Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Super Blue Full Moon

 To The Ascension LightWorker Collective 

THE FULL MOON ON AUGUST 19, 2024, WILL BE A RARE SUPER BLUE MOON, VISIBLE FOR THREE DAYS. The Full Blue Supermoon in Aquarius embodies powerful energies igniting the true soul frequency and shifting our realities . It brings freedom, self-discovery, personal power, new opportunities, and transformation by burning away blockages and outdated energy. This rare supermoon is the first of four in a row this year and the last full moon will be appearing bigger and much brighter than usual.

The Blue Supermoon in Aquarius is a rare celestial event that will have a profound impact on your spiritual journey and personal growth. It symbolises a time of cleansing, renewal, and alignment with your true purpose. 

By connecting with the energies of this supermoon you may experience a heightened sense of intuition, clarity, and spiritual awakening. Consciously Expanding in this opportunity for inner reflection, healing, and manifestation of inner desires. Remembering to set positive intentions and letting go of anything that no longer serves a highest good and purpose .

As we wrap up Leo Season and activate in the energies of a super blue moon in Aquarius, solar flares and solar storms are activating important energies for the next 3 weeks. This planetary lunar activation emphasises inner work, manifestation, and reaping what we sow. It is a magical and potent time of the year, marking a significant shift in seasons and awakening to the inner work that still needs to be done. 

By being attuned to ascension symptoms and focusing on energy clearing and manifestation, the ascending will align with higher frequencies and move towards a more positive, abundant reality. Remaining focused on clear intentions, releasing fear, and having faith in the Universe's ability to create miracles in life. 

Preparing for transformation and healing as this phase is encouraging letting go of negativity and embracing inner strength through tests, trials  and challenges. Expanding in this powerful space for healing and growth over the next 3 weeks.

This means you’re probably starting to feel the energies more and more.  So many ascending are feeling some types of ascension symptoms this past week. Assisting in clearing and cleaning any contamination from the auric and energy fields . Pains, aches, discomforts are always letting us know which areas need the most work at this time .  

Some ascending may still have a lot of fear coming up to be cleared , continuing to exist the 3D Old Earth timelines.  By shifting the focus to the life you feel aligned with and your desired goals you will shift into more of 5D New Earth timelines.

This is why energy work will help greatly at this time as the ascending are now investing energy in manifesting. This means thoughts are rapidly manifesting. This could be extremely positive depending on how much inner work has been done and how much energetic space has been created within .  

The new energetic paradigm calls for simplicity in attuning to higher vibrations for effective energy work. Focusing on identifying areas for inner healing to create positive changes. Accepting that this is a gradual healing process with faith and patience, addressing symptoms and connecting to the Light Source for support in transformation.

The physical body is evolving towards higher dimensions, requiring practices like being in nature, meditation, and positivity. Remaining focused on personal growth without being affected and energetically infected by others. A recent powerful energy wave has deepened our connection to source light energy, enabling us to express and reflect our light in the world.

In the new energy, releasing and healing occurs at metaphysical and multidimensional levels. Starseed activation empowers inner strength and intentional manifestation without physical confrontation. Expanding in this transformational journey towards higher consciousness and self-realisation.

The Ascending are now activating the light codes of ascension and evolution within every cell of the body. This activation brings accelerated transformation, higher consciousness and deeper healing to the mind, body and soul through the highest vibrations of universal love.

As the conscious journey unfolds, the true self emerges with qualities like humility, gratitude, integrity, and compassion. This ascension process offers new perspectives on past experiences and a deeper understanding of the evolving self.

Focus and faith are key at this moment as things will begin to shift rapidly for the Ascending . The Universe is constantly working miracles in our life, emphasising the importance of staying positive, maintaining faith, and being open to unexpected blessings and opportunities. 

Self mastery in life is when we learn how to control where our attention goes and value what we give our energy and time to.

Consciously aligning with higher self intentions, trusting in the process, and remaining open to the miracles unfolding in Ascending life. 

