Archangel Michael's Monthly Message
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masters, it is time to acknowledge and claim ownership of your CORE
ESSENCE, your true identity. You
are not just a male or female human Being residing on the planet Earth. You are not just a Soul within a physical
body with many facets of your Higher
Self scattered throughout this universe.
You are of royal lineage, my friends, with ancestors of great renown.
You are the StarSeed, the Wayshowers from the far reaches of the Omniverse, who
were sent forth on a special mission that is rapidly coming to a culmination.
You know who you are, for we have often spoken of this in the past. We do not want you to get the idea that you
are "better or more than" the rest of humanity;
however, those of you who have been reading our messages and applying our
teachings are now ready to step to the fore and share your wisdom with those on
the path behind you. You do not have to become formal teachers and hold
classes, even though this is a great and worthy calling if you have the desire
to do so.
The different
levels of consciousness the human species have experienced since first
embodying on planet Earth are: animal/human nature; human/human nature;
human/Spiritual nature and Spiritual/human nature. We will focus only on the
human/Spiritual nature and the Spiritual/Human nature at this time.
and greater numbers of brave Souls are well on the way to Self-mastery easily
flowing with the currents of the higher
fourth-/ lower fifth-dimensional energy, while learning to use their creative
gifts in ways never before believed possible. You, the Legions of Light, are
breaking down old barriers and structures that have held humanity in a limited,
restricted reality for many thousands of years. You now have a better
understanding of yourselves and those around you as you traverse the energy
waves of interactive response, gleaning wisdom and awareness as to what is in
or out of harmony. Many of you are amazed at what is now being presented to you
via the mirroring process as your reflection softens into a more loving and
gentle image.
There has been some confusion as to the difference
between the WORLD PYRAMID and the WORLD
World Pyramid is available to every Soul on Earth. Any person who feels
altruistic love for another, without conditions, has a permanent Etheric
Replica within the World Pyramid. The
World Pyramid has been created for all humanity so that anyone who wishes to go
there to commune with our Father/Mother God, the great Beings of Light and the
angelic forces may do so. It is a place to express gratitude and to pay homage
to our God Parents, the Supreme Creator, and the mighty forces of the heavenly
realms. It is a sacred place of the highest form, and all who wish to
experience the bliss of Oneness and share their spiritual abundance and Sacred
Love are assured a place there. You
could call it a great Cathedral in the Sky, for in the future it
will take the place of many houses of worship as the world's religions begin to
accept the advanced wisdom teachings mandated by our Father/Mother God. However, in order to become an active member
within the ranks of World Servers and gain entrance into the WORLD SERVER PYRAMID, you
must have firmly integrated the balanced frequencies of the higher planes of
the fourth dimension. You must also begin the process of integrating an even
higher frequency formula consisting of a variety of fifth-dimensional
energies. You must be centered within
the Sacred Heart so that you have gained access to the inflow of Adamantine
Particles of Creator Light. When your SOUL
SONG is attuned to frequencies outlined above, you
automatically gain entrance into the World Server Pyramid, which is positioned
in the highest planes of the Fifth Dimension. World Servers are also the
intermediaries between the Spiritual Hierarchy and humanity.
As a
World Server you must always remember that each person is on his/her own
special path of ascension and he/she will make the journey in their own time
and in their own way. You must always
remain empathic to those who are traversing the turbulent valleys of the
shadowlands; however, you must not get entangled in the ongoing dramas within
the illusional world of the lower densities. It is vastly important that you
view all that is occurring around you from a higher vantage point so that you
may remain centered within your Sacred Heart, for this is your point of power.
