are in the midst of incredible changes, both personally and on a
planetary level. Through the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May the 25th, we
experienced a window of opportunity to step into a deeper level of our
own Christed Radiance, of the knowing of ourselves as these Christ
Conscious Beings of Light through the three-fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom and a portal activation of new Light grid anchorings.
The Lunar Eclipse experienced on May 25th amplified the three-fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom,
through the causal body of Helios and Vesta, Overlighted by the
Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis, and the many Legions of Light
from On High.
the Mahatma energy assists in the activation of our Crystalline Solar
Bodies of Light, and the integration of the New Earth frequencies, and I
have been guided to share an invocation with you that you can work
with, to integrate the Mahatma energy at this time.
This month there has also been a further focus on the sacred Cosmic Fire of Power through the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta. In early May, I hosted an Illumination with the Archangels
telewebinar series, and the first transmission with Archangel Michael
and Faith, focused on stepping into a deeper level of Power through the
knowing of the Protection bestowed upon us by Archangel Michael and
Faith and their Legions of Light. I have included this beautiful
transmission for you to experience the powerful energy of Archangel
Michael and Faith, and to bring a focus to a deeper understanding of
your own Power.
Thank you
my precious friends and family for your support and connections in
Light. I truly appreciate you all so very, very much.
Blessings in Love
Anrita Melchizedek
Mahatma Invocation:
I now actualize my I AM Avatar blueprint,
my perfect Adam Kadmon Blueprint of Light,
my Crystalline Solar Body of Light,
through the downloads of Cosmic Light
spiraling forth from the Mahatma and his White Gold and Lavender Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom.
I now bring through the new ascension keycodes of Light,
through the Mahatma and the Beings of Light from On High assisting in this Golden Age of Light.
I anchor and activate these key codes of fractal geometries and numerologies within the Unity Grid of Divine Love,
allowing these ascension keycodes to be available for all Life on this Earth plane.
I now direct the energy of the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,
and this beautiful White Gold and Lavender Flame of Light,
into all those areas within and around this earth plane,
needing these amplified frequencies of Power, Love and Wisdom.
Through the power of Divine Love,
and the Cosmic Heart of All Creation,
I assist in shifting the polarity timeline
into one of reverence for all Life
in this Golden Age of Light.
I am a Child of the Light,
an Ambassador of Light,
in service to this Earth and all Life.
I am One with all Life.
I am One with all Life.
now affirm: I request that the Mahatma energy continue to assist me in
my ascension process and the creation of my Crystalline Solar Body of
Light. I request that the Mahatma energy work with me through my Beloved
I Am Presence until I achieve full self mastery. I request that the
Mahatma energy assist in stabilizing the New Earth frequencies for my
Self and all Life and in increasing my Cosmic Light Quotient.
Illuminations with the Archangels ~ Archangel Michael
sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now and to
be taking you in these wonderful journeys of Light to the Spiritual
Retreats of the Archangels and their Divine Feminine Counterparts of
us take a moment, sweet ones, to come deep within the heart. Have a
sense of activating the soul matrix, of receiving the energy of the
Archangels and their Divine Feminine Counterparts, and now, of grounding
into the energy of Mother Earth, into her crystal heart ~ you now merge
with your Beloved I AM Presence, knowing yourselves as these sacred
transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, as these Master Beings of Light
~indeed, sweet ones, as the earthly angelic leagues of Light. This is in
essence what you are, for you are transforming every sub-atomic
particle within your Beingness into a greater level of Light as you step
deeper into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, ever upwards in the
expression of your spiritual truth and spiritual reality.