Loving and devoted Ascension service 

By Ascension LightWorkers ©️

Saturday, November 4, 2023


SUNSHIP CENTER - 12-22-23 December  22nd. 7:00-9:00 PM  Caroline Dawley facilitating. 
Joining Hearts and Faiths around the fire to Light the World Peace Flame and extend the Peace as we light our individual candles. Sharing History of World Peace Flame.
WELCOMING WINTER SOLSTICE and the New Peace Sun into our Hemisphere.
OFFERING to the fire. DRUMMING FOR PEACE, UNITY, HARMONY, AND COMPASSION. Gift offering sliding scale. $11-Venmo @Caroline-Dawley 
Cash app,  $DawleyCaroline  Pathwayofpeace@yahoo.com


Wednesday, October 4, 2023




Your Mind - Body - Spirit must be in alignment for your greatest health.
Learn the Truth and the Truth will set you free.
Healing is possible -just take the first step

I am a healed healer and will gently guide you to move beyond pain and suffering.

Energy Healing with Reiki, Shamanic Healing, the Spoken word, and laying on of hands, will raise your vibration so that disease cannot survive

We will break Ancestral Contracts that are effecting your life

Energy healing removes the emotioal blocks and sets you Free

Entity removal of poison darts, bracelets, bonds, bands - that bind you

Together we will activate your ability to Heal yourself - you are your greatest Healer

Eliminate Anxiety and practice Peace - Move beyond triggers and take control of your emotions

Speaking the Word of God over your Life

Learn techniques to take back your power and Heal yourself 


text me for an appointment today: (727)738-0223
SunShip Center, Palm Harbor, Fl

Rev. Caroliine Dawley


Sunday, March 19, 2023



Energetics of New Creation: magic in action  (By Lauren  In The 5D Report)

 ENERGETICS OF THE NEW CREATION (Partial Message)New Creation …. in order for this new system, or application of creation to work for us…I am reminded that our heart must sing in tune with the song of Universal LOVE (528Hz). Not only must our hearts sing in tune with the hum of the universe, but so must every cell of our being.  This cellular resonance is literally what harmonizes us with the universal forces of creation…it is the key code to unlock and activate the intelligence within and around us to wield to our command. 

A final word from the Pleiadian High Council:  THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SPRING EQUINOX       The coming equinox is a special gathering place for those souls who truly wish to see their divinity through. This passage will be one of great healing, the resurrection of the human form into its divine template of light. This process has been underway for many years for most of you, however, it is in the final stages now. What we want you to remember is that you are not transforming into something new or something foreign, quite contrary to that, you are coming home to yourself, within yourself. There is a magnificent journey ahead, one that will bring with it many new revelations, many new beginnings, and many new-human capabilities.

Following the equinox, each of you will be imbued with the light of the risen Christ. We say this to inspire you to co-create with your physical bodies now. To awaken within you the sacred codes that enable you to remember how to unlock the restorative essence that is contained within the body and blood of your rising christed-Self.

Lastly, we would add that you are coming into a period of great expansion, and soon this will be all that you know. Not in the sense that there will no longer be periods of respite, of inner reflecting, but that once the transfiguration process completes, you will remain quarantined no longer. The metamorphosis period is drawing to a close and free you will fly. We assure you that this will be nothing short of miraculous for each of you to behold!


We are the Pleiadian High Council and we greet you in the House of the Christ. 

Sunday, January 15, 2023



Greetings and wishing you a Joy filled Sunday
As you know, I use the Golden Light in my Energy Healing sessions and in Meditation.  This is the Light of God coming down into the Earth and transforming everything that it touches.  I will introduce you to the meaning of the Golden Light and how powerful it is in your healing practice.  This Light is from the 12th dimension ray and enhances your Reiki practice as well as Shamanism for healing and transformation.
  • "The Golden Energy, also known as The Golden Light, is a stream of spiritual energy coming down from the Divine. It's a spiritual tether, a cord, linking you with the Divine, that you can use for frequency shifting, clearing your energy, healing, and recharging".

