Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Meet In the Center of the Trees across from the Water at Crystal Beach. 
Join us for our Annual Fall Equinox Peace Ceremony. Lighting the World Peace Flame, we share Peace around the World. Drumming the Heartbeat of Mother Earth, we give thanks to Creator for another Season of Harvest. 
Bring your Drum and chair, join the Peace Circle as one intention for Peace and Healing of the Earth and Water.. Giving thanks for the past we release what isn't serving our highest good as a whole. Making room for the new. 
See you at 5 in the park for ceremony. ❤😊 weather permitting.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Vibratation and the Holographic Universe

by Rev Caroline Dawley
16.95 "Health can be seen as a state of wholeness and balance, when we are in harmony with our higher source, with the unified field. What is occurring on the physical plane is always dependent upon what is occurring in the non-physical realms of consciousness. To create a new paradigm that expresses what we would prefer as our reality, we would examine our own thoughts, beliefs, feelings, values, and priorities, and change our perspective and our pattern of living. This would create a lasting change in what we see and experience in our new reality, our new world". Excerpt from Jed Shlackman, Waking Time

“As we become aware of the magnetic field around our body and every living life form, we begin to understand how vibration governs the form of physical matter. When vibrational energy and information are introduced via sound, light, or other vibrational stimuli, physical systems change their form and function”. 

Vibration can be perceived in multiple sensory ways, with all of our 5 senses being ways of interpreting vibratory patterns in our environment. Everything that is perceived to exist in physical reality is just the narrow, dense layer of wave forms and vibration that is being projected and manifested by higher density vibrational fields. Physicists have discovered that any particle which appears to exist is in a sense a snapshot of a wave, which appears in a momentary frozen form as a result of the observer perceiving it in order to crystallize a reality for the observer. Nothing is truly solid or stable, everything is energy in some state of motion called vibration.

The various layers of vibratory reality that underlie the physical realm are expressions of consciousness. Mystical teachers have always explained that consciousness and spirit are the fundamental reality, and the physical realm just a mirror or projection, a feedback tool for consciousness to observe and understand itself. Scientists who study nuclear physics will recognize that in just a single atom is the potential energy to provide massive amounts of power if that atom is split (nuclear atomic fission). This illustrates how much energy is involved in bringing into form just a single atom. When we tap in to those deeper levels of energy and consciousness we access a tremendous power for transformation.
In the holographic principle, each part broken off from a hologram still contains access to the information to create the whole. For this to be true it implies that the hologram is a form of unified field, in which any lower level appearance of separation from that Source field is an illusion. This also means that the whole is reflected in the parts and that any change in a part will have a ripple effect that is reflected throughout the whole. We do not exist separate from one another or from our ultimate Source, whether we call that source God, Great Spirit, Creator, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Matrix, All That Is, Prime Creator, or Supreme Being.

If we examine the creation of a human being we can see a field of intelligence at work in each of the energy bodies. The whole organism is constantly monitoring its environment to adapt and adjust and maintain relative balance and harmony to sustain life. For a human being, the processing power comes from the animating spirit, the spiritual field of consciousness and vibratory energy that is creating a human life. That spirit exists independent of the human identity, for it was present prior to the biological conception and will continue to exist when the physical body is released and decays. The spirit gathers memory and experience which contribute to its own evolution, to the consciousness of the whole of Creation, and to whatever it may choose to create next.

As we come to understand these principles underlying our reality and our life experience we can see how they relate to our health and healing." Health can be seen as a state of wholeness and balance, when we are in harmony with our higher source, with the unified field. What is occurring on the physical plane is always dependent upon what is occurring in the non-physical realms of consciousness. To create a new paradigm that expresses what we would prefer as our reality, we would examine our own thoughts, beliefs, feelings, values, and priorities, and change our perspective and our pattern of living. This would create a lasting change in what we see and experience in our new reality, our new world".
Excerpt from Jed Shlackman, Waking Times

