Saturday, October 22, 2011


Archangel Metatron Channel
From the United Nations Presentation of Earth-Keeper in the UN  on  August 2011
Unity Hands on Globe Framed
The Nation of Humanity
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Archangel Metatron Channel
From the United Nations Presentation of Earth-Keeper in the UN  on  August 2011
Unity Hands on Globe Framed
The Nation of Humanity
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Greetings ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I embrace you with love, unconditional love. And so this wonderful day we gather at the United Nations. We pause to fill the room with the Cosmic Light of Unconditional Love. And we tell you it is only Unconditional Love, that will unite nations of your beloved Earth.

We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' messages.

And so it is 2011, the cusp of your heralded Ascension. And so we gently ask all of you to look at the world around you for just a moment. What do you see ?

Your media outlooks are reporting war, famine, disasters and economic collapse. . And what is broadcast is what is seen in 3d. It is oft full of gloom and doom, is it not?
But we tell you there is a new sun dawning, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the light of the magnificent New Earth. And Dear Ones, we do mean magnificent.

And yes, we know that some of you are thinking, " The Angels are viewing the world with rose colored glasses. Their perspective is a Polly-Anna wash."

There have always been the naysayers on the planet, those who predict gloom and doom and warnings of fear. And these serve a purpose in duality, and certainly a quick glance around the globe would seem to justify their stance. But we tell you it is old energy. And it is not the role of Spirit to ever tell you to give up hope, or to let go of your free will. Our message is to tell you of your Divinity, and to tell you as a matter of fact, as a point of truth, that the planet and indeed humanity will Ascend....and are absolutely on tract for that to happen. Period.


Now, we will speak this day at the United Nations in the same vernacular that we speak to all seekers, to all aware audiences. We recognize those of you within the Society for Enlightenment & Transformation as members of the 'Transformational Team'. We know you very well, and we honor you for the roles you are playing in this organization.

The Beginning... Not the End

So many are asking what really will happen in 2012. The doomsday prophets are especially in high gear on this topic, are they not? Some of your speculators are on particularly fertile ground in this arena, generating fear around collisions of comets, asteroids, cataclysmic polar reversals and economic collapse.

Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension will occur, and humanity has made it so. It is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR. And those of you in this room today must be leaders by example in this process.

Masters, planetary changes will occur, but they are appropriate, and the global cataclysm that some seers have predicted will NOT happen. The planet will Ascend, and humanity will be in tow. In your higher consciousness, that level above fear, not only are you aware of scripted it. And so we say, 'Well Done !"

Now, be aware, there will indeed be the cleansing of the planet, the up shifting of frequency, but it will be on a regional level, and it is for the up-shift, for the higher good. We assure you that were it not for the regional quakes, shakes, winds and waves, devastating as they are, the larger one would inevitably have to take place. And that will not occur precisely because of the gradual shifting. It makes sense, does it not?

Letting Go Of Old Energy

Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension will occur, and humanity have made it so. It is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR.

The fear is deeply programmed, but it is a repeating recording. So many of your religions are rife with embedding of fear-controlled dogma, warnings and restrictions. They program you with erroneous concepts of 'original sin', poverty vows and focus on what not to do. Their fear-based controls have underpinnings of punishment for violators, creating group thought forms to cage you in. This encourages fanaticism and zealotry. It spawns self-righteousness and threats of retribution: our way or else. It's old energy, it's fear. Masters, you can never return to states of lesser awareness; life is expansion.

With the New Earth comes the greater role in co-creation of the reality around you. But that is a responsibility that will enfold through love, not dread.

While you are indeed accountable for your actions, that accountability is to SELF. You are a sovereign spark of the Divine.

Greater Access to Creatorship

So what will happen in 2012? The short answer is that greater access to your divine creativity will occur . The Earth will amplify into 12 dimensions, and by having access to those crystalline fields, you employ greater ability to responsibly create.

As you enter the Ascension, the Crystalline Grid replaces the magnetic grid that has dominated Earth's ebb & flow for eons. As a result, 3rd dimensional polarity is optimally constricted within a more stabilized energy-matrix.
What does that mean Metatron, you ask ? It means that the arc-swing of duality will gradually lessen. And it is a gradual process; it will happen on time-release.

And we tell you that it has already begun. That is precisely why the old energy hold-outs are kicking hard. They are drawn out of the shadow, into the crucible for all to see. As the light grows brighter, the bugs will be attracted to it. But events can do longer be skewed to hide the truth. Look at what is happening in North Africa. Positive change is happening, and much more is to come. That we assure you.

United Nations

And so we say to all of you gathered here, that the S.E.A.T. carries an important role, perhaps more important than even those of you here realize.

For you are the voice of those that cannot speak, and you have the ears of those that will listen. And many within the delegation will listen to you. So do not be discouraged, for we recognize your importance, even if others do not.

We tell you that at any given time, half the world is in light and half the world is in night; it is a world of polarity. We say to you that far more than half of humanity are in consciousness shadow, yet to awaken to the light of wisdom. We tell you that enlightenment occurs one heart at a time.

Therefore the light bearers among you must never lose faith, must ever shine brightly, for even a small photon wave makes a transitional illumination. So it is, so it must be with you here today.