For daily protection, this is a very portective light that seals your chakras and energy body so that you no longer leak your energy.  This Golden Light also protects you from receiving negative energy.

    • This is the Light of God and vibrates at the highest vibration.  As this light permeates your body, it heals by transmuting lower energy to a higher vibration of Love, Joy, Happiness and wellbeing.  Use this light in your Meditation daily and you can imagine Heaven on Earth.
    • See yourself sitting yoga style in a Ball of Golden Light, everywhere you look, visualize this Golden Light touching the Earth transforming all that your eyes see.
    • Before I became spiritually enlightened, I was handed a Red Booklet with a Golden label with the words, THE GOLDEN FORCE.  I didn't know the person who gave me the booklet, however, it was a divine interaction to begin my awakening and beginning to understand the Language of Light Message:
    • You are called to the Light, you are the Light….

      You have come to Earth at a time when evolution is taking place, a major leap, that you can participate in. Many energies are coming to Earth now to participate in this great project. As this information is being beamed to you, your body must be able to receive it, hold it, and beam it back out to others. This is the evolution of superconsciousness the evolution into the highest aspect of your being. You do not need to worry about becoming this being for you already are, you just need to remember.  At the time of the harmonic convergence the veils around the earth were lifted and you have been steadily beamed with high energy from the outer Cosmos.  A dimensional shift that will lessen the density of the third dimension so that you will be able to move into higher dimensions.  Buried inside of you are all the answers; humanity is learning a great lesson at this time.

       The planet is in desperate need of committed people who are in search of their higher self, their Divine self.   It is imperative that you seek union with the divine light of your soul, that is life, that is the Great Spirit breathing Life into you.  You bring the spiritual self into your lives, and it involves being committed to discovering your spiritual path.   This can be translated in words as a frequency or wave of vibration. You understand vibration in terms of light and sound; and vibrations are outgoing and ongoing, they carry light and they carry vibration as well as downloads of information.  There's nothing stronger than for you to commit to your Divine self, once you commit to the energy of light the energy of the Divine will uplift your frequency, then you are becoming lightbody. When you are living in full unity with your soul light, then you live according to your divine mission.

       Wherever you are, use the pillar of light. We recommend that each of you visualize a pillar of light coming into the top of your head opening your crown and filling your body with beautiful golden liquid light. Breathe it in bring it down through your chakras.  Picture this pillar of light coming from the higher Cosmos or your higher star filling you and then coming out your solar plexus and making a ball of light around your body so that you can exist within a glowing etheric egg we also call your luminous body.

       When you make the commitment to say yes to spirit, “ yes use me here I am”,  put me to work and show me what I can do,  then you must carry your light and speak your truth.  Then spirit will put you to work. Ask, what is my purpose for being here? Tell Spirit what you want, what you need for compensation. Spirit will allow you to negotiate and write whatever contract you want as long as you are operating in a capacity of service to yourself, to uplift your vibration.  When you are in service to yourself and are committed to personally evolving and changing, you uplift everyone around you. And you uplift the vibration of the consciousness of the planet.  That is service. Walk in  Peace and love, Rev. Caroline Dawley 