Monday, August 20, 2018

The New Earth Golden Light Galaxy

We are creating the New Earth Golden Light Galaxy

"We Are Creating A New Golden Galaxy"
Archangel Michael transmitted through Ronna Herman
“We Are Creating a New Golden Galaxy”
Beloved masters, can you feel the excitement in the ethers/air? The changes you have dreamed about, hoped and aspired to are swiftly coming to fruition. You visions, mantras, and meditations are bearing fruit as the refined patterns of Light are drawn forth from the higher realms and begin to take roots in the world of materiality. Your expanded consciousness is affecting those around you and the unified force field of your spiritual family is growing stronger each day. More and more of the Creator’s Light is available to you, the gift of life via God’s great Rays of Expression.
You are turning your thoughts inward and upward as you remember your origins and your home among the stars. You yearn to complete your mission in the physical so that you may go back to your true state as a Being of Light. Many of you think you will be returning on the path in which you descended as you slowly moved down through the dimensions, compressing your “lightness” into density. This is not possible, dear ones, for the universe as it was then no longer exists. What you envision as your home amongst the stars has changed, every part of this and other universes have evolved and changed radically mostly for the better, but not all. The expansion of the God Mind is just that allowing its Sparks of consciousness to co-create, to expand, experience, learn and fill ever more of the Great Void with the radiance and Light of God-consciousness.
Even though you may believe that there must be more failures than successes, the beauty of the plan is this: You were sent out to the far reaches of the universe to experiment, co-create and learn, then were called together again to bring your special God-given talents to planet Earth. You can all see what the diversity and separation of consciousness have wrought on Earth, but as we repeatedly tell you, the experiment is not a failure. The reunification process is moving forward at an ever-increasing pace as you, the Starseed and the Holy Innocent Ones, awaken and take up the banner of Light.
We have told you the Earth, your solar system and galaxy are gradually being drawn upward into a higher refinement. Or to put it another way, in order to give you a better understanding, the next step in the Grand Plan for this universe is to glean the positive experiences or energy patterns from the negative; to balance, transmute and transform the negative energy patterns back into neutral cosmic Light substance (It will be as if they never existed), as all moves forward on the next turn of the cosmic spiral.
Not only is the Earth to reclaim her perfected state and gradually lift and clear the density patterns through the gift of divine alchemy or the Violet Transmuting Flame, but the creative thought forms which contain the rich history of humanity’s sojourn on Earth, the wondrous experiences and wisdom garnered the successes minus the failures are being accumulated and stored in the higher realms. Your astronomers have reported strange bursts of Light and unexplainable happenings in the heavens. If they only knew what is really taking place. A new galaxy is being formed, my precious warriors. A new galaxy which will eventually seed the next universe. It will be called the Golden Galaxy for it will radiate the golden Light of the Prime Creator. Allow us to give you a vision, a sneak preview, you might say. What is now being formed is the future Great Central Sun for this new galaxy and the great Beings of Light who will be infused with God’s blueprint and the overall theme for this new creation are presently being called forth. Many of the great Beings from far-distant universes who have come to observe the transformative miracles have expressed a desire to be part of this next great undertaking. Your quadrant of manifested creation is very popular, my friends, it is where the action is.
This new galaxy will radiate a golden aura and all manifested worlds in this galaxy will also be infused with varying hues of gold, silver and copper. No, the streets will not be paved with gold, as described in some of your popular myths of what heaven looks like. Again this is a misinterpretation of the wisdom teachings of the great masters by those who had to make heaven earth like so they could comprehend it. Since gold is one of your most precious commodities, what could be more desirable than streets of gold? The radiant colours of the higher realms are beyond the imagining of most people. Some of you, in your times of meditation, have tapped into the frequencies of the higher dimensions, and while there have seen the glorious colours and experienced the bliss of communion with the Holy Spirit of God. Once you experience this blessing, you are forever changed and you will always strive to recapture the feeling. This is bliss you will experience when you incarnate in this new world of Light.
While we are on this subject, let me explain that this also holds true for the statement that you are made in God’s image. The God Force is a great radiant Being of Light and that is what you were when you were projected from the heart of the Creator, not a male (usually portrayed as a wise old man with a long beard), nor a female, or any type of physical body at all. God is pure Spirit without form and yet God is all form and incorporated in all things. The wise, all seeing, all-knowing Essence known as God cannot be confined to any one form or any one concept, because there is nothing outside of God. You are here because of God, you cannot get away and you cannot hide for your soul and DNA are encoded with God-consciousness which is divine love, divine intelligence and the desire to create in your own unique way.
I will give you a glimpse of what this new world will be like: You will be much taller than you are now (as you were in the beginning on planet Earth), the average Being will be from ten to twelve feet tall. You will have form, but you will not be as solid as you are now. To a certain degree, you will be able to manipulate your form at will, assuming masculine or feminine characteristics, so that you may enjoy the duality and broad spectrum of sexual expression. Therefore, there will be no misunderstandings of the masculine and feminine attributes and no gender restrictions or barriers. Your skin will glow with a golden radiance and your eyes will be of varying shades from light gold to a deep copper colour and they will truly reflect your soul. You will speak a language, but it will sound more lyrical and will be more a creative expression than to communicate, for you will have full use of all your sensory perceptions: telecommunication or telepathy, clairvoyance or clear seeing and yes, you will be able to communicate with us, for we will all be there together as we were in the beginning.