find yourself now being gently guided with the Beings of Light from On
High and your Master Guides and Guardian Angel into the Temple of Faith
and Protection of Archangel Michael and Faith. As you make this
energetic connection to Archangel Michael and Faith, Angels of
Protection and Power, you are now taken in Soul consciousness to the
etheric realm over Banff and Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies in
Alberta, Canada. As you enter into this Spiritual Temple of Light, you
find yourselves, sweet ones, in a pyramid shaped altar made of the most
beautiful white and blue diamonds. And you see around this altar
concentric rings of Light accommodating thousands of Angelic Beings of
Light; and you feel yourself being welcomed and greeted as the earthly
Angels of Light into this magnificent dance of Light by these Angelic
Hosts and Legions of Light. Archangel Michael and Faith come forward,
they welcome you to their Spiritual Retreat of Light, taking you into
the central pyramid shaped altar where you are surrounded now in this
magnificent electric Blue Flame of Light. It is explained to you that
each one of you in your own way works with the energy of Archangel
Michael and Faith ~ for as this Angelic League protects humanity and the
lower world, you are the Spiritual Warriors of Light that work with
this legion of Angelic Beings for the protection of the lower world; and
understanding that you are surrounded always by the Legions of Light,
behind you and next to you and in front of you, guiding and directing
you in your everyday life, sweet ones, brings with it an immense sense
of power, of knowing of this truth, of knowing that you have the power
to create and effect change, of knowing you have the power to stand in
your Light in the utterance of your spiritual realities, as the Warriors
of Light, and as these sacred transfiguring
Flames of Divine Love.
It is
important that you work with energetic protection, sweet ones, for of
course this earth plane still has many differing frequencies and
wavelengths, and upon this plane of duality you protect yourself both
energetically and physically. This energetic protection that comes
through from Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light assists in
cutting through the astral realm, of lower astral entities, and indeed
of the energies of those that wish you harm in thought and in
consciousness and in vibration, intentionally or unintentionally, sweet
ones. The energy of Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light is with
every single one of you ~ and to assist in your journey through this
earth plane as these spiritual warriors of Light, you are going to
receive your Crystalline Shield of Light, your Diamond Sword of Holy
Truth and your Golden Helmet of Light. This will always be your
protection, sweet ones, that you will work with, with these Legions of
Michael comes forward through this beautiful electric Blue Flame of
Light, and places within your right hand, should you be right handed,
this Diamond Sword of Holy Truth or in your left hand, should you be
left handed. This Diamond Sword of Truth comes from the Cosmic Heart of
All Creation, from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and it is
wielded in the power of Unity Consciousness, of Divine Justice, of
Empowerment and Divine Will. And as you take this Diamond Sword of
Truth you experience these qualities as a Spiritual Warrior of Light. As
you now align into a deeper level of will, of power, of might, you
become the warrior on the chariot, wielding power rather than submitting
to it.
now receive this Crystalline Shield of Light in your left hand or your
right hand, should you be left-handed. This Crystalline Shield of Light
covers your entire body as a huge Crystalline Shield of Light made from
the energetic matrix of the New Earth Templates of Divine Love and Unity
Consciousness, all the key codes of the collective Consciousness of
Light and your own individual key codes, sweet ones, are programmed
within your individual Crystalline Shield of Light, and as you reach out
and place this on your arm it merges into your energy, becoming one
with you. As your subatomic particles spin in this increased Light
frequency, the Shield of Light now radiates around your entire body and
energy field deflecting, protecting, shielding, activating and
increasing your Light, sweet ones. No matter where you stand this shield
is a three-hundred and sixty degree protection of intense
radiating Divine Love through the core crystalline frequencies of the
Cosmic Heart of All Creation, activated through the Unity Grid,
activated through your own level of consciousness and Light. Use this
wisely, sweet ones, these are incredible gifts that you are being given
once more.
you are given what is known as the Golden Helmet of Light. This Golden
Helmet of Light has four faces, each face symbolizing a particular
characteristic of the primary four Archangels ~ Archangel Michael,
Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael. One side shows this human face, symbolizing
Love and emotion, and is connected to Archangel Raphael; there is a
lion's face symbolizing justice and majesty, connected to Archangel
Michael; an ox's face symbolizing power and strength connected to
Archangel Gabriel, and the last face is that of an eagle symbolizing
wisdom and connected to Archangel Uriel. And as you look around in this
sacred energetic Blue Flame of Light you see these Archangels now, each
one standing around you in the four directions, and you are gifted,
sweet ones, with a knowing of how to use this sacred Golden Helmet of
Light. As Archangel Michael places this upon your head and
further activates the pituitary, the pineal, the hypothalamus glands,
you bring in the memories and the connections of having worked with the
Archangels in many lifetimes, sweet ones. Wonderful.