Sunday, July 25, 2021


 Soul Retrieval Journey with Caroline Dawley                                                                            

I’m ever grateful to my Shaman, Carolin Dawley, for sending me this beautifully detailed account of my soul-retrieval journey. I hope it will inspire others to seek her assistance in their own Healing journey. I’ve read her book Shaman‘s Drum twice and could read it several more times. I just started her book Medicine Wheel Ceremonies. All three of her books are available on Amazon. Links in comments. If you’re interested in booking a session with her you can email her at whitefawnstar@gmail.com.
“Dear Crystal,
It was a pleasure meeting you and guiding you on your Soul Retrieval Journey. My gift to you is to share with you my intuitive recreation of your LIFE STORY.
To begin we set the Intention to find the original trauma or wound that caused you to be out of alignment with your higher self. We found that the trauma of your early child experience caused you to view the world as an unsafe place, and from that point of view, you were unable to receive all the positive emotions and life experiences that would make you feel whole, safe, and truly worthy of all that life has to offer. I am so happy for you that you were able to release the cords that fed your past, your woundedness. And to retrieve your soul part that had split apart out of Fear. The soul part that contained your Light and Joy.
So, let us begin to view your LIFE STORY from a new point of view as we follow the heartbeat of the drum and surround ourselves in Sacred Space for healing. We first used Sage the sacred plant that clears any unwanted energy and assists us to create the perfect environment. Then invoking the energies and gate keepers of the 4 Directions, we aligned with Creator and Mother Earth.
Listening to the sound of the drumbeat and following my voice as your guide you walked in nature and viewed a large Oak Tree that could be the Tree of Life. Opening your senses you observed the tree and found an entrance inside. There was a soft glow so that you could see and as I counted, you slid down into the very underworld, the place we called The Garden of Eden. A very beautiful Garden that you described as being surrounded by a forest. In this space you met a Woman who came to greet you and walk with you.
On hearing the sound of the River, you walked over to a boulder and relaxed, looking into the water.
Setting the intention to meet your Animal Totem, you saw a reflection in the water of movement behind you, and turning around, you saw Grandmother Bear who told you she is your Animal Totem and Guide who will and always has been with you. As you recalled having a stuffed animal bear as a child. She told you that She has your back and is giving you Courage to continue on your Healing journey.
Crystal, you are very blessed to have Bear as your totem animal. She is a powerful protector, who gives courage to enter the darkness of the unknown. She assists you to enter the unconscious part of yourself, even as she enters the cave of darkness to hibernate. In this inner space, you will find all the answers to your life, and know that she is you, she is your new energy of courage and strength. You are very blessed and remember to continue building this relationship with her, learn all about her and breathe her energy into your body so that you walk in trust, and confidence without fear. You have released Fear and replaced it with Trust.
And now it is time to Intend to visit the cave of the Lost Children. I asked that you look toward the direction of the River where a guide waited for you. You described him as an elder Native man with long silver braids and when you asked if he would take you to the Other Side, to find your original wound or trauma, he said yes. And you got into the boat that took you to the other side. Following a small path, you followed him to the Cave of the Lost Children. In the Cave are the faces of little Souls who had to leave because such Light cannot dwell in darkness. A part of yourself that can be called your inner child.
As you called out your name, a little girl came to you and you recognized that she was yourself at about age 6. When you asked her why she left you, she explained that she was afraid, that she lived in fear. She felt abandoned by her mother who wasn’t there to protect her from the horrific abuse her father inflicted on the other siblings. You knew you lived in an unsafe environment and imprinted this Fear on your life. You realized you Mother also lived in fear as a result of the life she grew up in. So it is generational, and could continue on to your children and future generations. It would be interesting at another time to do a Past Life Regression to find where this Root began in your ancestral line. But we know that you are stopping it in your lifetime by choosing to heal your original Trauma.
After asking all the questions and talking with your inner child, your soul essence, or spark of life, you thanked her and gave her a hug telling her you were healing this part of yourself and would return for her. But at this time, you had more healing to do. You followed your guide back across the river and sat on the boulder where you reflected on everything you were told.
After reflection, you intended to go to the Chamber of Healing where you were led to the Shaman’s Tipi where the shaman was waiting for you. As you went inside, you saw a small fire burning and a pile of furs that you were instructed to lay upon. I began clearing the energy on your Aura and the Ceremony of Shamanic Healing. Using the Rattle loosened the energy and swept it away with my wing and the sacred sage. I put you in a cocoon wrapped in gossamer threads of Silver and Gold and invoked AA Michael to assist cutting the cords that fed your shadow self. The cords are like a baby’s umbilical cord, and when they are feeding negativity into your 4 energy bodies, then you are living in an illusion, that is not your true nature, the nature you were planning for your life.