You will not have hair on your heads or bodies, but there will be what appears to be beautiful streams of light flowing from your head. The predominant colour will be the colour of your major Ray, and other rays will be displayed in a mandala of colours depending on your characteristics and Divine blueprint. In order to satisfy your creative desires for uniqueness, you will be able to arrange these beams of Light in various artistic ways, and you will clothe yourselves in glowing garments of gossamer material which will reflect your thoughts or moods of the moment.
You will bring all positive attributes you have acquired during your journey throughout time and space, and will have incorporated, in varying degrees, the broad spectrum of the twelve Rays of God-consciousness. You will not remember the negativity or painful experiences of your physical incarnations, but you will remember how you it felt to work in harmony with the elements and creative forces of nature. You will be given assignments and training so that you will be well-schooled when it comes to the time to be an active participant in exciting, new creative endeavours. You will serve side by side with us, the angelic forces, as we go forth to fulfil the Creator’s plan for the expansion of the cosmos.
When you agreed to participate in the experiment on planet Earth a promise was made to you that when your mission was completed, if it was your desire, you would have the opportunity to become a co creator and active player in the next level of cosmic evolution, the formation of a golden galaxy. The Earth has been your training ground, beloveds, and you have learned much. By trial and error, pain and suffering, you are gradually becoming masters of co-creation. You see, you must learn your lessons well, if you are to help create the next paradise world. Any and all are eligible candidates for this new and exciting adventure, beloveds, all you must do is move into neutrality and become harmless, and then contribute your unique Christ Light, or add your positive vibrational patterns to the Whole as, together, we assist your Earth to be birthed into a star of Light. Now that I have given you a vision of what is to come, I will give you some guidelines to assist you as you move through these next critical years of Earth time.
Are you ready to live in the pillar of Light instead of on the cross of matter, vertically rather than horizontally? In doing this you will have access to all Divine attributes of Creation: Love, wisdom, inspiration, compassion, creativity, joy, radiant health and abundance. In doing so, you will move across the chasm of cause and effect into a state of grace, you will live in a refined world of your own choosing as you encourage and assist others to claim their vision and join you in the quest.
Take a few minutes and write down whatever comes first in your mind.
What is your hearts desire? What would make your soul song? Are you ready and willing to take a chance, to step out into the unknown, to learn your Earth’s mission and fulfil it? Are you ready to expose, examine, heal and release your deepest core issues? This may mean facing and challenging your ego, your belief system and being moved out of your comfort zone. It may mean that those in your world will also challenge you and your relationships may change. Are you willing to release everything and everyone in your life to it’s/their highest good? Are you willing to allow your spiritual family to share your deepest secrets, pain, failures (real or imagined) and to be vulnerable, to also share their pain as they expose their souls, without judgement, or trying to “fix it”, to just “be there” to offer love and support? Are you willing to speak your truth as you presently know it and not alter or colour for the benefits of others? Are you willing to make mistakes along the way as you strive to reclaim your mastery? (It is the ego that demands perfection). As your new truths unfold are you willing to be true to yourself, even if it means disappointing others? Are you willing to begin to practise “self love” until you are filled with God Light and it overflows out into the world and to others? Are you willing to follow Spirit without hesitation, listen to your soul-song and follow your own sacred path? Will you endeavour to stay in the “moment”, concentrating on the task or opportunity at hand, one thought at the time, one step at a time leading you to mastery? Will you endeavour to see what is “right” with people in your life, instead of what is wrong? Will you practise seeing the opportunities, justice and beauty in your world, instead of the challenges, test and negativity? Are you willing to see yourself reflected in the eyes of others, accepting the judgment and criticism in the same manner that you accept the love and approval? Are you willing to do whatever needs to be done for your highest good, for your mates highest good, for your/the children’s highest good, for your friend’s or co-workers highest good, for the world’s highest good? Are you ready to accept as your truth that you are entitled to all the love, joy, beauty, bounty, and abundance of Creation as your Divine Birthright? Are you ready to accept the truth that whatever you ask for is already yours in the higher dimensions, and all you have to do is believe and claim it? Are you ready to be a leader, offering solutions as you assist in the refinement of humanity and the Earth? rather than being a protester and following the path of least resistance? At the appropriate times, are you willing to go into solitude to be alone with yourself to become accustomed to turning inward so that Spirit can speak to and through you? Are you ready to accept the truth that you are a Divine Spark of God and you on Earth as God’s representative? Beloved Ones, it is time to come down off the cross of matter, to stop the practice of drawing the energy you need from those around you, the outmoded cosmic dance, the push/pull of polarity in the world of cause and effect. As you step into the radiance of the vertical flow of Spirit, your life will change dramatically. You turn inward for your strength and wisdom. You do not allow those around you to tell you whom or what you are, but validate your truths for yourself by turning to your Divine Self, then, you live those truths to the best of your ability. Your connection to your I AM presence will grow stronger each day and you will begin to feel the Oneness and Harmony with all Beings and all things. This is your goal – This is your destiny – Do you choose it now or later? Why not now, faithful Ones?
I enfold you in the radiance of the Creator’s Love.
I AM Archangel Michael.

