Tuesday, August 28, 2012



Dear Ones,
The past two weeks have been a powerful period of awakening. In the process you have been instrumental in creating a new template for Divine Love on the planet as well as assisting in bringing an immense download of this love and powerful light to create positive change on the Earth. Because Love will literally bring up all that is unlike itself within you, many are experiencing upheaval in their emotional states. In fact you may be noticing increased turmoil in many areas of your life.
There is a rewiring occurring in your nervous system. The evolved consciousness coming into manifestation on the Earth now is creating waves of emotional clearing. This can lead to volatility in those not adept at working on their emotional states with peaceful intentions. When you are feeling inner turmoil, consider the waves this creates around you in your energy field, like ripples on a pond. It is important that you deal with your emotions so you become a peaceful presence. This is part of your soul purpose at this time. You may be noticing how turmoil has escalated in more volatile arenas in the world. When you become aware of these situations, it is important that you take the time to send the power of your loving awareness into those areas. There are extensive networks of connection between minds and hearts everywhere. The web of existence is becoming more fortified. Your soul agreement requires you to anchor the light of peace for the Earth now. This does not take much time or energy, but does require your focus of intention to become a vessel for peace.
There are many ways you can create sacred actions that are in alignment with your soul purpose and with the promptings of your heart. There are light beings seeding creative solutions for a peace-filled world and offering spiritual practices that can assist the process of awakening. Incense and the burning of sacred herbs have been used for centuries to purify and cleanse energy fields. This ritual practice has been observed by indigenous peoples all over the world and was adopted by organized religion. Consider using variations of this process in a way that will remove any stubborn obstacles so more harmony exists in your relationships and those situations that have captured your focus of attention.
Imagine a beautiful vessel of crystal, shell, pottery or any attractive metal that inspires you. Your vessel holds the incense of pure love. Through your prayers you ignite this essence so it can open doorways and clear all energy fields of disharmony. Your vessel of peace is in keeping with the ancient tradition of burning sacred herbs for purification. This incense of new life, peace and harmony holds Divinity. Your clear intent can send it where it is most needed.
Imagination is a key component in the activation process inherent in the awakening of consciousness on Earth. Whatever you hold as clear vision can have a powerful affect on the focal point of your thoughts. As you hold your vessel containing the purifying smoke of peaceful awareness, first use it to clear your energy field of any disharmonious thoughts and feelings. You begin by creating a pure heart and mind in yourself before you continue with any outer work. As you light the sacred herbs in fact or symbolically,  you ask that the smoke clear away all obstacles to peaceful co-existence within you. After you feel clear in your mind, heart and solar plexus, you can send this powerful purifying smoke across the web of space and time to clear the energy between you and another person or you and those living in an area that causes unrest in your thoughts and feelings. When you send this cleansing energy on the sacred smoke so it will remove all obstacles that interfere with Peace and Harmony.
Sacred herbs have been burned in shells, sacred vessels, on rocks and in many forms. The smoke from these herbs is beheld as sacred and has been used for cleansing and purification for centuries. When you carry on this tradition of clearing fields of energy, you are bringing more peace into your personal world and on to the planet. You can literally burn sage, cedar, sandalwood and other plants that are held in a sacred manner. You can use pure aromatherapy in a spray or a burner with intention for the purpose of clearing and purification of energy fields. Some feel they cannot use smoke or actual scents in their ritual for whatever reason. If this is true you can become adept at sending energy with your prayers and intention to clear obstacles in the way of harmony within a space or relationship. This ritual can become a powerful symbolic act that will bring you the blessing you seek and will strengthen the template of Divine Love on the planet.
Be the one who carries out the sacred acts and bring blessings into the world. Much can be learned in the new times when we honor the sacred ways from ancient traditions seeking to bring more harmony and sanctity to life. When we add our prayers and connection with the Archangels and masters from the earth and the stars, true power and awakening is the result.
Here is a prayer that may assist you:
Divine Presence,
Into the sacred vessel of my heart, I create an offering for the purification and clearing of the energy and web-like existence within and around me. I clear any disharmony from my energy field, from my thoughts, and from my heart. As I hold a relationship or situation in my awareness, I ask that I be free of any negativity, and bring an open heart and mind into this moment. In that way I know I will be open to harmony, new ideas and creative solutions. I ask for Divine Light to open the way to new life, more love, and peace within me as well as on the Earth.
For all these blessings, I am grateful and so it is.
May all your actions be inspired by the sacred vessel within your heart and inspire Love and Peace in your world.
Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel
August 21, 2012

