HEALING, Neutralizing Code-Numbers for Nutritional Foodstuffs and Health – (Thanks to a forward to me from Bill Hanaoski in Canada)
Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma – April 25, 2014 Heilungszahlen für Nahrungsmittel und Gesundheit –
Posted on 25
April, 2014 by ContraMary
than sending my grateful “Thank
You” to the Givers up there – beyond there – with a
great “Hallelujah” !
Namasté to all of you
for Nutritional Foodstuffs and Health –
Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma – April 25,
My beloved Humans on Earth –
this is Archangel Raphael speaking:
It is with
much delight that today I am able to submit to your hands another new (and still
old one) tool. With this message today I supply to you “Code-Numbers” which may
be of immense assistance to you when you are to cope with various daily issues.
Still, do make use of these codes only when you are really prepared to receive
them as gifts of divine creation. To use them in some unconscious way may also
lead to success but if you want to enforce their effects considerably you have
to establish im
Now at first
I shall give you some minor introduction necessary that you may comprehend the
real sense and meaning of these code-numbers and how you may apply them in the
very correct manner.
These Code-Numbers originate
from Times of Atlantis – by which I mean that these codes have been granted by
our Divine Creating Mother herself to the Atlanteans while she had incarnated
many times then on earth and supplied these codes herself
This was one
of her gifts to human people on earth at that time – however with the decline of
Atlantis and the pertaining frequency-downfall of vibrations such code-numbers
were no longer applicable.
Since today
– when publishing these code-numbers again – we have reached this very
frequency-level of energy again and thus these code-numbers are fully applicable
and functioning again.
I shall now
give you the Code-Numbers and their essential meaning hereunder
Once having
seen in real action how powerful these codes are – those will know what it is
like to be in harmony – UNI SONO – and united with
And now here
are the first Code-Numbers which may be applied for
H e a l i n g P u r p o s e s
45 634 :
Healing of cellular damages of any
56 789 :
Healing of open wounds (must be written above the specific
open wound into the air)
78 133 :
Healing of
severe injuries in the stomach-area which are not (at once) been able to be
dealt with by immediate surgery.
44 57 678
Healing of open fractures, which are not able to be fixed (at
once) and closed by some operational surgery.
Code-Numbers are applicable for all nutrition and foodstuffs which are no longer
of natural origin resp. being processed and altered by processes of the
nutrition and foodstuff industry.
code-numbers may also be applied to foodstuff which are not of confirmed origin
nor trustworthy sources. They have to be written only once on the package/can in
order to activate the entire re-programming.
24 46 713 :
Neutralizes gen-manipulated foodstuff. This specific
foodstuff will be returned to its original condition with its maximum effect to
human bodies.
24 57
all toxid components in foodstuff which were introduced during process of
24 67 987 :
Neutralizes all additives which are not natural – which are
being added in almost all the processing measures to foodstuff (for economic
reasons in order to save money). This Code-Number should be applied always since
presently there are insufficient declarations added to almost all foodstuff.
This code may be applied always and everywhere even if the meal is being served
on the plate already.
Additional Code to be applied for foodstuff ( fruits or
vegetables) to make it ripen to its full maturity. This Code supports the
process of ripening on its cellular level.
With all already maturely ripened fruits and veges this
code-number should not be applied – since they may otherwise over-ripen and thus
will lose their full efficiency and their optimum of nutritional
Additional Code-Number for all foodstuff on the brink of
moulding. By the effect of this Code-Number such fruits may become again
tasteful although they do not look like it.
Code-Number has been invented more for needy cases or for those humans who
- by their living conditions - are compelled to feed
themselves by such sort of foodstuff.
Please do
not use this Code-Number in case of any foodstuff which is still quite in order.
Otherwise this foodstuff originally - still impeccable – would be turned
into some inedible condition.
42 167
Additional Code-Number for all foodstuff which carry added
parts of alcohol in order to turn them into long lasting condition. This
Code-Number neutralizes all alcohol within the foodstuff. It may also be applied
to any drink in order to neutralize all alcohol in it – it does not have any
effect on its taste – still the alcohol looses all its effect on the human body.
This may
turn out as essential for all people not being able to tolerate any alcohol in
medicaments which were produced on basic alcohol levels. I urgently recommend
always again to make use of this specific Code-Number when treating alcoholic
addicted people in medical institutions. Neutralization within the particular
medicament will lead to some positive effects in the body of an addicted
acoholic which thus may reduce his addiction and later eliminate it
A t t e n t i o n p l e a s e
Under no circumstances whatever – may
this above code be applied for medicaments which were mixed with alcoholic
additives in order to gain some disinfective effects.
beloved humans, these are the first and prior Code-Numbers and more will
subsequently follow through this channel in due
Please spread these so
important Code-Numbers as far as possible and all over the world. And deal with
those in a most creative way ! Do write them down and alike some very diligent
and good pathfinder and scout carrying with himself always his pocket knife –
you should always carry these Codes with yourselves everywhere you go. Be it on
your way in the car or when walking and wandering in nature or be it on an
excursion there are always opportunities and occasions to make use of them and
in case of emergency they will be of some good medical first aid and great
you have made your first experience with it – talk with other people about the
effects of these Code-Numbers.
It is not permitted to
sell these Code-Numbers nor to have these reprinted in a book resp. to publish
All these
Code-Numbers are the Privileged Right of Everybody Human here on Earth
They are
– in fact – a present of the heavenly Forces of Light to all of us Human Mankind
here on Earth.
means of these Code-Numbers you may mutually take your part in levying out all
the institutions of nutritional foodstuff industry.
Simply – by writing down these Code-Numbers you may reverse
all harmful effects of additives or manipulations
keep in mind that all these Code-Numbers will unite with your inner hearts in
resonance if you will apply them in a certain conscious
There will be people
which recall these codes, humans in the Now and Here which will remember these
Code-Numbers because they worked with them intensively on Atlantis in old
very attentive and and very precise when writing down these Code-Numbers – since
otherwise they will not show the desired effect and you will be disappointed in
such case !
ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL and his team from the heavenly
Special Note:
concerning medical advice – please – always – when in doubt –
ask medical advice from your medical Doctor…..
Translated by
Copyright©(Contra)Mary=Evamaria H. It is allowed to share this message in its
complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the
original site is given.
Source of English
Translation: Code-Numbers for Nutritional Foodstuffs and Health –
Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma – April 25, 2014 Heilungszahlen für
Nahrungsmittel und Gesundheit – Erzengel Raphael durch Marc Gamma – 25.04.2014
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