Sunday, June 10, 2018




Change is the basic principle of life.  Today we use change to perceive our path and open to the power of Vision in the South direction.  All healing results when we link to the whole, and balance all worlds within worlds.  The Medicine Wheel is a path for wholeness and healing.  The void, or circle creates sacred space for the divine origin of the new. Let us join all energies as one.
These are our times and responsibilities, we are here today, not by accident, but by Divine calling.  Today we face challenges, we have come here to intend for the Awakening of Humankind, and to Create Sacred Space for giving birth to a new world.  When we support Life, Unity, Equality for Eternity,  we  give birth to Heaven on Earth.
As we listen to the sound of the Drumbeat, let our hearts be one with the thousand drums around the world, and transform this present darkness to a new world of love, light and peace for all. 
As we look to the direction of the South, we call in the power of the south energies; the circle of the plants, and the power to walk in innocence, faith, and the true spirit of Unity.  The power of the South gives us the strength for wellbeing and emotional harmony.  Let us purify our hearts in the Fire of the Sun and rekindle the true spirit of unconditional love for all.
Now facing the West direction, we call on the power of the West direction, the power of the Earth.  Let us review our past as human beings and ask, what have we learned?  Look within yourself for the answer.  The within direction is the place where we unity with spirit and with power to direct our energy to create a bright new future for all.  We ask forgiveness for our errors and for all beings.  Now release the past.
Looking to the North direction and the circle of the ancestors, and the circle of the animals, today we unite with the power of wisdom.  As we choose to release the old “form” that does not serve the highest good for the whole.  We call on Wisdom and Light to shine on our path as we surrender the things that cause division and separation and enter the unknown mystery held, deep in our hearts and Mother Earth. Today let us choose to be ONE, let us all choose to be whole. As we heal ourselves, we heal the Earth
Now, again facing the East direction we look to the future.  Collectively, we call on the power of the Sun to bring forth New Life on Mother Earth, we call forth the New World of Life, Unity, Equality for Eternity, manifesting Peace on Earth.  As we face East, we look for the New Peace Sun Rising on the Horizon.
The future carries the message from all directions; from all cultures, races and creeds.  Let us all Dream what can be and imagine the New Earth where all live in freedom and peace. By balancing the medicine wheel, we bring balance and healing to Mother Earth.  Let us hold the vision of the New Dawn Sun Rising.  Namaste’   Rev. Caroline Dawley