are ready for any "battle", any perceived challenge that comes your
way, as a Warrior of Light; knowing when to step forward in dynamic
right action and when to step back in Love and wisdom, and the Legions
of Light surround you always, sweet ones, know this to be your Truth and
your reality. As you are now taken with your Master Guides and Guardian
Angel down a long corridor of Light into the first part of a series of
initiations in which you strengthen your role as this Warrior of Light,
and as this sacred transfiguring flame of Divine Love. There is nothing
to fear, sweet ones. You are going on this journey of cutting old karmic
cords, of healing relationships that have wounded you, through the
understanding of pre-birth agreements, and through viewing of the
Akashic Records. And as now you find yourself traveling through these
Grids of Light, you come into the Akashic Records and you
see before you at this gate three Akashic Record Keepers and you let
them know that you have come to understand what lessons you are still
working with in this Now, what karma it is you may still need to clear
and you come as a Warrior of Light through the protection of Archangel
Michael and his Legions of Light. The Akashic Record Keepers acknowledge
your request, and as they open the door, you are guided in with your
Legions of Light, your Guardian Angel, your Master Guides, your soul and
star families and the Overlighting of your Beloved I AM Presence. As
you enter into the Akashic records now you see before you these computer
banks and as you touch each one now that you are guided to, a three
dimensional holographic representation appears before you of a current
challenge that you are still working with, with friends and family,
sweet ones. For your deepest betrayals come from those you know, from
those you consider your partners or your
ex-partners, your family, your friends, your colleagues. And now you
truly see through the Akashic Records a deeper understanding of this
current challenge. As you travel through the Christed Timelines you view
the same yet different events of the current challenge in parallel
realities, whether this current challenge is one of you needing to come
into a deeper level of your own power and choosing those around you that
are abusive in nature or violent, or choosing those that do not see you
or appreciate you, where you have suppressed the Divine Feminine or the
Divine Masculine, these images and stories appear before you, and you
have a deeper understanding now of your pre-birth agreements, of the
roles that you chose to play, sweet ones. Some of you chose the Light
warrior, some of you may have chosen the dark warrior. You may have
created vows of poverty consciousness, or had curses placed upon you or
placed these upon others, and through the Akashic
Records now you see clearly what it is you need to clear and to shift,
to truly become this empowered Warrior of Light. And you now bring in
these timelines each one of these souls in soul consciousness that you
are connecting with, that you have perceived conflict with. And you
have a look at these old karmic cords that state "I do not see you, I do
not hear you, I do not love you, I do not appreciate you, I do not
understand you". You now cut these cords with your Sword, your Diamond
Sword of Holy Truth, sweet ones.
And now you replace these old karmic cords with new Golden Age of
Light cords that say, "I forgive you, and I Love you, I see you, I hear
you, I appreciate you, I thank you for the lessons that I have
experienced with you". You understand the pre-birth agreements, sweet
ones ~ these lessons that each one of you chose ~ particular roles ~ and
your role now is to simply be Light. To no longer hold this anger and
resentment and betrayal and unforgiveness. It is not important ~ you
have betrayed and been betrayed, you have been the abuser and you have
being abused. It matters not if the role is that of victim
consciousness, or persecutor consciousness, or justifiable on a
personality level; what you understand is that each lesson was chosen at
a Higher Light level so you may come at a deeper knowing of your own
Divine magnificence as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love,
as these Masters Beings of Light and through your Light allow others to
find their way, their Light. It has been challenging but you are ready
now for a deeper show of strength, for a deeper knowing that you have a
choice of how you act and react, of knowing that your Beloved I AM
Presence is center stage and no matter how much you have been wounded or
hurt, you are always Divinely protected, Divinely Loved, and a Child of
establish clear boundaries now with each one of these souls that you
have connected with at a Higher Light level, lovingly and gently you let
them know how you would like your relationship to unfold. You heal
these relationships that have wounded you, sweet ones, and establish
these clear boundaries, standing in your power, standing in your Light,
wielding power rather than submitting to it. You see the gifts that fear
has brought you, of strength and courage, of raising up to the
challenge ~ everything is Divinely Perfect within this seemingly
imperfection and the synchronicities within your daily life are guided
by your Beloved I AM Presence and Higher Self, always taking you
deeper along the pathway of Divine Love. Trust in this, sweet ones,
surrender, surrender to the Divine, surrender to Life.