Beginning with your Spiritual body, you released any energy that separated you from Creator and all that is, that caused you to feel alone. That cord was cut and released and you were infused with the golden energy of the Sun, that immediately connected you to Creator and all that is. You are now connected, there is no separation. Oneness is a higher consciousness that understands in a higher dimension, knowing there is no division or separation from Creator, God, and all Creation are ONE.
Moving on I invoked AA Michael to cut the cords of your Mental body that fed your thoughts of Fear, thoughts of not being worthy, thoughts of being alone. As the cords were released you again received infusion of the golden light that healed every thought and sealed the holes in your energy body that were draining you, and that kept you in Fear. Your body was dropping density as you become filled with the Golden Light. You now are free to align with thoughts of Love, Worthiness, Wholeness, and you will increasingly feel thoughts of Happiness, Joy, Peace of Mind.
It is important that you each day, say thank you for healing my thoughts as I reclaim all my energy that was lost. I now claim my new view of Life. I now feel safe, happy, joyful, etc. Write down each thought and say 3x thank you, thank you, thank you for my new thoughts and world view as a safe and Joyous place, and for surrounding me with loving supportive people. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is how you continue to reclaim your energy lost and create your new life and reality. You create your atmosphere by what you put in your aura. Fill your aura with thoughts that raise your vibration and begin to glow with the golden light.
Now we begin healing your Emotional body. Invoking AA Michael to cut the cords that feed the negative emotions of fear, abandonment, alone, all that fed your old world view as unsafe. Feelings of unworthiness, of being unlovable. Feelings that caused trauma in your daily life. As you released the old feelings, you are asked to call back your energy from every trauma and negative feeling you had. As you call back your energy I sealed the hole to keep any energy from leaking and filled your emotional body with the golden Light, healing every cell, tissue, every emotion, so that you become Lighter and lighter and your Aura becomes brighter and brighter. I put you in a ball of blue light and sealed you with Golden Light so that you will shine with Joy and Happiness, and these feelings will grow stronger and stronger and your Light will become brighter and brighter.
Again, say each morning, thank you, thank you, thank you for healing my emotions and filling me with Happiness, Love and Joy, and I now attract people who have the same energy of love and joy. Like attracts like. As you shine your love you will attract love.
Moving on I now ask AA Michael to cut the cords that fed negative energy to your physical body. As you release these cords that fed your illusion, that caused you to live in your shadow self, you become infused with the vertical energy of God, and walk with a new confidence. You stand upright, and hold your head high, and you attract people who are celebrating life, who are joyous, and filled with Life. I smudged your entire body and aura that contains you 4 energy bodies. And I put you in a ball of Golden Light sealing in this new energy. I asked that all energy be transmuted to a higher vibration as you become whole. The word whole means, holy, healed. And you intend to celebrate this New Being with the Joy of Dancing.
Now releasing your past, your old being, I connect you to your new Divine Blueprint as you put on your Spiritual Body. At birth we are given an earthly body, but when we connect to the Creator Source Light, we put on a new spiritual body. We see the old cocoon drop away as you have dropped density, you now rise up A NEW BEING. See yourself glowing, you may have wings. You are Light, you are shinning. You will now receive instruction from your higher self, from your soul, not just your ego.
Now its time to leave the Shaman’s Tipi. Thanking the Shaman, you notice an Eagle on a branch nearby. I instruct you to look into to Eagle’s eye, and you become ONE with Spirit, you become one with the body of the Eagle. You feel yourself riding the thermals upward, flying freely over the water, as you can see outlines of sharks and dolphins. You fly wherever you wish to go. Eagle Medicine brings freedom, liberation, an ability to soar in any dimension. And an Eagle eye to assist you to see intuitively anyone and any situation. This is my precious gift to you.
Setting the Intention to soar to the Chamber of Treasures where you find your divine gift. Eagle sets down as you go inside, you walk around looking and you realize your divine gift is dancing. Leaving this space, you once again look into Eagle’s eye and setting the intention to see your healed soul self, you ride the thermals upward to another dimension where you see a temple and inside your newly healed soul. You said she is your age, waiting for you. When you ask her what gift she brings, she replies, freedom. Asking her if she will come with you, while you promise her you will love her and protect her and she doesn’t have anything to fear. She accepts and you hug her and bring her into your energy body. As you become ONE, you become whole, free, liberated, functioning from your higher self. She will give you the gift of Eternal Life, as she is your spiritual essence.
Now setting the intention to find your Divine Purpose, you again become Eagle and soar to a higher dimension where you meet 2 light beings who came to help you. Asking them to show you your new Divine self, you look and see a new day dawning and see yourself dancing! You realize that Dancing is a Gift and expression of spreading Joy in the World. As you Dance others feel your Light Energy and helps raise their consciousness, you will help raise the consciousness of the entire Planet. You have come to spread the essence of Love as you celebrate Life, you spread Joy. This is your gift to the world!!! Bless you. Caroline Dawley, Shaman Healer. 7/12/2021”