1st World Nations

Now, there are some that will say that the prominent nations of what you term the 1st world, the financially dominant and powerful, are more like corporations than countries. Corporations based on profits whose residents are treated more as employees than citizens, especially within the United States.

That the gap between the ' haves & have-nots is growing increasingly wider. There are some that would say that the overall masses of the United States are controlled and manipulated by media, intoxicated by quantity and enslaved by debt. That sovereignty of the individual has been lost. Yet a light still shines, and it is growing brighter. A new generation across the planet are coming into power, and they will quicken the change.

We tell you the time is nearing in which people will awaken to the knowledge that it is not their encumbering debt that ties them to their beliefs, rather their beliefs that shackle them to the burden of debt.

The global economic system will change, but it will not free-fall & crash irreparably in planetary chaos.  To do so in utter chaos would not serve what is to come. Rather it will be forced into change, drastic change, and positive elements will come forward to enable a better way. The people will speak and be heard!
The New Earth, the New Humans cannot and will not create their better future by simply discarding their past. The change will come by learning from the past and adjusting in the present, one step at a time. The new Humans in the generations that are coming into power in the next decade will choose a new pattern as a work in progress, and that economic shift will occur.

Change will occur by the people. A new system of banking & financing will come into place. In time the lobby system in which politicians are 'legally' bought and sold will be scrutinized , and change will occur only with change. Until it does the corporations will  continue to build obligations from politicians, and in your current system, the politicians must have the donations to fund their costly elections. It is a cacth-22, a vicious circle of legal special interest and corruption that does not serve the masses.

The Power of Love

Masters, we have said before and we say again, that when the love of power is replaced by the power of love, humanity will make a quantum leap, but know that love without strength is incomplete. Love without strength is not integral LOVE.

The changes the next 15 generations of humanity will make will create the flowering of the Ascension.

Change is occurring all around you, and it is not hard to see. Look at what has happened and is happening even now in North Africa and the Middle East. And look at how this shift began. It took strength, it took will, it takes courage.. . This is what we mean when we say integral LOVE requires strength, and that strength was an accomplishment of great will and courage.

The Strength of Love
One courageous young man in Algeria decided enough was enough, and he wasn't going to take the injustice of tyrannical corruption anymore. He extinguished his life with a flame and that fire burnt into the face of tyranny...and it is still burning. A purifying crucible. Look at what the actions of one pure soul created, it spawned a revolution that is still turning wheels and changing the world.

The energy of the planet is changing, and the 'old guard' of political power over love simply cannot stand in the new paradigm. Nations that rule by brute force are falling, one tyrant, one corrupt government at a time.
And so we say to all governing bodies that unless change is brought from the top, it will be summoned from the bottom, and mightily so.

A New Accounting
Governments must be of the people and by the people. Governments must care for the least of their populace, and not be templates of power play for greed and cunning. Heart and love is the new energy, this is the new way, this is the new accounting.
Governments cannot sit on thrones, and watch carelessly as their citizens struggle to survive. Nations of the first world are required to lift the third. But not by military means, not by corporate manipulation. Through sharing. Through understanding that a human life cannot be measured in gold or derogated into ineffectuality by lack of it.
And what of the economy? Look at what has happened in the past 5 years. Dear Ones, spirit is not short of cash. There is a means for all to have abundance. There is a prerequisite for each soul to have the opportunity of life .
And truth cannot be hidden, the shadow is being removed. Manipulation is manipulation, and corruption is corruption even if it is for the short term hidden in shadowed legalities and sham. The current economic system will morph into a different one in time .

The Middle Path
The middle road between that termed capitalism and that termed socialism will in time be realized, and in time prove the more tenable way. Life is about gain, but gain is not always about monetary profit.

Yet learning to create is part of your puzzle on the Earth plane in duality, and you have and will in time experience every path along the road to the solution of sharing the planetary resources.
War & Conflict
As 2012 approaches, mankind is weary of war, but not enough are yet empowered to force their leaders to stop it.
In days past wars were formed in royal courts and political temples. In current times wars are created in executive military-corporate board rooms.
The victims are but a brief mention in the evening news alongside stock reports. Rarely do countries decide in free majority will to go to war but they blindly accept their leaders who declare them. If you were to open the curtains of your hidden history, you would know that most of your planet's conflicts of war do not occur in happenstance, rather they are strategically chosen. There are no enemies to defend against, rather strategies designed to fill bank accounts and increase power reach.
War is an aspect of polarity that will only end as the earth and humanity rise above it. Hating war will never end war. Loving peace will end war by creating peace.
Dear Ones, so much is changing, can you not see that a great shift is taking place? Could this be what is called the Ascension?
And so what is this 2012 Ascension ? What will happen in 2012?
The Planetary Ascension

Dear Ones, for most of the planet, Dec 21st will come and go, and the world will say nothing has changed. If you are hearing these words in hopes that the final phrases of this discussion will weave a conclusion to your liking, you will not be disappointed.
But we tell you while the template of expansion occurs in 2012, the mass enlightenment of mankind will not follow for several centuries. 2012 simply gives you more tools to work with. We of the Angelic realm are not here to solve your problems, rather to encourage you on your path to solution.
And although mankind will not reach a critical mass of enlightenment on the EarthPlane for several more centuries, it is important to remain present and positive , because it will occur, one day at a time, one heart at a time.

