Saturday, November 14, 2009

Believing In The 'Magic of It All'

As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

So many are all hanging on for dear life to what was and what should have been. Lets face it dear ones the tide lines have shifted and you can no longer sunbath upon the shores of the past. You are the wizards and handmaidens of the light. You alone hold the magic of ever changing possibility. The outcome of all action is innumerable and cannot be counted upon. In these times of change many have lost sight of the shore and thrash about drowning in a tidal pool. When the winds of change blow you can ride them soaring to new heights in delight or allow them to keep your tired and exhausted always fighting the force.

You now come to a place of struggle or release. The struggle tightens the grip, the release relaxes what binds us, and we are freed from the snare that entraps us We have been flying against strong winds for far to long we have forgotten that we can change direction in flight, and let the aft winds support us. That which has been against us now supports us.

Don’t subscribe to that which does not know itself. Subscribe to that which houses all knowledge without the limits of time. The presence of magic is alive and lives in the light. It is seeing God with a child like wonder in all things and all outcomes. It is believing in that which is not seen but can be felt in the heart. Recapture what was once a given. The universe leaves secret instructs at every turn of your day. Become investigative in nature; seek to see what lies in plain sight. Communicate with a deeper face of nature. She calls to you blindly to share her experience, as she changes costumes and acts.

A natural rhythm needs to be established as you walk the sacred path of life not as a stranger but a partner. See the magical qualities of life and step back from that which overwhelms you. Nature is a great healer, look at life from a different angle, and make your choices accordingly. When you see beneath the surface you see with the eyes of God. See with a great hope and a deep knowing. Become a seer of what is invisible to the human eye but not the human heart.

(The Year In Review) We are the Council of 29/ 11 that serves the year 2009.

The numerical doorway of 2009 is A POINT OF NO RETURN.
A place where the numerical status of planet earth comes to an immediate turning point. Exceeding the speed limits of the turn stile one will be catapulted forward into the echo of every past thought. A perpetual place of transformation held captive by all energies that are and have been aligned with the host human.

This expansion that is introduced from a place where worlds and stars merge is given as the gift of hope to humanity. Hope is imbued with science as more and more of what one believes in their soul comes to past and present. ‘You’ll see it when you believe it’ is shouted from the biological rooftops of humanity. Cellular intelligence declares its independence from circumstance, trial and error leaving no time to sit and ponder with the scholars as they rock upon their hunches.

Right comes from the left of humanness as internal circuitry reacts to the luminous downloading. Photonic particles are created as once was seen in fantasy, as life moves closer and closer to a dialogue with space without time. ‘Make it so’ is echoed in the halls of time as everyone is asked to participate in this next creational dance.

The Achilles heels/heals of many will ache with prayers as they are brought to their emotional knees in order to receive communion with first light. Humbleness allows an opening in the canyon of self that once dead ended and echoed of wrong choices. The impassable mountain responds to true emotion from the deep clear well of caring. Hollowness will not be seen as a friendly gesture as many still continue to serve self at the cafeteria of denial.

Serving the hole one has fallen into does not contribute to the healing of planet or self. When you find yourself falling down the rabbit hole of life and continual obligations do not stop to take notes on the way down. Don’t hold unto what falls away from you but in its stead look forward to the new land you are about to touch down upon.

You are asked to become more than you ever thought possible! You are asked to become the healer, you are asked to become the scholar. You are asked to become all that you shirk. You are asked to make personal decisions that even Christ himself would fret over. You are being pulled away from your personal line in the sand and taken to a new beach where your footsteps will be seen and counted.

You are asked to increase your belief factor in yourself and all of your abilities. You are asked to redesign yourself in a collage of life imitating art. You are asked to step up to the plate and sup upon what is needed to be done, let it fuel your life force. Instead of allowing life and her daily deeds to suck all of your energy allow it to give to you increased energy from all circumstances that surround you. Stop whining about what has be-fallen you and see it as a piece of the soul puzzle you seek.

Echoes of the ancients can still be heard in the heart beat of earth. Time that has been forgotten imbues itself upon these delicate reminders of all that is still hidden within the body and soul of terra Gaia and her children. As a monolith secreted thru time these energies will stay well hidden until your heart is ready to receive them.

Circular of nature time travels upon itself, revealing new formats and sequences of events yet to be birthed. All events thru time are recorded and seek a host that will allow them to be held in remembrance and not forgotten as a passing thought. Many of these ancient energies seek to be appreciated by all that matters. What is recorded within your crystalline matrix, leads you to the entrance of the master portal thru which all worlds must pass.

The light seeks to know itself again, as long forgotten parts of the universe meet yearling lights, those in form that will embrace and fully appreciate the ‘trueness’ of the energy. The call of the Ancestors from time immortal is heard pulsing thru the galactic vein. The heart of the Source pounds with expectations as it brings together dance partners that have not tangoed in light years

Are you willing to be entrusted with ancient truths that seek a host to hold them dear and breathe their truths back into remembrance? Are you willing to see the beauty within your self so you can see the beauty within life? For it is only thru love that you may enter their truths and sup upon their well-kept secrets.

The ultimate choice is to give without thought of loss. To jump without fear into the abyss with the knowing that in all darkness light is held captive. To come to the ledge and fly without fear or remorse VENTURING WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD and showing the universe what mankind is made of. There is no growth in a safe space and 2009 holds that teaching. Embrace the energy and light that you house and reach for the Event Horizon.
Seek what inspires you as you idle on neutral in the middle of the energetic storm. This storm seems a travesty in the making as so many are deterred from a future that is predicted by so many failure profits.

As the eclipses of 2009 continue their slow sinewy dance humanity is asked to enter places that they have endured thru time. The energies meet themselves in a photo finish as perfect timing shows the true will of the people. Everything is veiled as the planets shift and move in opposite direction. The eclipses unfold the curtains to show the backdrop of a passion play in session. You may feel as if your choices are narrow and barely seen on a dimly lit street at a dead end alley. Unfolding your fans to cover your faces is coy and dated. Batting your eyes to influence the outcome of anything will only strike out your own team.

All emotional flailing about weakens the immune system in a world that is already on the critical edge. The planets will align in an energetic form that creates a sacred geometry of trust. If one does not trust the leaders of the world then one must at least trust the Creator of said world. Division of thought will be seen for many months to come. Third world countries could be bought and sold with the throw away consciousness of those that seek the seat of power.

Bantering with the future of the world does not place one in the cockpit of destiny. What is yet 'to' be is still unformed and in embryo state. Riding the emotions of a world that is still at a point of choice will only serve to lower the immune system of many. Adrenaline spikes off the charts as the pulse of the world watches and worries. True faith needs to plant itself in the soil and soul of humanity. Do not allow yourself to be emotionally manipulated by the masses into giving up hope on a bright future. Look deep with the eyes of your soul and ‘sea’ what lies before you and behind you hidden in the ripples of time. Live on the horizon of your life and you will live to the fullness of your purpose. We are the Council of 29/ 11 that serves the year 2009.

Rainbow Eagle's third book is going to be published around the first of December.

Get in on the "EARLY BIRD" special-- Send only $20 (check or money order) to:
Rainbow Eagle
1143 County Road 5
Zanesfield, Ohio 43360
Book price and mailing WILL BE...($24.95 plus postage = $29) after 2009.
The "EARLY BIRD" special is for you and also to help pay for the printing of the book, as it is a Self-Published book. Thanks!
I hope that you can bring up the attachment. It is the front cover of the book. One of Mary's wonderful painting is blessing this book.
Love to all
Rainbow Eagle and Mary Rainbow Snake Woman

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