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Tuesday, May 27, 2018 at 7:00-8:30 pm on the Dunedin Causeway Beach (left side of Kayaks)
Millions of people celebrate Vesak Day, an officially recognized United Nations (UN) holiday that celebrates the birth of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.
Taurus (Wesak) Festival May 2018
The Festival of Wesak is the Festival of the Buddha, the spiritual intermediary between the highest spiritual centre, Shamballa, and the Hierarchy. The Buddha is the expression of the wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and the indicator of divine purpose. This Festival is fixed annually in relation to the full moon of May; it is the great Eastern Festival.
The Forces of Enlightenment are active at the time of the WesakFestival. These Forces emanate from the heart of God; they are related to divine understanding and can reach and strengthen those who love and serve humanity and the Earth. This energy transmits the second principle of divinity, love-wisdom, of which the Buddha and the Christ are the two outstanding expression. The forces of enlightenment initiate the new world. The first to be affected by them are the great educational movements, the forums of the people in all lands and the values which can unfold through mass communications media. The press, publishers of world literature, speakers, writers, radio commentators, newspaper men and social workers are all affected by these forces which stream into the minds of men. Their effects are not yet apparent to any degree, but these movements and people are the recipients today of the energies of enlightenment; as they recognize the new emerging ideas they can channel and direct energy to influence the masses of men and women everywhere.  fac. by Caroline Dawley 
love offering appreciated.
"We Are Creating A New Golden Galaxy"
Archangel Michael transmitted through Ronna Herman
“We Are Creating a New Golden Galaxy”
Beloved masters, can you feel the excitement in the ethers/air? The changes you have dreamed about, hoped and aspired to are swiftly coming to fruition. You visions, mantras, and meditations are bearing fruit as the refined patterns of Light are drawn forth from the higher realms and begin to take roots in the world of materiality. Your expanded consciousness is affecting those around you and the unified force field of your spiritual family is growing stronger each day. More and more of the Creator’s Light is available to you, the gift of life via God’s great Rays of Expression.
You are turning your thoughts inward and upward as you remember your origins and your home among the stars. You yearn to complete your mission in the physical so that you may go back to your true state as a Being of Light. Many of you think you will be returning on the path in which you descended as you slowly moved down through the dimensions, compressing your “lightness” into density. This is not possible, dear ones, for the universe as it was then no longer exists. What you envision as your home amongst the stars has changed, every part of this and other universes have evolved and changed radically mostly for the better, but not all. The expansion of the God Mind is just that allowing its Sparks of consciousness to co-create, to expand, experience, learn and fill ever more of the Great Void with the radiance and Light of God-consciousness.
Even though you may believe that there must be more failures than successes, the beauty of the plan is this: You were sent out to the far reaches of the universe to experiment, co-create and learn, then were called together again to bring your special God-given talents to planet Earth. You can all see what the diversity and separation of consciousness have wrought on Earth, but as we repeatedly tell you, the experiment is not a failure. The reunification process is moving forward at an ever-increasing pace as you, the Starseed and the Holy Innocent Ones, awaken and take up the banner of Light.
We have told you the Earth, your solar system and galaxy are gradually being drawn upward into a higher refinement. Or to put it another way, in order to give you a better understanding, the next step in the Grand Plan for this universe is to glean the positive experiences or energy patterns from the negative; to balance, transmute and transform the negative energy patterns back into neutral cosmic Light substance (It will be as if they never existed), as all moves forward on the next turn of the cosmic spiral.
Not only is the Earth to reclaim her perfected state and gradually lift and clear the density patterns through the gift of divine alchemy or the Violet Transmuting Flame, but the creative thought forms which contain the rich history of humanity’s sojourn on Earth, the wondrous experiences and wisdom garnered the successes minus the failures are being accumulated and stored in the higher realms. Your astronomers have reported strange bursts of Light and unexplainable happenings in the heavens. If they only knew what is really taking place. A new galaxy is being formed, my precious warriors. A new galaxy which will eventually seed the next universe. It will be called the Golden Galaxy for it will radiate the golden Light of the Prime Creator. Allow us to give you a vision, a sneak preview, you might say. What is now being formed is the future Great Central Sun for this new galaxy and the great Beings of Light who will be infused with God’s blueprint and the overall theme for this new creation are presently being called forth. Many of the great Beings from far-distant universes who have come to observe the transformative miracles have expressed a desire to be part of this next great undertaking. Your quadrant of manifested creation is very popular, my friends, it is where the action is.