Each of you has an opportunity to be impeccable every day. The scenario in which you recognize your own failings, your own conflict with integrity, is the day you encompass Mastery, and indeed it is a journey. Likewise the day you stand in your truth with willingness to recognize another person's truth, you encompass integrity. This truth then applies to nations as well, it applies in macro and micro.
Spirit speaks of LOVE. Spirit does not attack. Every current religion on your Earth has its truths and distortions. Discernment is the key. It is requisite of you to decide what is true and what is not, based on heart and NOT FEAR. No true sacred expression limits its truth, its beauty, to one grouping.
Dear Ones, choose to live free, choose to release worry and fear, and create your own well-being. Respect and Nurture one another, and embrace LOVE. It is the science and frequency of God. It is the way that the Nation of Humanity will UNITE.

I am Metatron and I share with you these TRUTHS. You are Beloved.

And so it is. 
The above Archangel Metatron channel is copyrighted to . Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines, U-Tube, or public print without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper. Permissions may be requested from Earth-Keeper Admin by emailing Anne at: 
EK 2012 - Logo Grid 

Greetings ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I embrace you with love, unconditional love. And so this wonderful day we gather at the United Nations. We pause to fill the room with the Cosmic Light of Unconditional Love. And we tell you it is only Unconditional Love, that will unite nations of your beloved Earth.

We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such 'channeled' messages.

And so it is 2011, the cusp of your heralded Ascension. And so we gently ask all of you to look at the world around you for just a moment. What do you see ?

Your media outlooks are reporting war, famine, disasters and economic collapse. . And what is broadcast is what is seen in 3d. It is oft full of gloom and doom, is it not?
But we tell you there is a new sun dawning, and it is indeed the sun of change. It brings the light of the magnificent New Earth. And Dear Ones, we do mean magnificent.

And yes, we know that some of you are thinking, " The Angels are viewing the world with rose colored glasses. Their perspective is a Polly-Anna wash."

There have always been the naysayers on the planet, those who predict gloom and doom and warnings of fear. And these serve a purpose in duality, and certainly a quick glance around the globe would seem to justify their stance. But we tell you it is old energy. And it is not the role of Spirit to ever tell you to give up hope, or to let go of your free will. Our message is to tell you of your Divinity, and to tell you as a matter of fact, as a point of truth, that the planet and indeed humanity will Ascend....and are absolutely on tract for that to happen. Period.


Now, we will speak this day at the United Nations in the same vernacular that we speak to all seekers, to all aware audiences. We recognize those of you within the Society for Enlightenment & Transformation as members of the 'Transformational Team'. We know you very well, and we honor you for the roles you are playing in this organization.

The Beginning... Not the End

So many are asking what really will happen in 2012. The doomsday prophets are especially in high gear on this topic, are they not? Some of your speculators are on particularly fertile ground in this arena, generating fear around collisions of comets, asteroids, cataclysmic polar reversals and economic collapse.

Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension will occur, and humanity has made it so. It is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR. And those of you in this room today must be leaders by example in this process.

Masters, planetary changes will occur, but they are appropriate, and the global cataclysm that some seers have predicted will NOT happen. The planet will Ascend, and humanity will be in tow. In your higher consciousness, that level above fear, not only are you aware of scripted it. And so we say, 'Well Done !"

Now, be aware, there will indeed be the cleansing of the planet, the up shifting of frequency, but it will be on a regional level, and it is for the up-shift, for the higher good. We assure you that were it not for the regional quakes, shakes, winds and waves, devastating as they are, the larger one would inevitably have to take place. And that will not occur precisely because of the gradual shifting. It makes sense, does it not?

Letting Go Of Old Energy

Dear Ones, we tell you again the Ascension will occur, and humanity have made it so. It is time to let go of old energy, of FEAR.

The fear is deeply programmed, but it is a repeating recording. So many of your religions are rife with embedding of fear-controlled dogma, warnings and restrictions. They program you with erroneous concepts of 'original sin', poverty vows and focus on what not to do. Their fear-based controls have underpinnings of punishment for violators, creating group thought forms to cage you in. This encourages fanaticism and zealotry. It spawns self-righteousness and threats of retribution: our way or else. It's old energy, it's fear. Masters, you can never return to states of lesser awareness; life is expansion.

With the New Earth comes the greater role in co-creation of the reality around you. But that is a responsibility that will enfold through love, not dread.

While you are indeed accountable for your actions, that accountability is to SELF. You are a sovereign spark of the Divine.

Greater Access to Creatorship

So what will happen in 2012? The short answer is that greater access to your divine creativity will occur . The Earth will amplify into 12 dimensions, and by having access to those crystalline fields, you employ greater ability to responsibly create.

As you enter the Ascension, the Crystalline Grid replaces the magnetic grid that has dominated Earth's ebb & flow for eons. As a result, 3rd dimensional polarity is optimally constricted within a more stabilized energy-matrix.
What does that mean Metatron, you ask ? It means that the arc-swing of duality will gradually lessen. And it is a gradual process; it will happen on time-release.

And we tell you that it has already begun. That is precisely why the old energy hold-outs are kicking hard. They are drawn out of the shadow, into the crucible for all to see. As the light grows brighter, the bugs will be attracted to it. But events can do longer be skewed to hide the truth. Look at what is happening in North Africa. Positive change is happening, and much more is to come. That we assure you.

