony on the Medicine Wheel offers entrance into the Divine through understanding all dimensions that make up Creation. The Four Directions, the Above Direction, the Below Direction and Within Direction bring us to the place of Transformation and Zero Point entrance into the Void. As we complete each lesson; we evolve up the Spiral to the frequency of Wholeness. Activating our 12 Strand DNA. Giving thanks to Grandmother Moon who influences the females of all species and the waters of the world. Peace and Blessings, Caroline Dawley
Please start a conversation, comment in the space below.

Sunday, October 9, 2016


PATHWAY OF PEACE : JOURNEY TO THE NEW EARTH, By Rev. Caroline Dawley  Is an inspired Message for our time, available on Amazon and Createspace/store   


Drumming is an ancient form that uses rhythm to promote healing and self-expression. From the shamans of the rainforest to the Native Americans, rhythm has been used for thousands of years to create and maintain physical, mental, and spiritual health bringing peace and harmony to the planet as we become one harmonious sound.  Current research is now verifying the therapeutic effects of ancient rhythm techniques. Such research reviews indicate that drumming accelerates physical healing, boosts the immune system and produces feelings of well-being, a release of emotional trauma, and reintegration of self. Other studies have demonstrated the calming, focusing, and healing effects of drumming on Alzheimer's patients, autistic children, emotionally disturbed teens, recovering addicts, trauma patients, and prison and homeless populations. Study results demonstrate that drumming is a valuable treatment for stress, fatigue, anxiety, hypertension, asthma, chronic pain, arthritis, mental illness, migraines, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, paralysis, emotional disorders, and a wide range of physical disabilities. For example, a 2014 study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine enrolled both middle-aged experienced drummers and a younger novice group in a 40-minute djembe drumming sessions. Their blood pressure, blood lactate and stress and anxiety levels were taken before and after the sessions. Also, their heart rate was monitored at 5 second intervals throughout the sessions. As a result of the trial, all participants saw a drop in stress and anxiety. Systolic blood pressure dropped in the older population post drumming.  
According to professionals in the fields of music and therapy and mental health, drumming reduces tension, anxiety, and stress in many ways. Drumming induces deep relaxation, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress. Stress, according to current medical research, contributes to nearly all disease and is a primary cause of such life-threatening illnesses as heart attacks, strokes, and immune system breakdowns. A recent study found that a program of group drumming helped reduce stress and employee turnover in the long-term care industry and might help other high-stress occupations as well. Additionally, drumming helps control chronic pain by serving as a distraction from pain and grief.  Moreover, drumming promotes the production of endorphins, the body’s own morphine-like painkillers, and can thereby help in the control of pain. Not only beneficial for pain relief, a recent medical research study indicates that drumming circles boost the immune system as well. Led by renowned cancer expert Barry Bittman MD, the study demonstrates that group drumming increases cancer-killing cells, which help the body combat cancer as well as other viruses, including AIDS. According to Dr. Bittman, “Group drumming tunes our biology, orchestrates our immunity, and enables healing to begin.”  Additionally, A 2012 study published in Evolutionary Psychology found that active performance of music (singing, dancing and drumming) triggered endorphin release (measured by post-activity increases in pain tolerance) whereas merely listening to music did not. The researchers hypothesized that this may contribute to community bonding in activities involving dance and music-making.

