Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Super Blue Full Moon

 To The Ascension LightWorker Collective 

THE FULL MOON ON AUGUST 19, 2024, WILL BE A RARE SUPER BLUE MOON, VISIBLE FOR THREE DAYS. The Full Blue Supermoon in Aquarius embodies powerful energies igniting the true soul frequency and shifting our realities . It brings freedom, self-discovery, personal power, new opportunities, and transformation by burning away blockages and outdated energy. This rare supermoon is the first of four in a row this year and the last full moon will be appearing bigger and much brighter than usual.

The Blue Supermoon in Aquarius is a rare celestial event that will have a profound impact on your spiritual journey and personal growth. It symbolises a time of cleansing, renewal, and alignment with your true purpose. 

By connecting with the energies of this supermoon you may experience a heightened sense of intuition, clarity, and spiritual awakening. Consciously Expanding in this opportunity for inner reflection, healing, and manifestation of inner desires. Remembering to set positive intentions and letting go of anything that no longer serves a highest good and purpose .

As we wrap up Leo Season and activate in the energies of a super blue moon in Aquarius, solar flares and solar storms are activating important energies for the next 3 weeks. This planetary lunar activation emphasises inner work, manifestation, and reaping what we sow. It is a magical and potent time of the year, marking a significant shift in seasons and awakening to the inner work that still needs to be done. 

By being attuned to ascension symptoms and focusing on energy clearing and manifestation, the ascending will align with higher frequencies and move towards a more positive, abundant reality. Remaining focused on clear intentions, releasing fear, and having faith in the Universe's ability to create miracles in life. 

Preparing for transformation and healing as this phase is encouraging letting go of negativity and embracing inner strength through tests, trials  and challenges. Expanding in this powerful space for healing and growth over the next 3 weeks.

This means you’re probably starting to feel the energies more and more.  So many ascending are feeling some types of ascension symptoms this past week. Assisting in clearing and cleaning any contamination from the auric and energy fields . Pains, aches, discomforts are always letting us know which areas need the most work at this time .  

Some ascending may still have a lot of fear coming up to be cleared , continuing to exist the 3D Old Earth timelines.  By shifting the focus to the life you feel aligned with and your desired goals you will shift into more of 5D New Earth timelines.

This is why energy work will help greatly at this time as the ascending are now investing energy in manifesting. This means thoughts are rapidly manifesting. This could be extremely positive depending on how much inner work has been done and how much energetic space has been created within .  

The new energetic paradigm calls for simplicity in attuning to higher vibrations for effective energy work. Focusing on identifying areas for inner healing to create positive changes. Accepting that this is a gradual healing process with faith and patience, addressing symptoms and connecting to the Light Source for support in transformation.

The physical body is evolving towards higher dimensions, requiring practices like being in nature, meditation, and positivity. Remaining focused on personal growth without being affected and energetically infected by others. A recent powerful energy wave has deepened our connection to source light energy, enabling us to express and reflect our light in the world.

In the new energy, releasing and healing occurs at metaphysical and multidimensional levels. Starseed activation empowers inner strength and intentional manifestation without physical confrontation. Expanding in this transformational journey towards higher consciousness and self-realisation.

The Ascending are now activating the light codes of ascension and evolution within every cell of the body. This activation brings accelerated transformation, higher consciousness and deeper healing to the mind, body and soul through the highest vibrations of universal love.

As the conscious journey unfolds, the true self emerges with qualities like humility, gratitude, integrity, and compassion. This ascension process offers new perspectives on past experiences and a deeper understanding of the evolving self.

Focus and faith are key at this moment as things will begin to shift rapidly for the Ascending . The Universe is constantly working miracles in our life, emphasising the importance of staying positive, maintaining faith, and being open to unexpected blessings and opportunities. 

Self mastery in life is when we learn how to control where our attention goes and value what we give our energy and time to.

Consciously aligning with higher self intentions, trusting in the process, and remaining open to the miracles unfolding in Ascending life. 

Loving and devoted Ascension service 

By Ascension LightWorkers ©️

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