United Nations

And so we say to all of you gathered here, that the S.E.A.T. carries an important role, perhaps more important than even those of you here realize.

For you are the voice of those that cannot speak, and you have the ears of those that will listen. And many within the delegation will listen to you. So do not be discouraged, for we recognize your importance, even if others do not.

We tell you that at any given time, half the world is in light and half the world is in night; it is a world of polarity. We say to you that far more than half of humanity are in consciousness shadow, yet to awaken to the light of wisdom. We tell you that enlightenment occurs one heart at a time.

Therefore the light bearers among you must never lose faith, must ever shine brightly, for even a small photon wave makes a transitional illumination. So it is, so it must be with you here today.

1st World Nations

Now, there are some that will say that the prominent nations of what you term the 1st world, the financially dominant and powerful, are more like corporations than countries. Corporations based on profits whose residents are treated more as employees than citizens, especially within the United States.

That the gap between the ' haves & have-nots is growing increasingly wider. There are some that would say that the overall masses of the United States are controlled and manipulated by media, intoxicated by quantity and enslaved by debt. That sovereignty of the individual has been lost. Yet a light still shines, and it is growing brighter. A new generation across the planet are coming into power, and they will quicken the change.

We tell you the time is nearing in which people will awaken to the knowledge that it is not their encumbering debt that ties them to their beliefs, rather their beliefs that shackle them to the burden of debt.

The global economic system will change, but it will not free-fall & crash irreparably in planetary chaos.  To do so in utter chaos would not serve what is to come. Rather it will be forced into change, drastic change, and positive elements will come forward to enable a better way. The people will speak and be heard!
The New Earth, the New Humans cannot and will not create their better future by simply discarding their past. The change will come by learning from the past and adjusting in the present, one step at a time. The new Humans in the generations that are coming into power in the next decade will choose a new pattern as a work in progress, and that economic shift will occur.

Change will occur by the people. A new system of banking & financing will come into place. In time the lobby system in which politicians are 'legally' bought and sold will be scrutinized , and change will occur only with change. Until it does the corporations will  continue to build obligations from politicians, and in your current system, the politicians must have the donations to fund their costly elections. It is a cacth-22, a vicious circle of legal special interest and corruption that does not serve the masses.

The Power of Love

Masters, we have said before and we say again, that when the love of power is replaced by the power of love, humanity will make a quantum leap, but know that love without strength is incomplete. Love without strength is not integral LOVE.

The changes the next 15 generations of humanity will make will create the flowering of the Ascension.

Change is occurring all around you, and it is not hard to see. Look at what has happened and is happening even now in North Africa and the Middle East. And look at how this shift began. It took strength, it took will, it takes courage.. . This is what we mean when we say integral LOVE requires strength, and that strength was an accomplishment of great will and courage.

The Strength of Love
One courageous young man in Algeria decided enough was enough, and he wasn't going to take the injustice of tyrannical corruption anymore. He extinguished his life with a flame and that fire burnt into the face of tyranny...and it is still burning. A purifying crucible. Look at what the actions of one pure soul created, it spawned a revolution that is still turning wheels and changing the world.

The energy of the planet is changing, and the 'old guard' of political power over love simply cannot stand in the new paradigm. Nations that rule by brute force are falling, one tyrant, one corrupt government at a time.
And so we say to all governing bodies that unless change is brought from the top, it will be summoned from the bottom, and mightily so.

A New Accounting
Governments must be of the people and by the people. Governments must care for the least of their populace, and not be templates of power play for greed and cunning. Heart and love is the new energy, this is the new way, this is the new accounting.
Governments cannot sit on thrones, and watch carelessly as their citizens struggle to survive. Nations of the first world are required to lift the third. But not by military means, not by corporate manipulation. Through sharing. Through understanding that a human life cannot be measured in gold or derogated into ineffectuality by lack of it.
And what of the economy? Look at what has happened in the past 5 years. Dear Ones, spirit is not short of cash. There is a means for all to have abundance. There is a prerequisite for each soul to have the opportunity of life .
And truth cannot be hidden, the shadow is being removed. Manipulation is manipulation, and corruption is corruption even if it is for the short term hidden in shadowed legalities and sham. The current economic system will morph into a different one in time .

The Middle Path
The middle road between that termed capitalism and that termed socialism will in time be realized, and in time prove the more tenable way. Life is about gain, but gain is not always about monetary profit.

Yet learning to create is part of your puzzle on the Earth plane in duality, and you have and will in time experience every path along the road to the solution of sharing the planetary resources.
War & Conflict
As 2012 approaches, mankind is weary of war, but not enough are yet empowered to force their leaders to stop it.
In days past wars were formed in royal courts and political temples. In current times wars are created in executive military-corporate board rooms.
The victims are but a brief mention in the evening news alongside stock reports. Rarely do countries decide in free majority will to go to war but they blindly accept their leaders who declare them. If you were to open the curtains of your hidden history, you would know that most of your planet's conflicts of war do not occur in happenstance, rather they are strategically chosen. There are no enemies to defend against, rather strategies designed to fill bank accounts and increase power reach.
War is an aspect of polarity that will only end as the earth and humanity rise above it. Hating war will never end war. Loving peace will end war by creating peace.
Dear Ones, so much is changing, can you not see that a great shift is taking place? Could this be what is called the Ascension?
And so what is this 2012 Ascension ? What will happen in 2012?
The Planetary Ascension

Dear Ones, for most of the planet, Dec 21st will come and go, and the world will say nothing has changed. If you are hearing these words in hopes that the final phrases of this discussion will weave a conclusion to your liking, you will not be disappointed.
But we tell you while the template of expansion occurs in 2012, the mass enlightenment of mankind will not follow for several centuries. 2012 simply gives you more tools to work with. We of the Angelic realm are not here to solve your problems, rather to encourage you on your path to solution.
And although mankind will not reach a critical mass of enlightenment on the EarthPlane for several more centuries, it is important to remain present and positive , because it will occur, one day at a time, one heart at a time.