Drumming creates a sense of connectedness with others that promotes unity and helps raise conscious awareness of the experience of Oneness.  As we drum, we raise the resonant field of the collective group that matches the hertz vibrational field of the earth. Drumming circles provide a sense of connectedness with others and interpersonal support. A drum circle provides an opportunity to connect with your own spirit at a deeper level, and connect with a group of other like- minded people. Group drumming promotes peace. Drumming unites us with the heartbeat of Mother Earth, raising our vibration as we becoming ONE Harmonious sound. Rhythm, as a path, leads to the rhythmic roots of all cultures. When we come into the circle and drum, we set the intention for peace, harmony, unity and compassion for all beings.  As the vibration rises, we become one united sound, creating a vortex for change. That’s why I call it the Universal Language.
Different cultures use the same rhythmic qualities; like the colors of the rainbow, each culture has its own sound and rhythm yet each is a part of the whole. Although the focus or intent differs from culture to culture, rhythmic drumming has the same power and effects in all traditions. The resonant qualities and attributes of these are universal and come into play whenever we drum.  The sound waves produced by the drum impart their energy to the resonating systems of the body, mind, and spirit, making them vibrate in harmony. When we drum, our body, brainwaves, and spiritual energy centers begin to vibrate in response. This resonance leaves reverberating effects up to 72 hours after a drum session. These powerful effects can best be described in terms of their influence on the subtle energy centers known as chakras. There are seven chakras and that the spiritual traditions of the Hopi, Cherokee, and Tibetan and other cultures teach of. There are vibratory centers within the human body referred to as spinning wheels of energy called chakras. There are seven major chakras situated along the vertical spinal axis from the genital region to the crown of the head. Each vortex of energy is associated with a specific color of the rainbow, distinct parts of the body, with particular functions of consciousness. Chakras control the electromagnetic field around the body called the Aura. They are the vitality empowering the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of one's being. Imbalances in chakras lead to imbalances in body, mind, and spirit. Drumming creates a vibratory resonance that activates, balances, and aligns the chakra system.
The Rainbow Fire symbolizes an illuminated mind and clarity of all aspects of consciousness. It describes the aura of rainbow color light that radiates from a fully activated chakra system. This illumination within allows us to fully integrate the wisdom of all seven centers of consciousness. The fire of clear mind is ever present within each of us, so that each may find the way to unity and harmony. Drumming is one way that we can cultivate the fire of clear mind. The drum's beat ignites the Rainbow Fire within, illuminating the path and showing us the way. With clarity of mind, we can perceive the feeling of Oneness, Unity and Harmony creating a new consciousness. Through the insight and understanding of illuminated mind, we can bring enlightenment to the world!
Please leave a comment, join our Peace Community.  Peace is Possible. Caroline Dawley



The story is filled with symbolism that leads to Ancient Wisdom and a New Pathway into the Heart of Planetary Memory.  Our Indigenous Elders hold keys to Ancient Wisdom to heal Mother Earth and bring Wholeness and Balance to Creation. 
The journey follows a Pathway through the Heart, depicted in the forest scene, entering the root of consciousness; an inward journey calling us to set aside our limited worldview, and by faith and trust, awaken the Dream for Oneness and Peace. Many refer to as the Whirling Rainbow Dream.
Vistas open as our spirit guides lead us on the pathway. We have entered a new sphere of under-standing where the forest comes alive; animals are messengers and the Trees stand as witness to natural law. In this sphere, all life is equal and love and peace stand tall.  Creation is interconnected and works for the highest good, all are One; heaven and earth, spirit and matter, working to sustain and balance the earth bringing healing and wholeness. There is no division, all work together in an interwoven pattern manifesting a new tapestry for Peace.
Eagle raises our awareness to a higher mind and expanded view, where all beings equally share stewardship of the Great Mother, who supports all life.  Gratitude and love are the higher frequencies that vibrate into Earth’s field and sustain life.
Deer appears as Monarch of this Forest World and with a Pure Heart, the Great One leads us through the dark entrance to the Void, the Great Mystery.   In this passage, we learn that by giving our life, we gain a new life; transformed, flowing with Life and Light, in One Heart, One Spirit, One Family.   With the gift of a Pure White Heart all beings embrace true brotherhood and sisterhood as honored traditions, giving birth to peace and trust among nations.  The Great Peace was planted long ago in the Heart of Mother Earth and has grown up into the New Human being.
The Great White Pine, symbolizing the Law and axis between heaven and earth, is a reflection to humankind of our inner constitution with roots planted deep in the heart and soil (soul) of the Mother, branches reaching to the Sky. The ancient ones stand tall, witnesses of her-story and creation’s journey from darkness into Light. 
The Sun sends frequencies of Light, radiating the Earth with higher vibrations of love. The Vibrant Golden Light when breathed in revitalizes life with new energies and colors of the 12 Rays of vibrating frequencies.  Awareness opens to new realities on the horizon of a frontier of expanded consciousness and the Tree of Life blossoms with new growth. The Garden, once abandoned as wilderness is made green again as the New Earth is seeded.  And the Tree of Life stands upright supporting new growth as humankind ascends in consciousness.  The great bird, sometimes referred to as the Thunderbird, great spirit or the great Eagle, sits atop the tree.
Soaring through the Eagle’s Eye, becoming one, we journey through the inner Passageway of the Great Cosmic Sun, planting seeds in the New Earth and building a bridge to the new Golden Age of Peace.  Welcome to the Journey.  Peace and Blessings to you...
PEACE IS POSSIBLE...Caroline Dawley

Tuesday, October 4, 2016



by Patricia Cota-Robles

October 4, 2016
This is a critical moment in the evolution of Humanity and the Ascension process we are ALL experiencing at this time. There is a Divine Plan unfolding that may not be obvious to our finite minds, but that Humanity’s I AM Presences and the Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are well aware of and are orchestrating in Divine Order. This Newsletter will reach hundreds of thousands of Awakening Lightworkers around the globe, and the entire Company of Heaven is invoking the assistance of everyone who has the Heart Call to participate in this endeavor to bring this facet of the Divine Plan to fruition God Victoriously.