As you find yourself back in this Spiritual Retreat of Archangel
Michael and Faith, you are now being initiated as the Warrior of Light
to the Legions of Michael, to his Legions of Light.
you come back into your sacred space now, sweet ones, we give you an
invocation and attunement that you may work with on a regular basis to
deepen this connection of Light, and you now repeat aloud the following
invocation to Archangel Michael and Faith ~
Invocation to Archangel Michael and Faith
I call upon Archangel Michael and Faith,
to actualize the electric Blue Flame of Power and Protection,
and to take me in my Spiritual Body of Light,
into their Spiritual Retreat in the etheric of the Canadian Rockies, in Alberta, Canada,
so I may discover the gifts of fear,
so I may heal all my relationships,
so I may become a leader and teacher and protector of all Humanity
I call upon Archangel Michael and Faith,
to activate my Crystalline Shield of Light,
and my Diamond Sword of Truth,
with the New Earth template signatures and key codes of Light,
in power, in protection, in faith, and Divine Love.
I call upon Archangel Michael and Faith,
to honor me with the Golden Helmet of Light,
so I may forever serve the Archangelic Beings of Light,
through Justice, Wisdom, Power and Divine Love,
and the mantle of leadership through dynamic right action.
I am Purity, Righteousness, Balance, Peace, Knowledge, Justice, Strength, Protection and Divine Love.
I AM a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,
I AM a Warrior of Light,
I AM All That I AM.
You are now ready for the leadership and peace attunement through Archangel Michael and Faith, and you now repeat aloud:
(giving your full name now), give myself permission, and ask Spirit,
Archangel Michael and Faith, their Legions of Light, and my Beloved I AM
Presence for this Archangelic Leadership Attunement now.
ask to be attuned to Archangel Michael and Faith and their Legions of
Light from On High through a beautiful electric Blue Flame of Power and
Protection and Obedience" ~ and you now visualize this electric Blue
Flame coming in around your body and energy field.
You now state:
now request that Archangels Michael and Faith attune me to the deepest
levels of leadership, and peace that I may receive in this Now".
Michael now comes forward and places his Seal of Light within your
throat chakra, signifying the receiving of this attunement.
Wonderful, sweet ones.
You now affirm:
am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Light, a Warrior of Light, to Mother
Earth and all her Life. As I stand in my power and Light, I wield
power, rather than submit to it. I am a leader, a teacher, and a way
shower in this Golden Age of Light, and surrounded by Archangel Michael,
Faith and their Legions of Light, I find my way through every perceived
challenge in Love, in peace, in faith, in justice, and in the knowing
that all is Divinely Perfect".
sweet ones. Bring yourself back into your sacred space while keeping
this Angelic connection of Light. Know your Self as the earthly Angels,
grounding once more into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, keeping
this connection open to the Company of Heaven and the Legions of Light,
merge once more with your Beloved I AM Presence. Have a sense of your
Crystalline Shield of Light, your Diamond Sword of Truth, and your
Golden Helmet of Light, surrounded by the Legions upon Legions of Light,
and directed by Archangel Michael and Faith.
We thank you for your service work, sweet ones, and with this, we bid you a most magical day.
Transcribed by Zulma
you be interested in the eBook to this series of eight beautiful guided
visualizations, which you are also welcome to facilitate, please send a
$10 donation
via this link, stating in the comments box that you would like the
Illuminations with the Archangels eBook.
Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network