Each of you has an opportunity to be impeccable every day. The scenario in which you recognize your own failings, your own conflict with integrity, is the day you encompass Mastery, and indeed it is a journey. Likewise the day you stand in your truth with willingness to recognize another person's truth, you encompass integrity. This truth then applies to nations as well, it applies in macro and micro.
Spirit speaks of LOVE. Spirit does not attack. Every current religion on your Earth has its truths and distortions. Discernment is the key. It is requisite of you to decide what is true and what is not, based on heart and NOT FEAR. No true sacred expression limits its truth, its beauty, to one grouping.
Dear Ones, choose to live free, choose to release worry and fear, and create your own well-being. Respect and Nurture one another, and embrace LOVE. It is the science and frequency of God. It is the way that the Nation of Humanity will UNITE.

I am Metatron and I share with you these TRUTHS. You are Beloved.

And so it is. 
The above Archangel Metatron channel is copyrighted to . Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines, U-Tube, or public print without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper. Permissions may be requested from Earth-Keeper Admin by emailing Anne at: 
EK 2012 - Logo Grid


11-11-11   The Cosmic Moment Is NOW!
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Eleven is the Master Number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. On November 11, 2011, which is the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year of the new millennium, we have an unprecedented opportunity to add to the Light of the world. There are myriad activities of Light and global meditations scheduled for that powerful day, and all of them are weaving their Light into the unfolding Divine Plan. What I would like to share with you today is the global activity of Light that the Company of Heaven has asked those of us at the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose to orchestrate on behalf of ALL Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this blessed planet. This event will fulfill a critical facet of the Divine Plan, and it will enhance the plethora of Light-filled events that will take place during this Cosmic Moment on Earth.

The events of 11-11-11 will be multifaceted and multidimensional, but one of the most significant events involves a quantum shift in Earth’s Crystal Grid System. This is the system that functions within the body of Mother Earth in the same way Humanity’s Chakras, acupuncture meridians, and acupuncture points function in our bodies. The Crystal Grid System is the vehicle through which the Light of God is flowing to increase the energy, vibration, and consciousness of every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of precious Life energy existing on Earth. This is the system through which Earth’s Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Infinite Light is being victoriously accomplished.

The Company of Heaven has asked us to take a group of Lightworkers on a sacred two-week pilgrimage to New Zealand during the influx of Light that will take place leading up to, including, and following 11-11-11. The reason we have been asked to travel to New Zealand is because of the critical role this sacred land is playing in Earth’s Ascension process. New Zealand receives the first impulse of every new day for the planet, so the first frequencies of 11-11-11 will bathe New Zealand and then spread around the globe in a wave of resplendent Light.

The Beings of Light have revealed that New Zealand serves as the Hands of Mother Earth. As you know, we receive and transmit energy through our hands. Every acupuncture meridian is represented within the acupuncture pressure points in our hands. The Light flowing through our acupuncture meridians is the Lifeforce that nourishes and sustains every cell, gland, muscle, organ, and function of our physical body. This is the Light that allows us to live, move, think, and breathe. The Light we receive through our hands flows through every acupuncture meridian and helps to unblock the areas in our body that are having trouble receiving and assimilating the electronic Light substance that is our Gift of Life, our Lifeforce, from our Father-Mother God, the Source of All That Is.

Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System functions just like our acupuncture meridians. The Hands of Mother Earth, New Zealand, likewise receive and transmit Light to help unblock the areas in the body of Mother Earth that are having trouble assimilating the electronic Light substance from our Father-Mother God. Our mission on this sacred pilgrimage is to serve as a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow into the Hands of Mother Earth and then be transmitted into every facet of the Crystal Grid System. The Divine Intent of this mission is to unblock any area in Earth’s Crystal Grid System that might have difficulty receiving and assimilating the monumental influx of Light that will occur on 11-11-11.

Even though there will only be 120 Lightworkers on this pilgrimage, this is a global activity of Light. Every place on Earth where people abide is an acupuncture pressure point in the body of Mother Earth. It is vital that people all over the world receive and assimilate the expansion of Light that will be flowing through the Crystal Grid System to remove the blockages in the body of Mother Earth. This will clear the way for the most powerful influx of Light the Earth has ever experienced, on 11-11-11.

I will mention that this pilgrimage has been sold out for over a year, but in the last few days we have had a couple of cancellations. If you have the heart call to join us on this great adventure please go to our website, , and click on the link for 11-11-11 New Zealand Pilgrimage. For those of you who will be joining us in consciousness and anchoring this amazing Light in other locations around the world, we want you to know that the Company of Heaven and those of us who will be traveling to New Zealand are eternally grateful for your willingness to help Humanity and all Life evolving on Earth with this vital facet of the Divine Plan.