As you know, the United States of America is in the midst of the most polarized Presidential elections we have ever experienced. It seems as though the political parties are diametrically opposed and no one really knows what the end result of this election will bring to the USA and the rest of the world. We all have our opinions and our hopes and dreams, but the outcome of this election is uncertain in most people’s mind.

Whether we like it or not, what happens in the USA affects the entire world either positively or negatively depending on what is occurring. All we have to do is look at how the corruption and fraud of our financial and mortgage systems nearly destroyed the global economy in 2008. At this time each political party is expressing a lot of fear and anxiety about what will occur if the candidate for the other party is elected. The news media and the various campaigns are bombarding us with every negative possibility they can conjure up. This fear-based rhetoric is causing people around the world to feel anxious and insecure about their lives.

The Company of Heaven is asking Awakening Lightworkers to intervene in this political fiasco and instead of empowering the chaos by focusing on the negativity, we are being asked to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth that we know how to create. These are the patterns that our I AM Presence has been training us for lifetimes to cocreate when the time was right. THAT TIME IS NOW!

I AM going to begin this celestial sharing by saying that those of us in the USA need to participate in this election. We need to listen to our Heart and respond to the inner guidance from our I AM Presence. It does not matter who we are inspired to support in the Presidential election or our national, state and local elections. What does matter is that no matter who we support, our 
Divine Intentions are to manifest the highest good for ALL concerned on this planet. That means the highest good for every man, woman and child belonging to or serving the Earth at this time, it also means the highest good for the Earth herself and all Life evolving upon her.   As long as the highest good for ALL Life on this planet is truly our Divine Intention in this election, then we can easily say to our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven, “This is my vote, but if the people I have voted for are not the best candidates to accomplish my Divine Intentions then I ask my Father-Mother God to intervene and I LET GO AND LET GOD.”

The Divine Intent of this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan for 2016 is to make our lives and the lives of all Life evolving on this sweet Earth easier by paving the way for a NEW and HEART-BASED form of Divine Government. This will be a Government OF the I AM Presence of Humanity, BY the I AM Presence of Humanity, FOR the I AM Presence of Humanity. A Government based in Oneness, Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life. That may seem like an unrealistic undertaking, but it is not. Remember, THE LIGHT OF GOD IS ALWAYS VICTORIOUS AND YOU ARE THAT LIGHT.

Obviously, with our unique ways of perceiving things and with our various belief systems there are going to be many Lightworkers who favor Hillary Clinton and those running for various offices who think like she does. There are also going to be many Lightworkers who favor Donald Trump and those running for various offices who think like he does. There are also going to be many Lightworkers who disagree with both of these candidates and want someone different that may not even be available in this election. As confusing as that seems, nothing is taking place by accident.

Even if it is difficult for us to see what the unfolding Divine Plan might be at this time, the Company of Heaven assures us that with the assistance of Lightworkers around the world this facet of the Divine Plan will be God Victoriously accomplished in perfect Divine Order much sooner than outer-world appearances indicate. We are being asked to focus our efforts in the Eternal Moment of NOW, knowing full well that not even the Company of Heaven can determine exactly when Divine Government will manifest, but it could take place with our very next breath. The important thing is for Lightworkers to KEEP ON KEEPING ON and to work with the full tenacity and Heart commitment of our I AM Presence.

Because of the urgency of the hour, our Father-Mother God have granted a Cosmic Dispensation to the Company of Heaven. Our God Parents have given these Messengers of God from the Heavenly Realms permission to intervene in our lives in new and powerful ways when we ask for their assistance. For instance, when we invoke help from On High, the Company of Heaven is now able to amplify our prayers, meditations, decrees, affirmations, visualizations and every other aspect of our service to Humanity and the Light a thousand times a thousand fold. This means that every time we ask the Beings of Light for assistance, our Lightwork is increased to the power and might of a million people. Just imagine! We are powerful beyond our knowing and together there is nothing that we and the Company of Heaven cannot accomplish.