This new galaxy will radiate a golden aura and all manifested worlds in this galaxy will also be infused with varying hues of gold, silver and copper. No, the streets will not be paved with gold, as described in some of your popular myths of what heaven looks like. Again this is a misinterpretation of the wisdom teachings of the great masters by those who had to make heaven earth like so they could comprehend it. Since gold is one of your most precious commodities, what could be more desirable than streets of gold? The radiant colours of the higher realms are beyond the imagining of most people. Some of you, in your times of meditation, have tapped into the frequencies of the higher dimensions, and while there have seen the glorious colours and experienced the bliss of communion with the Holy Spirit of God. Once you experience this blessing, you are forever changed and you will always strive to recapture the feeling. This is bliss you will experience when you incarnate in this new world of Light.
While we are on this subject, let me explain that this also holds true for the statement that you are made in God’s image. The God Force is a great radiant Being of Light and that is what you were when you were projected from the heart of the Creator, not a male (usually portrayed as a wise old man with a long beard), nor a female, or any type of physical body at all. God is pure Spirit without form and yet God is all form and incorporated in all things. The wise, all seeing, all-knowing Essence known as God cannot be confined to any one form or any one concept, because there is nothing outside of God. You are here because of God, you cannot get away and you cannot hide for your soul and DNA are encoded with God-consciousness which is divine love, divine intelligence and the desire to create in your own unique way.
I will give you a glimpse of what this new world will be like: You will be much taller than you are now (as you were in the beginning on planet Earth), the average Being will be from ten to twelve feet tall. You will have form, but you will not be as solid as you are now. To a certain degree, you will be able to manipulate your form at will, assuming masculine or feminine characteristics, so that you may enjoy the duality and broad spectrum of sexual expression. Therefore, there will be no misunderstandings of the masculine and feminine attributes and no gender restrictions or barriers. Your skin will glow with a golden radiance and your eyes will be of varying shades from light gold to a deep copper colour and they will truly reflect your soul. You will speak a language, but it will sound more lyrical and will be more a creative expression than to communicate, for you will have full use of all your sensory perceptions: telecommunication or telepathy, clairvoyance or clear seeing and yes, you will be able to communicate with us, for we will all be there together as we were in the beginning.
You will not have hair on your heads or bodies, but there will be what appears to be beautiful streams of light flowing from your head. The predominant colour will be the colour of your major Ray, and other rays will be displayed in a mandala of colours depending on your characteristics and Divine blueprint. In order to satisfy your creative desires for uniqueness, you will be able to arrange these beams of Light in various artistic ways, and you will clothe yourselves in glowing garments of gossamer material which will reflect your thoughts or moods of the moment.
You will bring all positive attributes you have acquired during your journey throughout time and space, and will have incorporated, in varying degrees, the broad spectrum of the twelve Rays of God-consciousness. You will not remember the negativity or painful experiences of your physical incarnations, but you will remember how you it felt to work in harmony with the elements and creative forces of nature. You will be given assignments and training so that you will be well-schooled when it comes to the time to be an active participant in exciting, new creative endeavours. You will serve side by side with us, the angelic forces, as we go forth to fulfil the Creator’s plan for the expansion of the cosmos.