Our pilgrimage will begin on November 7th in Auckland, New Zealand. On November 8th, we will have an open gathering for anyone in New Zealand who would like to come to connect with us and weave his or her Light into our Chalice of Light. This gathering will be free and open to the public. This open meeting will be held at Kadimah College from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The college is next to our hotel, Amora Auckland Hotel, 100 Greys Avenue, Auckland, New Zealand.

If you want to join us in consciousness day-by-day as we travel to the power points we have been guided to by the Company of Heaven, our itinerary is available on our website. Each day a few of the meridians within Earth’s Crystal Grid System will be cleared and strengthened. By 11-11-11 that phase of the Divine Plan will be complete.

On November 11, 2011, 11-11-11, we will have two activities of Light. First, for eleven minutes, from 11:00 to 11:11 a.m. New Zealand time, our group, and Lightworkers organizing activities of Light throughout New Zealand, will open the portal for the initial influx of the 11-11-11 wave of Light that will flow around the world, time zone by time zone. The Company of Heaven is asking people everywhere on the planet to invoke their I AM Presence and to expand their Heart Flames for eleven minutes, from 11:00 to 11:11 a.m, in their local time zone. Through this focus of unified consciousness a portal of Light will be opened in each vicinity. Then the unfathomable influx of Divine Light from 11-11-11 will flow into the Crystal Grid System through these portals. The energy, vibration, and consciousness of every particle of Life on Earth will be raised the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow.

11:00 a.m. New Zealand time on 11-11-11, is 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time on November 10, 2011, or 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on November 10, 2011. For other time zones Google: New Zealand Time Converter.

After the portal is opened in New Zealand our group will continue our pilgrimage to the beautiful Chateau Hotel Tongariro. There we will have a Ceremony of Light that is open to New Zealanders. The ceremony will begin at 1:30 p.m. on 11-11-11. From 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. we will have afternoon tea with the intention of giving people the chance to meet each other and talk. There is a small charge of NZ $20. per person. If you are interested in joining this activity of Light please e-mail Shirley at  to reserve your space and receive more information.

The Company of Heaven has given us a powerful meditation that we can all do starting now and continuing through the assimilation of the 11-11-11 energies which will be completed on 11-22-11. The Divine Intent of this guided meditation is to heal every aspect of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Mother Earth the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow.

Our physical bodies are a reflection of Mother Earth’s body. We are One with the Earth and she is One with us. As we draw the intensified frequencies of the Flame of Healing Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation through each system in our bodies this Healing Light will also flow through the correlating systems in the body of Mother Earth. The Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation is an exquisite emerald green Flame with a violet radiance. According to the Company of Heaven, this Sacred Fire is the most powerful frequency of Healing on the planet.

We have recently been given a very sacred piece of music that is intended to enhance our body’s, and the body of Mother Earth’s, natural ability to heal itself. This special music is being offered as a FREE download on our website. Just go to  and click on the link that says Musical Rapture. Please read the information given on the download page, so you will fully understand what a sacred gift this music is and how to respect it and receive the most benefit from it.

This music will greatly empower the following invocation which has been given to us by the Company of Heaven to help us prepare for the Cosmic Moment of 11-11-11 and beyond.

Healing Visualization for 11-11-11

I AM sitting comfortably in my chair with my spine as straight as possible and my arms and legs uncrossed. This allows me to be an open conduit for the emerald green Flame of Healing Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation with its violet radiance.

I breathe in and out deeply, and I completely relax. My I AM Presence takes command, and any tension, doubt or fear I may have just drops away.

This is a very special time just for me, and anything that I need to take care of will be waiting for me when I AM through, so for the time being, I just let it go.

During this activity of Light, I AM drawing the Flame of Healing Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God. This gift from God flows into every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of my four Earthly bodies, the Earthly bodies of every man, woman, and child on Earth, and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata within the bodies of Mother Earth. As I invoke this Healing Activity of Light for myself it is simultaneously taking place through all Humanity and Mother Earth in perfect alignment with each person’s highest good and the Divine Plan, for we are One. There is no separation. As this Healing Light enters the core of purity in every electron, it heals, restores, and rejuvenates our bodies and transforms them into a state of vibrant health, eternal youth, and God’s Infinite Perfection.

The Flame of Healing Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation enters the top of my head and descends into the Flame of Divinity in my heart. As it merges with the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in my heart, it expands out as a tremendous starburst and flows through my Chakra system and my acupuncture meridians into the Crystal Grid System within the body of Mother Earth. The Sacred Fire heals, cleanses, purifies, restores, and transfigures every cell, organ, system, and function of my bodies back into vibrant health.

Now, with deep concentration, I visualize this emerald green and violet Flame as it passes through my body system by system.

1.  It begins by expanding through my physical brain structure, my spinal cord, nervous system, Chakra system, acupuncture points, and the corresponding meridians removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame raises my conscious awareness and increases my ability to use my thoughts and all of the aspects of my Chakra system to empower my thinking process as I cocreate the infinite perfection of the New Earth.

2.  Next the Healing Flame flows into my eyes—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores my eyes to perfect sight, allowing me to see and recognize perfection in all Life.