On October 16, 2016, we are going to have one of our Free Seminars in Washington, D.C.. This seminar is FREE and open to the public. We would Love to have those of you who have the Heart Call to assist in this important Activity of Light join us physically if possible, but if you will not be in the Washington, D.C. area at that time please join us in consciousness by sending us your magnificent Light.


The following is an invocation that has been given to Humanity from On High at this time so that we can join our Hearts to cocreate with the Company of Heaven a Forcefield of Light that will greatly assist in bringing the Divine Plan for the Presidential elections in the USA to a God Victorious conclusion. If you have the Heart Call to do so, please affirm this invocation daily until November 11th – 11:11. God Bless You for your willingness to add to the Light of the World in this powerful way.


The DNA codes that are being activated within every person’s Heart Flame at this time by his or her I AM Presence contain not only the unfolding Divine Plan to reestablish Divine Government in the United States of America and the rest of the World, they contain viable solutions for the distorted and corrupt patterns of government that are surfacing to be healed and transmuted into Light.

As you affirm these words either in the silence of your Heart or out loud, know that you are joining in consciousness with thousands of Lightworkers all over the World who are invoking this Forcefield of Light with you. Together, through our collective consciousness and our Divine Intentions, we are cocreating a Chalice of Light that will serve as The Open Door through which the Light of God will flow to anchor the Immaculate Concept which is the Divine Blueprint for the Divine Plan now unfolding within the Presidential election taking place in the United States of America.

 Call For Divine Government

I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM One with the I AM Presence of all Humanity. As One Breath, One Voice, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I invoke…

My Father-Mother God and the great Beings of Light associated with cocreating Divine Government on this blessed Planet. I also invoke the Mighty Archangels and the Ascended Masters guarding the evolutions of Earth.

Blessed Ones, blaze the most intensified frequencies of Divine Will, Divine Love and Divine Wisdom from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God in, through and around every person involved with the governments of Earth in any way. I ask that you exponentially expand this Divine Light within the Heart Flame of every man and woman running for office in the USA at national, state or local levels. 

Now Beloved Legions of Light, blaze these intensified frequencies of Divine Will, Divine Love and Divine Wisdom in, through and around every single registered voter in the United States of America. Awaken the entire electorate to the profound opportunity at hand and Enlighten every person to the profound Truth that it is time for Divine Government to manifest NOW!

Let each person tangibly feel and experience the Power, Love and Wisdom of our Father-Mother God flowing through their Heart Flame as they vote for each candidate and all of the issues before them.

I now invoke the I AM Presence of every person who will be elected during this Presidential election season and all of those who are presently serving at national, state or local levels to take full dominion of that person’s thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs and memories. Help that person to hear and to listen to the “still small voice within” that will guide him or her unerringly toward the fulfillment of the unfolding Divine Plan for this sweet Earth.

Now Beloved Ones, SEAL the Activity of Light I have invoked this sacred and holy day in the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame anchored within my Heart and the Heart of every person on Earth. Expand this Activity of Light daily and hourly a thousand times a thousand fold until Planet Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her have God Victoriously completed our Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth.

Now through all Realms of Consciousness I decree:


And so it is, Beloved I AM.


Presented by Patricia Cota-Robles

In Washington, D.C.
Sunday October 16, 2016

Sunday, October 2, 2016


Doug George-Kanentiio wrote in Iroquois Women in Society: “In our society, women are the center of all things. Nature, we believe, has given women the ability to create; therefore it is only natural that women be in positions of power to protect this function....We traced our clans through women; a child born into the world assumed the clan membership of its mother. Our young women were expected to be physically strong....The young women received formal instruction in traditional planting....Since the Iroquois were absolutely dependent upon the crops they grew, whoever controlled this vital activity wielded great power within our communities. It was our belief that since women were the givers of life they naturally regulated the feeding of our people....In all countries, real wealth stems from the control of land and its resources. Our Iroquois philosophers knew this as well as we knew natural law. To us it made sense for women to control the land since they were far more sensitive to the rhythms of the Mother Earth. We did not own the land but were custodians of it. Our women decided any and all issues involving territory, including where a community was to be built and how land was to be used....In our political system, we mandated full equality. Our leaders were selected by a caucus of women before the appointments were subject to popular review....Our traditional governments are composed of an equal number of men and women. The men are chiefs and the women clan-mothers....As leaders, the women closely monitor the actions of the men and retain the right to veto any law they deem inappropriate....Our women not only hold the reigns of political and economic power, they also have the right to determine all issues involving the taking of human life. Declarations of war had to be approved by the women, while treaties of peace were subject to their deliberations.” Doug George-Kanentiio, in his chapter on the Iroquois family subtitled, (2000)

