Caroline Dawley Is an inspired Message for our time, available on Amazon and Createspace/store
Drumming is an ancient form
that uses rhythm to promote healing and self-expression. From the shamans of
the rainforest to the Native Americans, rhythm has been used for thousands of
years to create and maintain physical, mental, and spiritual health bringing
peace and harmony to the planet as we become one harmonious sound. Current research is now verifying the
therapeutic effects of ancient rhythm techniques. Such research reviews
indicate that drumming accelerates physical healing, boosts the immune system
and produces feelings of well-being, a release of emotional trauma, and
reintegration of self. Other studies have demonstrated the calming, focusing,
and healing effects of drumming on Alzheimer's patients, autistic children,
emotionally disturbed teens, recovering addicts, trauma patients, and prison
and homeless populations. Study results demonstrate that drumming is a valuable
treatment for stress, fatigue, anxiety, hypertension, asthma, chronic pain,
arthritis, mental illness, migraines, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s
disease, stroke, paralysis, emotional disorders, and a wide range of physical
disabilities. For example, a 2014 study published in the Journal of
Cardiovascular Medicine enrolled both middle-aged experienced drummers and
a younger novice group in a 40-minute djembe drumming sessions. Their blood
pressure, blood lactate and stress and anxiety levels were taken before and
after the sessions. Also, their heart rate was monitored at 5 second intervals
throughout the sessions. As a result of the trial, all participants saw a drop
in stress and anxiety. Systolic blood pressure dropped in the older population
post drumming.
According to professionals in the fields of music and therapy and mental
health, drumming reduces tension, anxiety, and stress in many ways. Drumming
induces deep relaxation, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress. Stress,
according to current medical research, contributes to nearly all disease and is
a primary cause of such life-threatening illnesses as heart attacks, strokes,
and immune system breakdowns. A recent study found that a program of group
drumming helped reduce stress and employee turnover in the long-term care
industry and might help other high-stress occupations as well. Additionally, drumming
helps control chronic pain by serving as a distraction from pain and
grief. Moreover, drumming promotes the
production of endorphins, the body’s own morphine-like painkillers, and can
thereby help in the control of pain. Not only beneficial for pain relief, a
recent medical research study indicates that drumming circles boost the immune
system as well. Led by renowned cancer expert Barry Bittman MD, the study
demonstrates that group drumming increases cancer-killing cells, which help the
body combat cancer as well as other viruses, including AIDS. According to Dr.
Bittman, “Group drumming tunes our biology, orchestrates our immunity, and
enables healing to begin.” Additionally,
2012 study published in Evolutionary Psychology found that active performance
of music (singing, dancing and drumming) triggered endorphin release (measured
by post-activity increases in pain tolerance) whereas merely listening to music
did not. The researchers hypothesized that this may contribute to community
bonding in activities involving dance and music-making.
Drumming creates a sense of
connectedness with others that promotes unity and helps raise conscious
awareness of the experience of Oneness.
As we drum, we raise the resonant field of the collective group that matches
the hertz vibrational field of the earth. Drumming circles provide a sense of
connectedness with others and interpersonal support. A drum circle provides an
opportunity to connect with your own spirit at a deeper level, and connect with
a group of other like- minded people. Group drumming promotes peace. Drumming
unites us with the heartbeat of Mother Earth, raising our vibration as we
becoming ONE Harmonious sound. Rhythm, as a path, leads to the rhythmic roots
of all cultures. When we come into the circle and drum, we set the intention
for peace, harmony, unity and compassion for all beings. As the vibration rises, we become one united
sound, creating a vortex for change. That’s why I call it the Universal Language.
cultures use the same rhythmic qualities; like the colors of the rainbow, each
culture has its own sound and rhythm yet each is a part of the whole. Although
the focus or intent differs from culture to culture, rhythmic drumming has the
same power and effects in all traditions. The resonant qualities and attributes
of these are universal and come into play whenever we drum. The sound waves produced by the drum impart
their energy to the resonating systems of the body, mind, and spirit, making
them vibrate in harmony. When we drum, our body, brainwaves, and spiritual
energy centers begin to vibrate in response. This resonance leaves
reverberating effects up to 72 hours after a drum session. These powerful
effects can best be described in terms of their influence on the subtle energy
centers known as chakras. There are seven chakras and that the spiritual
traditions of the Hopi, Cherokee, and Tibetan and other cultures teach of.
There are vibratory centers within the human body referred to as spinning
wheels of energy called chakras. There are seven major chakras situated along
the vertical spinal axis from the genital region to the crown of the head. Each
vortex of energy is associated with a specific color of the rainbow, distinct
parts of the body, with particular functions of consciousness. Chakras control
the electromagnetic field around the body called the Aura. They are the
vitality empowering the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of one's being.
Imbalances in chakras lead to imbalances in body, mind, and spirit. Drumming
creates a vibratory resonance that activates, balances, and aligns the chakra
Rainbow Fire symbolizes an illuminated mind and clarity of all aspects of
consciousness. It describes the aura of rainbow color light that radiates from
a fully activated chakra system. This illumination within allows us to fully
integrate the wisdom of all seven centers of consciousness. The fire of clear
mind is ever present within each of us, so that each may find the way to unity
and harmony. Drumming is one way that we can cultivate the fire of clear mind.
The drum's beat ignites the Rainbow Fire within, illuminating the path and
showing us the way. With clarity of mind, we can perceive the feeling of
Oneness, Unity and Harmony creating a new consciousness. Through the insight
and understanding of illuminated mind, we can bring enlightenment to the world!
Please leave a comment, join our Peace Community. Peace is Possible. Caroline Dawley
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