3.  The Healing Flame now flows into my ears—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores my ears to perfect hearing, allowing me to hear the inner voice of my I AM Presence and the music of the spheres.

4.  The Healing Flame now flows into my nostrils, sinuses, respiratory system, lungs, larynx, vocal chords, trachea, bronchial tubes, and every function of my voice and breathing apparatus—removing any trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame enhances my breathing and enables me to absorb the maximum prana on the Holy Breath. I now experience the fragrance and breath of the Holy Spirit, and I AM empowered to speak with “the tongues of Angels.”

5.  Next the Healing Flame flows into my mouth, teeth, gums, tongue, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, small intestines, ileocecal valve, large intestines, appendix, colon, kidneys, bladder and every aspect of my digestive and elimination systems— removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores all of these aspects of my digestive system, allowing me to purify my body and to assimilate my food and drink perfectly.

6.  Next the Healing Flame flows into my spiritual brain centers: my pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of my brain. It flows into the remainder of my endocrine system, my thyroid, thymus, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, gonads, and all other glands associated with this ductless system—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores all of these facets of my body to perfect balance and function.

7.  Next the Healing Flame flows into my circulatory system: my lymphatic system, lymph nodes, and lymphatic fluid.  It flows to the muscle of my heart, the chambers, valves, veins, arteries, capillaries, my red, and white blood cells, and my bone marrow removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores every aspect of my circulatory system, allowing me to utilize my Lifeforce with balance and harmony, empowering my feelings with Love, as I cocreate the infinite perfection of the New Earth and empower our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love.

8.  The Healing Flame now flows into my reproductive system, my female or male organs—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores every aspect of my reproductive system, allowing me to hold the sacred space for myself or anyone else who is destined to bring in the children of the New Earth. I AM creating a clear chalice in every mother and father, a Holy Grail, through which these precious children will be born into the physical plane. These transfigured reproductive systems will enable the incoming children to have perfect vehicles through which they will assist in cocreating the New Earth.

9.  Next the Healing Flame flows into my skeletal and my muscular systems: my bones, muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, fat cells and connective tissue—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores every aspect of these systems, flooding me with strength and eternal youth.

10.  The Healing Flame now flows through my skin, hair, nails, and every other aspect of my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores my bodies transfiguring me into the Immaculate Concept of my Solar Light Bodies of Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, and Infinite Perfection,

11.  Now, with this emerald green and violet Healing Flame pulsating in, through, and around every electron of Humanity’s Earthly bodies and the bodies of Mother Earth, I ask the Legions of Light associated with this Sacred Fire to maintain and sustain this Activity of Healing Light in through and around every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth until we are ALL wholly Ascended and FREE.   And so it is, Beloved I AM.

SPECIAL NOTE: I have done an interview about 11-11-11 with Julie Hart on her online program CALL TO AWAKEN. It will air October 27, 2011, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time or 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time.  If you would like to register for the program just go to

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization               
FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