"Women are the Center of Iroquois Life" Iroquois Clan Mothers
Doug George explains: “The Peace Maker selected Chiefs and Clan Mothers to represent the clans. The oldest woman of the clan is called the Clan Mother. The clan mother, whose position is hereditary, is responsible for the welfare of the clan. She names all the people of the clan; she holds a position in nominating, installing and removing the male chief, called Hoyaneh, meaning Caretakers of the Peace. They are considered the life givers. Not only did they appoint the tribal chief but they also watched them during all meetings judging them fairly to make sure they were not voting for themselves, but the whole tribe. If one did not meet these expectations, he would immediately get thrown out of power and the clan mother would choose a new chief. The Clan Mother's title rests within the clan and it is usually passed on to her female relatives, looking first at her eldest sisters, other sisters, then her eldest daughter and other daughters to find the one deemed most appropriate to become the next Clan Mother”. Doug George-Kanentiio,
The word for clan mother, OiĆ”:ner, translates to English as "righteous" or "she is good".

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and early women suffragists may have had a vision of Equality based on the concepts of Iroquois culture and Law established long before the arrival of European and American society. My Aunt Helen Dawley (Tracy) was a member of the Suffragists in Syracuse, NY and the Daughters of the American Revolution. She wrote and gave speeches on the rights of all people to enjoy, “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”, as well as “Faith, Hope and Love”, fighting for Equality among all human beings, that included American Indians. I believe that she realized at the time, in Iroquois culture, women were treated equally and given a place of Honor by the founder of their form of government referred to as “the Peacemaker” realizing American women didn’t have the right to participate in government or church and didn’t own their home, that they and their children were treated as property by patriarchal fathers and they enjoyed no equality under white man’s laws even though the Declaration declared that all people are created Equal.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was called a heretic for advocating divorce laws that would allow women to leave dangerous marriages and admired the model of divorce Iroquois style: "No matter how many children or whatever goods he might have in the house," Stanton informed the National council of women convention in 1891, the "luckless husband or lover who was too shiftless to do his share of the providing" in an Iroquois marriage "might at any time be ordered to pick up his blanket and budge; and after such an order it would not be healthful for him to attempt to disobey."
How did the suffragists and my Aunt come to a vision of a world completely transformed that shared Equal Rights for everyone? While sitting with Clan mother, Audrey Shenandoah at her home on the Onondaga Nation, she said, “Iroquois women enjoyed an honored role in government and in relationship with their families, friends and fellow human beings. The Clan Mother system was formed by the Peacemaker as a result of his meeting a woman on the pathway to spreading the Message of the Great Peace to the 5 nations who were warring. Because the woman embraced his message, and the possibility of peace, he referred to her as the Mother of Nations, naming the Clan System”. Audrey said, “In the Iroquois community, women were the keepers of culture, responsible for defining the political, social, spiritual and economic system. Iroquois society was matrilineal, meaning descent was traced through the mother rather than through the father, as it was in Colonial society. While Iroquois Chiefs and leaders were men, women nominated them for their leadership positions and made sure they fulfilled their responsibilities. The Clan Mother of the Chief could remove his antlers of authority if he committed four crimes against Creator’s Law.
Besides performing the normal household functions of producing, preserving and preparing food and clothing for the family and taking care of the children, Iroquois women participated in many activities commonly reserved for men. They belonged to Medicine Societies and spiritual associations, and participated in political and spiritual ceremonies. The Iroquois were an agricultural people and it was the women who owned the land and tended the crops. After marriage, an Iroquois man moved into the longhouse to live with the Clan of his wife. The children followed the lineage of their Mother, adopting her clan. It was a refreshing change to see how Native American men treated women with such respect referring to her as “the giver of Life”. An Onondaga friend who traveled with me to the Algonquin Forest Reserve spoke very frankly as he said, “you are the earth, you are woman, a man always treats a woman with great respect.” I found this to be true of all the Iroquois men I have met over the many years. To learn more please order from or www. and leave a review if you have read my book. Thank you. Walk in Peace, Caroline