When you agreed to participate in the experiment on planet Earth a promise was made to you that when your mission was completed, if it was your desire, you would have the opportunity to become a co creator and active player in the next level of cosmic evolution, the formation of a golden galaxy. The Earth has been your training ground, beloveds, and you have learned much. By trial and error, pain and suffering, you are gradually becoming masters of co-creation. You see, you must learn your lessons well, if you are to help create the next paradise world. Any and all are eligible candidates for this new and exciting adventure, beloveds, all you must do is move into neutrality and become harmless, and then contribute your unique Christ Light, or add your positive vibrational patterns to the Whole as, together, we assist your Earth to be birthed into a star of Light. Now that I have given you a vision of what is to come, I will give you some guidelines to assist you as you move through these next critical years of Earth time.
Are you ready to live in the pillar of Light instead of on the cross of matter, vertically rather than horizontally? In doing this you will have access to all Divine attributes of Creation: Love, wisdom, inspiration, compassion, creativity, joy, radiant health and abundance. In doing so, you will move across the chasm of cause and effect into a state of grace, you will live in a refined world of your own choosing as you encourage and assist others to claim their vision and join you in the quest.
Take a few minutes and write down whatever comes first in your mind.
What is your hearts desire? What would make your soul song? Are you ready and willing to take a chance, to step out into the unknown, to learn your Earth’s mission and fulfil it? Are you ready to expose, examine, heal and release your deepest core issues? This may mean facing and challenging your ego, your belief system and being moved out of your comfort zone. It may mean that those in your world will also challenge you and your relationships may change. Are you willing to release everything and everyone in your life to it’s/their highest good? Are you willing to allow your spiritual family to share your deepest secrets, pain, failures (real or imagined) and to be vulnerable, to also share their pain as they expose their souls, without judgement, or trying to “fix it”, to just “be there” to offer love and support? Are you willing to speak your truth as you presently know it and not alter or colour for the benefits of others? Are you willing to make mistakes along the way as you strive to reclaim your mastery? (It is the ego that demands perfection). As your new truths unfold are you willing to be true to yourself, even if it means disappointing others? Are you willing to begin to practise “self love” until you are filled with God Light and it overflows out into the world and to others? Are you willing to follow Spirit without hesitation, listen to your soul-song and follow your own sacred path? Will you endeavour to stay in the “moment”, concentrating on the task or opportunity at hand, one thought at the time, one step at a time leading you to mastery? Will you endeavour to see what is “right” with people in your life, instead of what is wrong? Will you practise seeing the opportunities, justice and beauty in your world, instead of the challenges, test and negativity? Are you willing to see yourself reflected in the eyes of others, accepting the judgment and criticism in the same manner that you accept the love and approval? Are you willing to do whatever needs to be done for your highest good, for your mates highest good, for your/the children’s highest good, for your friend’s or co-workers highest good, for the world’s highest good? Are you ready to accept as your truth that you are entitled to all the love, joy, beauty, bounty, and abundance of Creation as your Divine Birthright? Are you ready to accept the truth that whatever you ask for is already yours in the higher dimensions, and all you have to do is believe and claim it? Are you ready to be a leader, offering solutions as you assist in the refinement of humanity and the Earth? rather than being a protester and following the path of least resistance? At the appropriate times, are you willing to go into solitude to be alone with yourself to become accustomed to turning inward so that Spirit can speak to and through you? Are you ready to accept the truth that you are a Divine Spark of God and you on Earth as God’s representative? Beloved Ones, it is time to come down off the cross of matter, to stop the practice of drawing the energy you need from those around you, the outmoded cosmic dance, the push/pull of polarity in the world of cause and effect. As you step into the radiance of the vertical flow of Spirit, your life will change dramatically. You turn inward for your strength and wisdom. You do not allow those around you to tell you whom or what you are, but validate your truths for yourself by turning to your Divine Self, then, you live those truths to the best of your ability. Your connection to your I AM presence will grow stronger each day and you will begin to feel the Oneness and Harmony with all Beings and all things. This is your goal – This is your destiny – Do you choose it now or later? Why not now, faithful Ones?
I enfold you in the radiance of the Creator’s Love.
I AM Archangel Michael.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