We will refresh your memory with some of the basic teachings so that you will
be able to share this knowledge with those who wish to share your Light and
your wisdom.
must honor your uniqueness and the specific design and structure of your bodily
form as well as the mental and emotional nature that you chose to experience in
this lifetime. Your gender, race,
culture and family lineage, along with the basic overall circumstance, were all
programmed to give you the best opportunity to face your challenges, develop
your talents and return to a harmonious state of Being, so that you can
reclaim Self-mastery.
living in a third- and lower fourth-dimensional reality exist within a vortex
of unseen energies; however, these powerful, lower frequency patterns are as
real as the air you breathe. Voicing
irritation or angry thoughts in forceful, loud tones draws forth lower astral
plane substance, a swirling mass of distorted, chaotic energy. It is vitally important that you monitor and
control your thought patterns so that you may exist in a balanced force field
of loving, empowering and beneficial thought forms, instead of a whirlpool of negative, distorted, chaotic
comes the purification stage of the ascension process. It is like awakening from a dream into a
conscious state of awareness. You begin
to see things differently, and a Divine discontent and some seed thoughts
begin to filter into your mind. Over time, a powerful source of energy begins
to flow through you, bringing forth new ideas and a desire to improve many
areas of your life. Also, your heart begins to pulsate with new feelings, more
compassion and sensitivity to those with whom you interact on a daily
basis. You also begin to feel a yearning
for something that you cannot identify.
the beginning process of expansion of consciousness, your narrow-focused life
will change dramatically. Your Soul Self will gradually become the director and
overseer of your life; however, the ego desire body will not easily give up the
dominance it has had on your mental and emotional natures for a very long time.
As you progress in conscious awareness, prayer evolves
into active and passive meditation.
Affirmations and mantras are ways of talking to our Father/Mother God
and the Beings of Light. Meditation or Sacred silence is listening for an
answer. Over time, the desires of the ego will
gradually be replaced by Soul-focused mental aspirations. You must follow the dictates of your Soul and
become attuned to the whispers and nudgings of your Higher Self.
must traverse the shadowlands of the lower astral planes and face all the
negative illusions you have created: fear, guilt, shame, unworthiness,
abandonment and a fatalistic sense of despair.
Gradually, you will gain the assurance that if you face these negative
thought forms head-on, there is nothing to fear. You will begin living a dual
awareness of Self whereby you will gradually tap into the higher astral
plane levels of the fourth dimension and the lower mental planes of the fifth
dimension. You will slowly harmonize and
integrate your emotional and mental natures so that you may then move on to the
process of attaining a "harmonious oneness with the many facets of your
human Self." When this has been
accomplished, you are ready for the process of integration with the
multiple facets of your Higher Self.
you continue to heed the call, you will develop a desire to understand the
meaning of life and what your higher purpose is beyond your limited, mundane
world of existence. Suddenly, the activities
and the people you previously interacted with no longer seem to bring a sense
of satisfaction and pleasure as in the past. The undercurrent of Divine
discontent begins to grow stronger within your mind and also takes precedence
within your emotional nature. Your
desire for spiritual knowledge grows stronger, along with the need to
understand what is happening to you. It
is as if the blinders have been removed from your eyes and you have become an
alien in a strange land. Perhaps you
have no one you can confide in, and you begin to feel isolated and alone.
you have opened the lines of communication and gained access to the wisdom of
your Soul-self, your solar plexus functions as your radiating energy center on
the physical plane. It is also a part of
the physical emotional center. As your Soul Self becomes the over-Lighting
influence in your life, you will gradually gain access to your Sacred Heart and
your Sacred Mind centers. As a result, your solar plexus is gradually
integrated into what we call the "SOLAR POWER
CENTER," which consists of the solar plexus, the heart, thymus
and throat. Thereafter, your Sacred Heart will be your Center of Power, for you
will have a constant flow of Adamantine Particles of Life flowing through your
Sacred Heart center, throughout your physical form and then out into the world.