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Fourth Moon cycle of Truth  Budding Trees Moon.



Teaching: SEE THE TRUTH. Learn the animal, plant and mineral totem for this moon cycle.
Drumming: our intention is to raise the vibration for ourselves and the Earth.

East Gate: Illumination and Wisdom

Budding Trees Moon - Lesson: See The Truth   (March 21 to April 19 

Animal: Red Tail Hawk, Mineral: Fire opal, Color: Yellow, Plant: Dandelion, Clan – Thunderbird, Element: Fire
Hawk people born under this moon are fiery and filled with energy; are friendly, open and intelligent.   They are natural leaders and a symbol of hope for any new idea struggling to manifest.  They are catalysts, who make ideas into realities, and influence others with their positive and fiery energy.  They  have a direct connection with the Sun and with fire, a connection strengthened because they are of the Thunderbird Clan. Not only do these people begin projects, but also keep them going with the strength of their energy.  They must learn to deal with their emotions, which is more difficult for them, but this is the fire of their energy and they must learn to express themselves and set their emotions free.
Opal is a fiery stone that has water added to it. Because of the fire in the stone, it is connected to the powers of the Sun.  It is considered to be a stone of hope  and has the power to sooth the emotional body. Opal illuminates the positive actions of the self, enhancing the good and true and fostering one's highest potential.
Dandelion greens contain large amounts of vit. A, B, C, and calcium. Used as a tonic to rid the body of toxins in those organs, as a diuretic and to balance the blood sugar level in the system.
This position is directly influenced by the Thunderbird clan. The fire opal can teach people in this position about the need for water, for the emotions in tempering their fiery energy. The dandelion can show them the advantages of taking root as well as flying. The red-tailed hawk can demonstrate the joy of freedom and of a long, clear view. The Budding Trees Moon will teach you about energy, intensity, catalyzing change, fearlessness, and optimism. Being in this position will show you your leadership ability, the enormity of your own spirit, and the extent of your Clear sightedness. People experiencing the Budding Trees Moon need to learn to channel their energies, contain their emotions, and be more patient with others.
Moon Lesson: - See The Truth: Budding trees moon is the fourth Moon cycle of Truth.  We learn to See the Truth when we experience all Colors on the Medicine Wheel, we learn to respect and see truth from other points of view.  Each Moon cycle has a different color or vibration, when we see the truth in all colors we are able to create substance of our Dreams and Prophecies and manifest them on Earth..

April Full Moon Cycle is connected to the Medicine of Prophecy also called "Seeing the Truth". This is the Moon of the Healer, Seer and Shaman who guides people on their soul journeys. This Moon empowers the gifts of the Shaman as Seer, Dreamer and Visionary..  Teaching us to trust our Dreams, intuition and feelings as they exist in ourselves. She teaches us how to read the symbols that we find on our pathway and how to see the truth in every vision we receive.  The energy of this Moon cycle assists all people in the ability to See The Truth in all dimensions.  When we know the truth and see the truth, we honor the truth in all our relations on the great Medicine Wheel and regain our place in the Sacred Circle of Life.