April 29, 7-8:30pm On Dunedin Causeway Beach. (left of Kayaks)

Teaching: SEE THE TRUTH. Learn the animal, plant and mineral totem for this moon cycle.
Drumming: our intention is to raise the vibration for ourselves and the Earth.
Meditation: Journey through the Sun to the New Earth.
Bring an instrument
Location: Dunedin Causeway Beach. Left side of Kayak rentals.
Gratitude offering appreciated.

East Gate: Illumination and Wisdom
Budding Trees Moon - Lesson: See The Truth   (March 21 to April 19
Animal: Red Tail Hawk, Mineral: Fire opal, Color: Yellow, Plant: Dandelion, Clan – Thunderbird, Element: Fire
Hawk people born under this moon are fiery and filled with energy; are friendly, open and intelligent.   They are natural leaders and a symbol of hope for any new idea struggling to manifest.  They are catalysts, who make ideas into realities, and influence others with their positive and fiery energy.  They  have a direct connection with the Sun and with fire, a connection strengthened because they are of the Thunderbird Clan. Not only do these people begin projects, but also keep them going with the strength of their energy.  They must learn to deal with their emotions, which is more difficult for them, but this is the fire of their energy and they must learn to express themselves and set their emotions free.
Opal is a fiery stone that has water added to it. Because of the fire in the stone, it is connected to the powers of the Sun.  It is considered to be a stone of hope  and has the power to sooth the emotional body. Opal illuminates the positive actions of the self, enhancing the good and true and fostering one's highest potential.
Dandelion greens contain large amounts of vit. A, B, C, and calcium. Used as a tonic to rid the body of toxins in those organs, as a diuretic and to balance the blood sugar level in the system.
This position is directly influenced by the Thunderbird clan. The fire opal can teach people in this position about the need for water, for the emotions in tempering their fiery energy. The dandelion can show them the advantages of taking root as well as flying. The red-tailed hawk can demonstrate the joy of freedom and of a long, clear view. The Budding Trees Moon will teach you about energy, intensity, catalyzing change, fearlessness, and optimism. Being in this position will show you your leadership ability, the enormity of your own spirit, and the extent of your Clear sightedness. People experiencing the Budding Trees Moon need to learn to channel their energies, contain their emotions, and be more patient with others.
Moon Lesson: - See The Truth: Budding trees moon is the fourth Moon cycle of Truth.  We learn to See the Truth when we experience all Colors on the Medicine Wheel, we learn to respect and see truth from other points of view.  Each Moon cycle has a different color or vibration, when we see the truth in all colors we are able to create substance of our Dreams and Prophecies and manifest them on Earth..
April Full Moon Cycle is connected to the Medicine of Prophecy also called "Seeing the Truth". This is the Moon of the Healer, Seer and Shaman who guides people on their soul journeys. This Moon empowers the gifts of the Shaman as Seer, Dreamer and Visionary..  Teaching us to trust our Dreams, intuition and feelings as they exist in ourselves. She teaches us how to read the symbols that we find on our pathway and how to see the truth in every vision we receive.  The energy of this Moon cycle assists all people in the ability to See The Truth in all dimensions.  When we know the truth and see the truth, we honor the truth in all our relations on the great Medicine Wheel and regain our place in the Sacred Circle of Life.  Donation appreciated.  Books for sale, $10 ea. WhitefawnStar fac.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Spring Equinox Ceremony and opening the East Gate

Spring Equinox Ceremony and opening the East Gate on the Medicine Wheel. March 20th, 2018 Dunedin Causeway Beach next to the Kayaks.  7:00pm-8:30pm
Spring Equinox on the Medicine Wheel. The East Direction on the Medicine Wheel is the Place of the Winds of Change, Eagle, and the rising of a New Sun in our Hearts. Welcome the Peace Sun.
We begin in the East, the place of all beginnings. In our cycle of life, we travel many times to the place of the east. Spirit keeper of the East is the Golden Eagle. This is the direction of Spring, the place of vision and new birth, new beginnings. Eagle helps us lift our mind up to see the whole picture from a higher perspective. We plant seeds that will manifest our intentions for the year. This is the place of the rising of the Sun at each new dawn; the place where we bring our Prayers for a bright new future, and our intentions for the coming year.
Time of the Big Winds and Spring Equinox.
The Winds of Change blow away the old growth from last year; the seeds that didn’t produce were blown away making room for new seeds of change and new beginnings to be planted in the Garden of our highest intentions. Eagle comes and lifts our mind up as we ride the thermals higher and higher, we glimpse the whole and see in the distance a possible new destiny. Eagle symbolizes our unity with Spirit to rise above our ordinary life and view the whole picture.
Welcome the Wind to uplift your thoughts, and see the new sun rising in your heart. This is the place of new birth, of spiritual growth and new beginnings. Open your heart, open your spirit, plant the seeds of your highest intentions.  Tend the garden of your heart and intend for a beautiful future for all.
East Gate: Illumination and Wisdom
Budding Trees Moon -Lesson: See The Truth
March 21 to April 19
Animal: Red Tail Hawk, Mineral: Fire opal, Color: Yellow, Plant: Dandelion, Clan – Thunderbird, Element: Fire
This position is directly influenced by the Thunderbird clan. The fire opal can teach people in this position about the need for water the emotions in tempering their fiery energy. The dandelion can show them the advantages of taking root as well as flying. The red-tailed hawk can demonstrate the joy of freedom and of a long, clear view. The Budding Trees Moon will teach you about energy, intensity, catalyzing change, fearlessness, and optimism. Being in this position will show you your leadership ability, the enormity of your own spirit, and the extent of your Clear sightedness. People experiencing the Budding Trees Moon need to learn to channel their energies, contain their emotions, and be more patient with others.
Moon Lesson: - See The Truth: Budding trees moon is the fourth Moon cycle of Truth. We learn to See the Truth when we experience all Colors on the Medicine Wheel, we learn to respect and see truth from other points of view. Each Moon cycle has a different color or vibration, when we see the truth in all colors we are able to create substance of our Dreams and Prophecies and manifest them on Earth.
Open your heart, open your spirit, plant the seeds of your highest intentions.  Tend the garden of your heart and intend for a beautiful future for all.