A Shared Practice for the 9 Days of Awakening Light

For centuries spiritual masters have recommended a daily practice to strengthen your connection to the Divine, as well as to achieve certain goals such as spiritual awakening. For the next nine days from August 11 to August 20, we have been told that there is an opening for Spontaneous Awakening on the planet. We know that by working together in a shared vision we can achieve the Peace and Harmony in which billions of people all over the world would choose to live. People have been asking what we can do together throughout these powerful days of Light. The following suggestions are ways that we could share a vision and create a sacred practice, inviting more Divine Light and Love into our personal lives and into the world.
Archangel Gabriel has said many times that the vision of the Earth surrounded by Rainbow Light is a very powerful image that can act as a catalyst for Divine Shifts in Consciousness. Many have spoken about the power of a Rainbow Bridge between dimensions to link humans with the Angelic Realms and the Ascended Masters. The following suggestions use time tested practices such as conscious breath, prayer and ritual in order to engage our collective spirits and offer a way we can work together for the next 9 days to become the change we want to see happen. In India a specific and directed program for a particular goal done as a spiritual practice is called an “Anusthan.” We are offering this anusthan as something we can do together for 9 days to Spontaneously Awaken Peace and Harmony Within all Hearts on the Earth.
The Anusthan
1. Create a special place for your altar to be placed. Make sure it is clean and uncluttered, as sacred as you can. It does not need to be fancy but it does need to be as beautiful and precious as you can make it. Often the simplicity of a piece of polished wood or a beautiful cloth over a box will make an altar that is meaningful to you.
2. Have a white candle symbolizing Divine Light on your altar. You can also have flowers, crystals, meaningful pictures, or anything else that engages your spirit.
3. Every day, as close to the same time as possible, sit in front of your altar and light this white candle symbolizing the Light of Peace and Harmony in the world. As you do this, you can use the following prayer to invite the spiritual realms to work for the sanctity of the Earth.
The Invocation
We call on the Angelic Dimensions, the Ascended Masters, the Beings of the Earth and the Starry Realms who hold the light of sacredness for the Earth to be present during this dedicated time today.
We are asking that the Earth be restored to its original Blue Print of Perfection. We ask that the hearts of all beings be blessed with the greatest power of Divine Love that has ever filled the earth. We invite Divine Light to create a spontaneous evolution of consciousness within each person on the Earth so that Divine Love prevails and a Beautiful, Peace-filled planet is the result.  
May all beings live in Harmony, Peace and Love.  May all feel the blessings of Divine Light within their hearts, and may the Earth be empowered by Divine Grace.
We give thanks knowing that it is so. So be it. And so it is.
The Meditation
Sit in a receptive state of mind and heart. Visualize a green and verdant Earth thriving as it is surrounded by Rainbows of Divine Light. Know with every fiber of your being that Peace and Harmony on all the Earth is your Divine Birthright. Know that there is enough water, food, shelter, energy and all else needed for a vibrant, healthy and thriving world.
See the beautiful Earth surrounded in a Rainbow Bridge. Imagine that on this bridge there are millions of people who want Peace and Harmony in their lives. We are all holding hands in a joy-filled union. There are so many of us we completely surround the Earth with our Love.
Affirmation and Breath Practice
Do the following practice at least 12 times each day. You can say the affirmation out loud, to yourself or write it. These words can be said in any language you feel most comfortable using. The breath practice is very good for raising vibrational frequency so you are more in tune with your higher self. The total time for each segment of the breath is about 3 counts but can be adjusted to what works best for you.
The affirmation that we will be saying together every day for 9 days is:
I AM One with the Hearts of Millions of Beings Gathered in Peace and Harmony on the Rainbow Bridge Surrounding the Earth.
On your in breath say:  I AM ONE WITH THE HEARTS
Hold your breath lightly and say: OF MILLIONS OF BEINGS GATHERED
On your out breath say: IN PEACE AND HARMONY ON THE
Hold your breath out and say: RAINBOW BRIDGE SURROUNDING THE EARTH.
After this practice, sit and breathe normally visualizing the beauty and harmony of a peaceful world. Know to the depths of your being that
All your Needs are Met with Grace and Ease and You are Cared for Eternally.
And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
August 11, 2012
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