©2011 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011


  Archangel Michael - How to Discuss Ascension with Friends, Relatives, and Children
              Oct.  2011
              Telepath, Susan
Steve Beckow writes
In her recent reading with Archangel Michael, Susan asked him how we discuss Ascension with our unbelieving friends and relatives, and with our children.  Thanks to Susan for adding to our knowledge base. 
Every additional discussion helps.
And thank you, Ellen, for taking the tape and transcribing it in barely half a day.  The audiofile is here so that you can listen to Archangel Michael speaking through Linda Dillon.
Linda, by the way, will be in Sedona the weekend of Oct. 28, holding her 15th Annual Council of Love Sedona Gathering. Details at
Archangel Michael speaks
Archangel Michael: I am Michael, beloved one, Archangel of Peace. My sister, Archangel Gabriel, is known as the Lily of Love, but I wish to be known as the Archangel of Love. Long before, long, long before my forays — what you think of as battles – before I had earned the nomenclature of Warrior of Peace – I was an artist, a musician. One day you will call me Musician of Love. And I will sing and play the harmonies of love. And you will hear it clearly, not only with your heart, but with your ears as well. So yes, a little background, but let us get down to the business at hand. [Laugh]
Susan: First I’ll ask Steve’s questions. His first one is, how are we to conduct ourselves with our unbelieving friends and relatives so as to reflect the facts that we know about ascension and intention to ascend, and yet don’t want to offend them?
AAM: This is a very, very good question. And while we are talking about names, and that term, Warrior of Peace, that is attached to me — and that I claim, by the way, for myself — but you, my legions, my beloved ones, my gentle ones, do not wish to offend anyone. I am going to speak out of — your expression would be — both sides of my mouth. First of all, I would like you to think of yourselves as diplomats, negotiators, and, yes, messengers. There is no point — as I have said to thee, Susan, in your portion of this delightful time together — in speaking to somebody in ways that they feel attacked, because what happens is they immediately go into defensive mode and fear, and when they are in that place, no energy moves or penetrates them. So you are absolutely correct that it does no good.
We have always wondered why people argue, say, politics, so vehemently long after the chance of making any point has been lost. Think of it this way: If you were explaining to someone you dearly loved that you were of a different faith, of a different belief system, of a different sexual orientation, or that you had some terminal disease, you would sit with them the way you do in [place name inaudible] and gently, softly, say: This is what is going on with me. And because I know you love me, I want you to know what I believe. And it is important to use that word “believe,” because what is happening is the breaking down of the old paradigms of belief systems; so, when you use this word, “belief,” you are erecting the new, you are replacing it and building the new foundation. So you say: I believe this is happening to me. And I will be going through the ascension process. It has already begun. And you may wish to elaborate — how you are feeling, what you have experienced — depending on the openness of the individual you are talking about.
You can then say: I am not going to talk about this every time we get together because I know that it doesn’t resonate with you. But I also want you to know that if it is your path as well, even though you don’t know it, I am praying to our almighty God and Source that you will also find your way, and that I will be able to help you.
So what you are doing is not creating any form of confrontation. You are simply saying, I believe, and this is what is going on with me. And you are doing so in exactly the same tone of voice and manner in which I am speaking to thee this day. It is gentle, it is kind, it is considerate. It is not intrusive, because that is not honoring of another’s choices, decisions, and the sanctity of their sacred space. Now, when you act this way, your energy comes in gentle waves and penetrates other peoples’ hearts. But you do not seek to invade, and then you let it go.
And if someone is caustic, or you think they’re being caustic, and they say, “Well, how’s that ascension thing going for you?” they may be being critical, but they also may be opening the door a little. They may be curious. So, use your discernment, which is very high, listen to your heart, and either laugh and say, “Well, it’s going,” or share a little more. Because whether those who are adamant that this is not going on they are not oblivious to noting the changes that are happening on the planet — the populace, including those who are at the moment naysayers, are waking up.
It is joyful. It is miraculous. But the key to that awakening is never shaking them awake. It is never being critical or unkind. It is never being exclusionary: “I’m going and you’re not.” No, the invitation is extended with open arms and open heart.
Let me give you an example. There are many times when a responsible parent will explain to their children where babies come from, what the reproductive process of humans is. And very often the response of the child is to simply laugh and say, “Don’t be ridiculous!” Later, they come to understand. It is exactly the same.
So, be the responsible one. Share the information, and then let it be. Let them discover the wonder of being reborn. Is this clear?
Susan: Yes, thank you. And that actually leads very nicely into the next question. How can we speak to our children about ascension when they don’t know about ascension?
AAM: When you speak to your children, as you would speak to anyone else, you are doing so in love. And also understand that the majority, actually, the greater percentage of this entire undertaking — both with our side and your side, and your star brothers’ side, and Gaia —has been energetic. It has been that energetic penetration into the very core of the being. So, do not think that the children aren’t getting it. They, more than anybody, have received and welcomed this energy. Yes, even though sometimes they seem like they’re bouncing off the walls.
They came very specifically for this time, and for the time following it, of course. They didn’t want to miss it. They could have chosen to come in at a different point, but they didn’t. And we want to remind all the parents out there, and the aunts and the uncles and the grandparents, they chose you, and you chose them. But they chose you not only for circumstances and for love, but also because they knew that, in your wisdom, in your sweet tenderness, and in your strength, that you would help them through this process.
What we would suggest — and of course it will vary depending on age — for the younger ones, they understand death. Either grandparents or great-grandparents, or the family dog dies. So they understand that process…of leaving. And for some of them, that process of coming and going is still in very recent memory. This is an opportunity for parents to say — and not in light of a death — but just say, You know how things change form, that somehow somebody or something dies? But there’s another way, too, where sometimes we change our form. Just like the angels sometimes will assume a form to appear on Earth and help us, well, there is a good chance, sweetheart, that we’re going to do that together as a family.
So, this is something I’m working on. And I’m working on it for the whole family. And so when the time comes I’m just going to gather you in my arms and take you on this little trip, where we will get to be even happier than we are today. It’s not frightening. There is nothing to be afraid of. But I just wanted you to know there are many ways to live, and we want to try them all. Because life is about the adventure.
If the child is older, and we are thinking, you know, depending on the child, we would say 12 to, hmm, 15, they already understand about energy and shifting. They live in a virtual world, they believe in superheroes assuming different forms. They are up for the adventure.
So you would speak to them differently: that there is a potential shift occurring where the Earth, Gaia, is going to get rid of poverty and disease, lack and limitation; that we are going to raise our vibration; that we’re being recalibrated to be a more efficient human being; and that it is about being more heart-centered and more loving, so that there is no war, there is no civil strife, there is no backbiting and bitterness. Because do not think that children do not see this every day in their schools; they do.
So you speak to them in that way. But the key is you speak to them from your heart. You know your children. You know their hearts. You know their beauty. You know what will speak to them in ways that are not frightening. And that is why we talk about the elimination of war, of hunger, of poverty; that they can live on a planet with clean water and clean air.
But do not make it — either for the younger ones or the older ones — do not make it too serious, because it will infuse fear. Do not forget, the passport is the loving heart, and you do not wish to infuse these beautiful hearts of purity with fear. And for some children, once the topic is open, they will want to talk about it endlessly. And others will say, “Oh, okay, that’s cool. Let me know,” and not want to talk about it at all. And that is fine as well. Judge yourself accordingly.
Susan: Thank you, Michael. I believe our time is up. But I will be back. Thank you again.
AAM: Dear Heart, go with my love. Go with my blessings. And remember, we have a deal. Go in peace, dear one.
S: Thank you.
AAM: Farewell.