You will also find solace, strength and compassion within the inner sanctum
of the Sacred Heart.
must create a solid foundation in order to effectively change yourself and your
personal world for the better. You must
strive to access the wisdom of your higher mental body in order to gain an
understanding of the universal laws and the workings of the cosmos. This is a vital step in the process of
becoming an initiate on the Path of ascension if you are to successfully
complete the process of releasing old, limiting, dis-empowering beliefs so that
they may be replaced with the en-Lighten-ed concepts of Self-mastery. As you
integrate these new, more refined beliefs and habits, they will expand into a
new philosophy of life, that of a compassionate Self-master. You will then be ready to share your newly
gained wisdom with those around you. In essence, you will be attending an inner-focused,
cosmic university whereby you must first understand, integrate and perfect
each level of consciousness before you are allowed to move to the next higher
level of en-LIGHTEN-ment and empowerment.
It is
advisable to prioritize the changes you wish to make in your inner and outer
reality. Endeavoring to make too many
radical changes at once will create too much chaos and discomfort. This is the
reason why so many people fall by the wayside and go back to their old "ways
of Being," no matter how painful and dissatisfying they may be. It is important that you identify the primal
instincts and habits that you have brought with you into this lifetime or that
you have accepted as your truth over the years.
You must walk through the LABYRINTH
OF LIMITATION created by walls
of distorted beliefs and negative vibrational patterns. Hate and fear are the
lowest frequencies of energy. Withdraw
your energy from the shadowlands and focus your mind and all your Beingness on
the Light. The darkness cannot grow or
continue to exist without the vibrations of hate, greed, judgment and
self-service through a desire to control and to conquer.
The parable or the concept of "being
born again," which was taught by the Master Jesus, really meant that every person on Earth must
go through the process of removing the
veil of ignorance and limitation through conscious effort in order to reclaim
his/her God-given status as a spiritual/human Being with a Divine Birthright.
and compassion are the highest frequencies within humanity's spectrum of Light
and shadow. Inspired, Sacred thought forms, originating within the Sacred Mind
and filtered through the Sacred Heart, are the most powerful, creative energy
in the material world of existence. The Flame within the Sacred Heart is
one of the manifestations of the Supreme Creator, the White Fire Essence
called Adamantine Particles. The Fire Element continually replicates
Itself, and through invocation it will eventually transform humanity's
distorted creations. The Fire Element is
the supreme force of the five elements: fire, air, earth, water and spiritual
You, the advanced Light Bearers, are now
comfortably established within the ever-increasing vibrational patterns of the
Earth's etheric body, which is gradually moving into the harmonious frequencies
of the higher fourth dimension while preparing to spiral into the lower plane
frequencies of the fifth dimension.
However, as you know, time is accelerating and your beloved planet is
progressing along the path of ascension more and more rapidly. As it does, your
reality will begin to change even more dramatically. Over a span of time, much
of what you thought was your truth, your new way of functioning and Being, your
new identity, will be upgraded, modified or left behind. A new holographic
picture is emerging, and in your uncertainty you wonder where you fit in this
new scheme, and what you are to do now.
We ask you to stay focused on the task at hand, to stay centered within
your Sacred Heart and to Light the Way for those on the Path behind you. There
are many wondrous miracles in the making, beloveds. Stand strong in your truth
and integrity, and we will Light the way for you. You are loved most profoundly; I AM Archangel
Michael and I bring you these truths.
through Ronna Herman *
As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman, claim the universal copyright in the name of
Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the
information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of
authorship and my
Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals,
magazines or public print with permission from : E-mail:RonnaStar@earthlink.net
Dearest friends, this past month, I have spent many
hours compiling a new booklet called "THE EVOLUTION OF HUMANITY *
is a pandemic among Light workers whereby it seems as though everyone is in a
state of physical, mental and emotional transformation, with many unusual
symptoms, some painful, some puzzling and some extraordinarily wonderful. I
have included some important information from other sources; however, most of
the articles are from our Beloved AA Michael and the Cosmic Council of Light. I
am most pleased to share this vital information with all of you. I hope that it
will help to ease your mind and give you some insight as to what is happening
as we move deeper into the process of becoming Spiritual/Human Beings.
Eternal Love and Angel Blessings. Your
Soul sister, Ronna
Saturday, April 7, 2012
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